Before Liao Xiaoduo had time to adjust his breath, the ground suddenly vibrated for several times.

Push Push Push

A huge iron beast with a height of three meters came step by step. Every step he took made a big hole in the ground.

Liao Xiaoduo's eyes widened. He looked at Yu Qing in astonishment.

"Is this Puppet army? "

When Liao Xiaoduo was in the military academy, he once heard from his teachers that a senior weapon trainer can even forge a huge puppet army. It is not only powerful and equal to an army, but also fully obeys his own instructions. It can be said that it is a powerful weapon in combat.

It's just that it's extremely difficult to create a puppet army. It needs not only a high level of talent, but also hundreds or even thousands of times of tempering and experiments. In class, everyone thought it was just a legend. After all, even the experienced teachers had never seen the existence of the puppet beast.

Liao Xiaoduo didn't expect to see the puppet army with his own eyes one day, but the tricky thing is that the puppet army is not an ally but an enemy!

This huge iron beast is shaped like a lone wolf. It is made of hard and special materials all over its body. It is bulky but flexible. It is not inferior to a warrior who has received orthodox training.

Liao Xiaoduo's next jump immediately takes Tan Qingqing and Xiaoyun to a safer place, one with a golden bell jar.

"You seem to have more insight." Yu Qing's vulture looked at Liao Xiaoduo and laughed coldly, "Liao Xiaoduo, you should feel honored. This is the first battle of our warwolf. Hehe, I'll ask him to leave you a whole body. "

"Wolf, go, kill him at all costs

Roar -

the roar of tearing up the sky made all the people on the scene step back two steps with fear.

Darling, if you are slapped by such an iron beast, you can't be patted into a mass of meat sauce.

The hind legs of the lone wolf puppet beast continuously pushed on the ground, raising a choking and blinding dust mist.

I can brush it.

The puppet beast raised his thick arm and threw it at Liao Xiaoduo.

Liao Xiaoduo skillfully and quickly several somersaults, quickly drilled out from under the puppet beast.

When the puppet beast saw that he couldn't make it, he immediately swung his right arm and hit it.

Liao Xiaoduo was scurrying about on the ground. Before long, there were several deep pits on the ground.

This puppet beast is really not easy to deal with. It is powerful, but it doesn't seem cumbersome at all!

Liao Xiaoduo quickly escaped the attack of the puppet beast again, while brainstorming wildly in his mind.

It's absolutely impossible to hit hard. Liao Xiaoduo's punches at the seams several times just let the iron sheet concave a little. After all, the puppet beast is not a real person, and can not feel the pain. As long as it is not damaged, even if there is still a last breath left, it will continue to fight until the last second.

This is where the puppet beast is a headache.

Liao Xiaoduo hid in the back of the giant fountain, taking advantage of this gasping time, he called out the scraping card system in his mind!

Liao Xiaoduo quickly electric shock refining device class cards, brush brush brush selected more than a dozen into the shopping cart, ready to pay.

"Di -"

a huge red fork appears in front of Liao Xiaoduo.

"Prompt host, insufficient balance, please recharge in time!"

What! Liao Xiaoduo looked at the balance, and there were only tens of thousands of yuan left.

I can't even afford a card!

I guess I was overdrawn by myself just now.

The system can't be expected.

Liao Xiaoduo is a little panicked. After all, every time an emergency happens, he has the big golden finger of scraping card system, which helps him deal with one problem after another. With the system in place, Liao Xiaoduo only felt that he would never lose his life even in the face of a dangerous environment. But at this time, in the face of fierce puppet animals, the system can not be used, in such a critical situation, it is really uncertain whether this life can be saved.

"Xiaoduo! Xiaoduo, you must refuel! Never give up in any situation

"Xiaoduo, don't care about us, you go first!"

In Liao Xiaoduo's ear came Tan Qingqing's call. When he turned his head, he saw Tan Qingqing beating the golden bell jar. Tan Qingqing's eyes were in tears. Her always delicate makeup had been crying.

Liao Xiaoduo's heart slightly moved, for the sake of his family, he must hold on! He gradually suppressed the panic in his heart, and his eyes became firm again.

Not good! Liao Xiaoduo immediately rolled aside for several times.

It turned out that the puppet beast finally found his trace and punched him.

The place where Liao Xiaoduo used to stay was deeply sunk.

Damn it! Since the puppet beast is a refining device, it must have a mechanism. Since there is a mechanism, there must be a way to crack it.

Liao Xiaoduo used his light figure to jump around the iron beast, waiting for an opportunity to observe whether there were any special parts on his body.There's no head, no four feet, no back.

Strange, where is the flaw hidden?!

The puppet beast has been completely infuriated by Liao Xiaoduo's annoying flight like a fly. He roared, faster than just now, and every palm he took was fierce and murderous. He wanted to crush Liao Xiaoduo, a disgusting "ant", to death as soon as possible.

Several times, Liao Xiaoduo was almost hit by one blow.

Well done, warwolf

Yu Qing complacently looks at Liao Xiaoduo being chased into a mess.

Fortunately, although the puppet beast was dexterous, it was still put into use for the first time. Occasionally, he got stuck and gave Liao Xiaoduo a chance to escape. Just go on like this, sooner or later because of physical exhaustion and can only be caught!

Brilliant eyes!

Liao Xiaoduo spied out every part of the iron beast.

All of a sudden, he stepped on the wolf's feet and rode up on the head of the puppet beast.

The puppet beast was even more angry. He swayed his body and even rolled on the ground, and then he threw the disgusting man down!

Liao Xiaoduo's feet tightly stuck a small horn on the head of the puppet beast and quickly took out a worn-out knife from behind.

"Untie the ox knife!"

Liao Xiaoduo lifted his knife and waved it to his ears!


Seeing this, Yu Qing's face changed greatly. He wished he had been stabbed, but it was too late.

The knife left a deep scratch on the puppet's left ear. The puppet animal slowed down immediately.

At the wound, hundreds of wires were buzzing. Liao Xiaoduo finds a small chip the size of a fingernail. With a tug, the puppet beast has no energy supply and collapses to the ground.


The ground was shaking like the earth.

The original powerful and tall puppet beast is scattered on the ground like a group of scrap iron, unable to move.