"It's a pity that your father..." Cheng Limei's voice choked.

Ye Ziyang went to Cheng Limei and said, "Mom, you have a good rest today. What's the matter? When you have a good rest, this will be your home in the future. Besides, I'm going to move recently, and my new home is already being renovated."

Cheng Li Mei said with a smile: "I'm really happy to see you so promising."

Ye Ziyang nodded and said, "well, I'll be by your side every day and let you praise me."

Ye Ziyang came out of his mother's room and saw a worried Luo Yuxin standing there. Ye Ziyang asked with a smile, "why don't you go back to the room?"

"I always feel that you are not very happy?" Luo Yuxin looked at Ye Ziyang and said, "isn't that right

"Ye Ming died strangely." Ye Ziyang said the process of Ye Ming's death again.

Luo Yuxin frowned and said, "how can this happen? Can't you ask about your father's death? "

"Yes, the point is..." what makes Ye Ziyang very concerned is the half of what ye Ming said.

"Well, I know what you care about." Luo Yuxin continued: "I believe the truth will emerge."

Ye Ziyang said with a smile, "I think so too. Moreover, it's time to solve Ouyang Mingyu."

Luo Yuxin nodded and said: "Xu Na's Revenge must be avenged!"

"It's not just the problem of revenge, but also the things Ouyang Mingyu himself has done, which is enough for him to die more than 100 times." After ye Ziyang finished, he went to the basement.

Long time no see, Wu Yan has been using drugs to keep Ouyang Mingyu alive, but the mental torture has let Ouyang Mingyu to the end.

Ye Ziyang looked at Ouyang Mingyu, who was no longer a man, and said, "Ouyang Mingyu, do you know the consequences of provoking me now?"

Ouyang Mingyu raised his eyelids and didn't take a bath for a long time, which gave him a bad smell: "Ye, ye Ziyang..."

His voice is not big, ye Ziyang can hardly hear it.

"Now you don't think what will happen, do you?" Ye Ziyang dragged a chair. At this time, Wu Yan also came in.

"Chief, are you going to interrogate him?" Wu Yan looked at Ye Ziyang and asked.

"Don't count interrogation, just talk. Can you make him talk again?" Ye Ziyang said, "at least let him speak clearly."

"It's easy." Wu Yan took an injection from the cabinet and put it into Ouyang Mingyu's body.

After waiting patiently for three minutes, ye Ziyang heard Ouyang Mingyu clearly say, "is that enough? Ye Ziyang, I've had enough. I've been tortured by you for such a long time? "

"Well, almost." Ye Ziyang nodded with a smile: "it's almost time to let you go."

There was a smile on Ouyang Mingyu's face, but he was embarrassed.

"But don't be happy too soon." Ye Ziyang said with a smile: "if you leave here, how can I let you leave nothing?"

"You, what do you mean?" Ouyang Mingyu looked at Ye Ziyang and said, with a look of panic“ Before that, let me tell you about your boss, Ye Ming. " Ye Ziyang said with a smile: "today I came to tell you that Ye Ming is dead."

When he heard this, Ouyang Mingyu's whole body was stiff there.

"You, what did you say?" Ouyang Mingyu looked at Ye Ziyang and said, "the old man is dead. Is he dead?"

"Yes." Ye Ziyang said with a smile: "your heart is still thinking about letting Ye Ming save you, isn't it? It's a pity that even if he's still alive, it's useless, because he doesn't know you're here, but he always thinks you're missing. "

"Boss, such a powerful person, unexpectedly, unexpectedly died..." Ouyang Mingyu muttered to himself all the time.

Ye Ziyang said with a smile, "yes, he is dead."

"How, how did you die?" Ouyang Mingyu looked at him and asked.

"How did you die? I did it, of course. " The leaves heaved

"You should know what happened between me and him," he continued

"Just a little." Ouyang Mingyu said: "so, what do you tell me about this?"

"I want to tell you that your future life is hopeless." Ye Ziyang looked at him and said, "you really know current affairs. You should think about yourself at this time."

"I've done it all, and I don't mind one more time." Ouyang Mingyu said.

Ye Ziyang smiles and says in a gloomy voice: "that's good. Leave your tendons in your feet and hands!"

"What?" Ouyang Mingyu looked at Ye Ziyang and said, "you really push me to the end of the road."

Ye Ziyang raised his hand to Ouyang Mingyu and said, "do you have the face to say that? Xu Na's leg, do you think you'll just let it go? "

Ouyang Mingyu looked at Ye Ziyang for a long time, then lowered his voice and said: "Ye Ziyang, just this time, you leave me a way to live, count, count, I beg you!"

"Eh?" Ye Ziyang looked at him and said with a smile, "is the sun coming out from the west? Do you have a day to ask me? "

"I'm in your hands. What can I do if I don't ask for mercy?" Ouyang Mingyu immediately said: "if that woman could say a soft word, I would not be cruel."

Ye Ziyang can almost imagine that even when Xu Na was dying, she was still cursing Ouyang Mingyu.

"It's too late to say anything now." Ye Ziyang looked at Wu Yan and said, "after breaking the tendons of hands and feet, throw them out."

"Ye Ziyang, are you too cruel?" Ouyang Mingyu tries to make a final struggle.

"I'm far behind you!" Ye Ziyang looked at him and said, "after you go out, you can be a good man again."

With that, ye Ziyang turned and left.

"Ye Ziyang, don't leave for me, you come back..." Ouyang Mingyu's voice is locked in the basement by Ye Ziyang.

When he came out of the basement, Luo Yuxin was still in the living room talking to Mai Rui.

Mai Rui looked at Ye Ziyang and said, "let me guess, did you waste Ouyang Mingyu's feet?"“ Almost. " Ye Ziyang said with a smile: "it's the first time that I hate a person so much. This time, it can be regarded as an account to Xu Na."

Luo Yuxin looked at Ye Ziyang and said, "why don't you call Xu na?"

"Well!" Ye Ziyang nodded, then got up and went back to the room, took out her mobile phone and pressed Xu Na's phone number

"Why do you call when you have time?" From Xu Na's voice, we can feel her mood. It seems that she is in a good mood: "I heard what Wang Xiyu told me, but you are powerful!"

Ye Ziyang then said with a smile, "how can you even make fun of me?"

"How can I have it?" Xu Na continued: "you, are you right Ouyang Mingyu..."

"Ah, well, after that, his hands and feet will be useless, and I will avenge you." Ye Ziyang whispered: "sorry, Xu Na..."

"You've said it over a hundred times. I don't want to hear it anymore!" Xu

"I'm very happy that you can let me go," she said

"Wow, it's too much to say, what should I say to let you go..." Ye Ziyang continued: "but I still want to solemnly apologize to you. For the last time, I'm sorry, Xu Na, because I made you become what you are now, and it's hard for me to return this feeling in the future."

Xu Na didn't speak. After a long silence, she said, "my parents and I have moved to a place near my unit. Deputy director Luo is very kind to me. He makes a desk specially for me, and doesn't give me any special treatment because of my legs. I like this feeling very much."

Ye Ziyang said with a smile, "I'm really happy to see you like this. No matter what time it is, I hope you can go on like this all the time."

"Don't worry." Xu Na continued: "well, I have to deal with Wang Xiyu's affairs. He came back suddenly. Deputy director Luo asked me to find a position for him. After all, he has made contributions."

"Well, I will also arrange for Wang Xiyu, his sister Wang Mengling and his mother to meet as soon as possible." Ye Ziyang thinks that Wang Ji and Wang Mengling are not the same

It's time to come back.

Xu Na pause, said: "Ziyang, I should also thank you, because of you, I can be so strong, and Wu Yan, because of his care, my body did not leave any sequelae, the most important thing is, in the period when I need people, you are all by my side, I really want to special thank you."

"Well, well, let's stop thanking each other and be polite." Ye Ziyang immediately said: "tell me if you need anything. I will help you if I can."

Ye Ziyang knows that if Xu Na has something to do, he will not find him, but he wants to compensate Xu Na in other ways anyway.

After hanging up the phone, ye Ziyang sits in his room. He has never had peace in his heart. The goal of ten years has finally been achieved today, which makes him really happy, but he is very disappointed.

After all, the secret of my father's death has not been found out. I'm afraid my mother doesn't know much about it. After all, I don't know anything about the Federation. Now there is a more thorny issue, which is who will take over the Federation?

At this time, Murray knocked on the door and came in: "Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye, tell me

I have good news for you. "

"What's the good news now?" Ye Ziyang looked at him and asked.

"Wang Ji called and said that he would be back tomorrow, with Miss Wang Mengling," she said“ That's great Ye Ziyang thought of Wang Xiyu and said, "finally, Wang Mengling and Wang Xiyu can recognize each other!"

"What?" Mai Rui looked at Ye Ziyang and asked, "what's the relationship between Wang Xiyu and Wang Mengling?"

"Brother and sister!" Ye Ziyang looked at him and said, "in order to be an informer, Wang Xiyu ran away from home a few years ago and let his relatives think that he has disappeared in recent years. In fact, he is an informer in Yonglian Association."

Mai Rui Leng Leng: "return, return really fierce, such person now already few?"

"Of course Ye Ziyang then said: "with such a brother, Wang Mengling is really happy!"