In the quiet suburb of Shangling City, at the gate of a luxurious and flashy villa, many powerful and powerful security guards walked up and down the door from time to time.

This is the famous rich area in Shangling City, enjoying the first-class security level.

Gong Heng is at the edge of a huge man-made lake, holding a fishing rod, playing a light tune on the edge. He closes his eyes and seems to be keeping his eyes closed and looking very happy.

A gust of cold wind blew, and there were a few small ripples on the lake.

All of a sudden, the fishing rod shook violently --

Gong Heng opened his eyes, quickly grasped the fishing rod with his eyes and hands, and pulled back violently.

A perch, still alive and kicking, fluttered violently on the shore, struggling to return to the shore.

Gong Heng sneered and gently lifted his finger. The big bass, which was already a turtle in a jar, was smashed into a big bucket and convulsed twice. The fish turned over with its white belly facing the sky.

"Congratulations, Captain! It's the first time to win. The fish looks very fat! I'm sure the fish in the future will be big fish! "

"Yes, this is a good omen. Everything the captain will do in the future will be smooth sailing! Congratulations, Captain! "

"The captain's body method is really getting better and better, almost breaking the record again."

"This time the time is shortened again, it seems that the captain's skill is more and more refined."

The guards, who were not far away, cheerfully praised each other, and everyone seized the opportunity to flatter.

Gong Heng is also immersed in the sense of achievement in catching prey. In the words of many security guards, Gong Heng finally finds an outlet.

Since Gong Wenfeng was killed in prison, Gong Heng has never been able to go back to his original high spirited appearance.

A few months ago, he submitted an application for a long vacation to Shangling military region. He was far away from the heavy official duties and came to the country villa in the distance for relaxation. In everyone's eyes, Gong Heng was already a poor father who sent black hair to a white haired man. He couldn't accept the news of his son's death for a while, so he went back home to cultivate himself physically and mentally.

His son was once his all spiritual support. Any effort is for Gong Wenfeng. He has made great efforts in the future of Gong Wenfeng.

Gong Wenfeng made a small military feat in the shanhaijun area, and Gong Heng could transfer him to Shangling military area command. Entering Shangling District, he can open his wings and escort Gong Wenfeng. Step by step, he will be sent to the position of captain of Xinghe warship. He will fight hard for all the honors in his life, and let Xiaofeng pass on.

Gong Heng even has his grandson's name. When Gong Wenfeng comes back to shanglingqu, he will arrange a good girl for him.

It's just... It's all over Shanhai.

All because of Liao Xiaoduo!

Liao Xiaoduo, the insidious, smelly and hard roadblock, destroyed all his hard work!

"Ah, ah, ah!!! Liao! Small! More! " Now Gong Heng can hardly bear Liao Xiaoduo's existence. If he doesn't get rid of it, he will be unhappy for another day!

Bang -

the big red bucket full of fish is kicked into the lake by Gong Heng.

The guards behind him couldn't escape, and were all covered with water.

But no one dares to express dissatisfaction or even speak out.

Gong Heng's temperament is more and more cloudy and uncertain. If he is hit by the muzzle of his gun at this time, there is absolutely no good fruit to eat.

Dead fish bodies float on the surface of the lake, and their pale bellies have become soft and no longer hard. Red plastic barrels have been kicked to pieces.

Liao Xiaoduo, one day, you will be like these stinky fish, and I will leave you in this cold lake; like this bucket, I will make you dead!

Let you lonely, no interest, a little bit desperate to lose the hope of life.

Besides, I believe it's not far away.

Lin Huang's fool, a shock on the dupe, and Liao Xiaoduo hate to the bone. That pill will be used sooner or later.

At the thought that Liao Xiaoduo could be solved immediately and revenge for Xiaofeng, Gong Heng's heart began to feel happy again.

Liao Xiaoduo's stumbling block may never know how he died.

"Di Di Di..."

when Gong Hengzheng was elated, the communication device on his arm suddenly rang.

this is the eye liner he left behind when he left.

Is it that... Lin Huang has taken the pill?

Great! Liao Xiaoduo... Should have been dead!

Gong Heng was so excited that even his fingers were trembling slightly.

"Hello --"

"Captain! Lin Huang has taken the blue enchantress as we expected

"Great! Is Liao Xiaoduo dead under Lin Huang's fist? "

Gong Heng was so excited that he waved a fist into the air."But..."

the hesitant attitude of his subordinates made Gong Heng feel nervous and had a premonition that something bad would happen.

"But what?" Gong Hengli asked.

"But... But Liao Xiaoduo is still alive..."

"how can it be!" Gong Heng roared, "the blue enchantress can double the strength of a man. Even if Lin Huang is no longer a waste, he should deal with Liao Xiaoduo."

"At the beginning, Lin Huang really crushed Liao Xiaoduo to death. We almost succeeded in our plan."

"But... Liao Xiaoduo's strength suddenly increased, and he defeated Lin Huang who had taken the blue enchantress..."

the rest of the words about Liao Xiaoduo's prestige in the army had been greatly increased, and his subordinates did not dare to say any more.

Gong Heng's face at the moment is ten times more gloomy than thunder clouds.

"The waste of Lin Huang TM!" Gong Heng said with gnashing teeth.

A creak.

The million dollar limited edition fishing rod has been broken into two pieces.

Gong Heng's eyes seem to be able to shoot out angry flames.

"Liao Xiaoduo, I've designed it carefully for so long..."

"I've been hidden by you again!"

Gong Heng bit his teeth and hit the lake.

The huge spray of water suddenly splashed up, some dead fish bodies, once again from the lake was thrown on the shore.

The guard immediately stepped back several steps behind him, trembling slightly and filled with fear in his heart.

In the past few days, Gong Heng's temperament became more and more cloudy and uncertain. One second he was still smiling, and the next, he began to be crazy. Many brothers have been affected by anger and seriously injured.

They don't want to be the next loser.

"Will the selection of military exercises begin again?"

Gong Heng asked without expression.

"Yes, the trial will start next month."

Ha ha, the palace laughed again.

"Oh, then we should make a good arrangement to entertain these ignorant teenagers, ha ha...

before the late autumn, the guards just feel chilly, without a trace of warmth.