"Too fast? How can it be? This is the ultimate deceleration. I have three times the deceleration Lin Shuanger looks incredible.

Three times of time, the speed of slow down is the limit of his ability, ordinary people do not say that the speed of three times slow down, even if the speed of double slow down is enough to kill.

But now fengyixiu is still fast, there is no human figure at all. He really can't imagine how fast his real speed is!

At this time, Feng Yixiu is holding a silver bone dragon gun, and his whole body's spiritual pressure is extremely compressed and burst out. In coordination with the speed of thunderstorm step, the speed has reached a terrible state.

Feng Yixiu almost immediately rushed to the star spirit Gemini. As long as the fighting spirit still exists, his opponent will enter this field with tortoise speed, not to mention launching an attack.

A silvery white light flashed by, and one of the white star spirits was directly picked up by fengyixiu's silver bone dragon gun.

Although the star spirit Gemini's ability is very abnormal, but the actual combat effectiveness is very general, only one shot will pierce it directly.

When he was ready to turn around and chase another fleeing star spirit, he saw that Lin Shuanger and Lin cooking wine were not flustered at all, but were smiling.

For a moment, I was very puzzled. Then I turned around and found a white light slowly condensing. Then a complete white star spirit was revived again.

Wind also repair, the whole person leng for a while, feel very puzzled in the heart.

With a faint smile, Lin Shuanger said in a deep voice, "it's useless! Unless you can kill my spirit Gemini at the same time, they will be able to resurrect forever

Smell speech, wind also repair eyebrow a frown, a time heart is also difficult.

It's not hard for him to kill one spirit, but it's hard to kill two spirits at the same time.

If he doesn't have the skills, it's not hard to do it.

Feng Yixiu smiles and disappears in place. Several flying steps fly up to a hundred meters high.

"Eight moves against chaos, scattered star shining!" The wind also blows.

The silver bone dragon spear in the hand is like a dazzling white thunder, just like the stars shining in the night!

Central China team looked at the sky that thousands of stars shining, one is pale.

This move they have heard before, it is the powerful spirit weapon skill of the eye of destruction chaos, absolutely can't underestimate the existence!

The stars almost cover the whole field of time. If you take this move, I'm afraid you will lose your vitality if you don't die!

"Shuanger, use that move!" Lin Shaojiu said softly to Lin Shuanger

But Lin Shuanger hesitated and said, "but I'm afraid..."

"It's nothing. I have to defend the glory of Huazhong University." Lin boiled wine roared.

"OK..." Lin Shuanger nodded slowly, and then took out a white gold level magic card.

"Dimensional distortion!"

A black crack slowly appeared behind fengyixiu, a huge attraction was attracting him.

However, the attraction was not out of control for him. Just as he wanted to break free from the shackles of gravity, he saw a dark red figure rushing towards him.

Before Feng Yixiu reacts, he feels that his shoulder is pushed by someone. He also subconsciously pulls the other party and drags it into the space crack.