Tan Qingqing and aunt have gone to have a rest.

Liao Xiaoduo is still sitting in the living room, facing the door, scanning the online martial arts school through the external projection equipment.

In the martial arts school, as always, there are still many people practicing martial arts at night.

Because the first martial arts school is built in virtual space, people from all over the world have the opportunity to study in martial arts schools. With the opening of the physical store and shark tour martial arts school, the popularity of the online No.1 martial arts school is gradually rising.

Satisfied, Liao Xiaoduo turned off the external projection, opened the quantum communication watch, and directly connected to the clock array.

Drop -

after a sound, there will be a connection.

A three-dimensional holographic projection appeared in front of Liao Xiaoduo.

"Xiaoduo, Xiaoduo, I didn't expect you to have such a means! Tell me, how did you do it? Hu Jianye, that old boy, has long been an eyesore to me! Have no chance to punish him, did not expect that you come back not many days, you kicked into the bureau! Come on, how do you do it? "

Zhong Zhen was born as a soldier and the owner of the martial arts school. Naturally, he saw many big scenes of fighting animals. But in the face of Jinzhou intriguing human relations, social politics, but always powerless.

The reason is that there is a rule that the military should not interfere in all other matters of local government except security affairs.

Therefore, the clock array has the strength of a group of troops, but it can not be used.

Every day, I have to watch a group of people cheat, extort and do all kinds of illegal things. However, they suffer from the lack of strength to fight against each other, so they suffer from their own consequences.

Now I hear that Hu Jianye has been renovated, but I don't know how happy I am.

Therefore, he asked Liao Xiaoduo why.

Liao Xiaoduo is stunned. How does Zhong Zhen know?

It turns out that there are some acquaintances in the police station.

When Liao Xiaoduo went to the police station, he was not only safe, but also had a secret meeting with Zhang Ping.

However, no one knew what happened before Liao Xiaoping.

"Nothing. Don't you know that I am an expeditionary army, because many things involve my family, so I have to ask for help."

It is not allowed for soldiers to interfere in local affairs, but if it involves bullying of soldiers' families, it is another matter.

The soldiers of the warriors defend their country in front of them, but their families are bullied in the rear.

Soldiers are bleeding in the front line, while the rich and noble children living and working in peace and contentment in the rear are tyrannical and trampling on their relatives.

This is something that every Chinese people are not allowed to happen.

When Liao Xiaoduo answers this way, Zhong Zhen has nothing to say.

"What do you want me to do

"Help me. Tomorrow I'm afraid these people will jump over the wall, so please contact the security forces nearby."

The security forces in every city are equipped with combat power above the police, specialized in dealing with those StarCraft raids. Generally, they are selected from the army. Naturally, Zhong Zhen, who was born as a soldier, has something to do with them.

After a bit of calculation, the clock array can see the terrible situation in Jinzhou.

From businessmen to politicians, a dark network dominates Jinzhou. If this cancer is not removed, the people of Jinzhou will undoubtedly live in a dark world.

And this is what Liao Xiaoduo was surprised to find in Jinhua building.


Liao Xiaoduo and Zhong Zhen ended the conversation.

When Liao Xiaoduo asked how long he could be ready, Zhong Zhen vowed: "two hours at the most, and tomorrow morning at the latest."

Dong Dong -

there was a strong knock on the door. Liao Xiaoduo was not happy, so he hurriedly informed Zhongzhen of the dangerous situation, and then ended the call.

Tan Qingqing and her aunt came out in a hurry, their faces were flustered.

Liao Xiaoduo could not stop comforting: "nothing, you go to rest first, I will deal with it!"

Liao Xiaoduo opened the door and saw a group of uniformed policemen, but it was totally different from what he was in contact with today.

They are more like gangsters in police uniform.

He knocked on the door and asked roughly, "are you Liao Xiaoduo?"

"Didn't you know that long ago?" Liao Xiaoduo said.

Liao Xiaoduo can see that the stairway is narrow. The people behind the policeman are already full of stairs. There are people upstairs and downstairs. It seems that they are all warriors.

The sound of the urn, the police pulled out a detention warrant covered with a red stamp, and then a police officer took out a pair of silver handcuffs, which were to be bound to Liao Xiaoduo's wrist.

Liao Xiaoduo didn't resist at all, but said softly, "let me talk to my family, OK? Otherwise, they are always worried. "

The police nodded slightly, and the two policemen who seemed to have great strength followed Liao Xiaoduo in the living room.

Tan Qingqing dressed in pajamas, dishevelled, haggard face, little aunt clothes in good condition, not a bit ready to rest.At this time, the two said anxiously: "police comrade, my brother is a soldier, he has a good record and a good man. He has not done anything against the law and discipline. You can't arrest him for nothing

Obviously, the leader didn't want to listen to such nagging, so he shook the detention order in his hand and said, "detain and assist in the investigation temporarily. If there is no crime, the person will be released naturally. Don't worry. "

However, the reason why the detention warrant is not an arrest warrant is that the matter is too late and there is no opportunity to obtain an arrest order through the relevant departments. Liao Xiaoduo can only be trapped with the detention warrant first.

Liao Xiaoduo and the two said the usual words of taking care of themselves, and then suddenly whispered: "contact Zhong Pu Yao Lulu!"

Tan Qingqing understood immediately and blinked several times with her eyes still.


the next day, shortly after dawn, many people went to work.

The community is becoming less populated, the security guard at the door is also gradually slack, lying in the tea room leisurely, looking at the beautiful woman on her head, her face still shows a dirty smile from time to time.

Seeing the sparse suit youth passing by, he murmured: "cut, I'm here to advertise again. I'm really patient." Nowadays, many business people still like to visit.

The community is a civilian community, living in ordinary people, so the security guard at the door is also some "martial arts practitioners" who are slightly stronger than ordinary people.

Security guards have practiced martial arts for a few days, but they are quite different from those who are orthodox trained.

For example, he couldn't see the bulging temples of men in suits and the big hands with prominent bony joints.

And the murderous eyes.

The door rings again after a series of tossing in the middle of the night.

But this time it wasn't the police, it was strangers in different clothes.

One of them had a bald head and was very young, and he would laugh as soon as he spoke.

"Sister Lulu asked to see sister Qingqing to see if there was any trouble?"

"No, no, we don't have any trouble here." After Liao Xiaoduo left yesterday, Tan Qingqing immediately telephoned Yao Lulu and Zhong Zhen. She only told them about Liao Xiaoduo, but did not let anyone protect them.

However, for the sake of safety, the two martial arts schools sent people immediately.

Otherwise, this bald little six son will not come to see Tan Qingqing's safety after beating a group of black suit people who come to make trouble.