If you want to talk about Zhong Lang, ye Ziyang thinks he is absolutely reliable. He is one of the most honest men in Ye Ziyang's mercenary team. Ye Ziyang doesn't think Zhong Lang will speak to him.

But Mai Rui, who is Ye Ziyang's favorite, is one of the best in the mercenary team, but he is more refined, so

"You ask Xu Ying and Pei Wen to follow Mai Rui secretly these days to see what he is doing." Ye Ziyang commands Zhong Lang on the other side of the phone.

"So, brother, are you doubting Murray?" Zhong Lang looks surprised. Obviously, he doesn't believe that Mai Rui will betray Ye Ziyang and the organization.

"There must always be reasonable doubt." Ye Ziyang didn't say much. He just sighed and thought of other problems, "just do what I told you. You'll always find out. And finally, I have one more question. "

"Well, boss," you asked Zhong Lang listened carefully.

"Has Luo Yuxin been to a restaurant called shankouju recently?" Although Ye Ziyang thinks this is unlikely, he still has to confirm it just in case.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Sister-in-law is not the kind of person who will go to drink." Zhong Lang denied it directly. Because people who know Luo Yuxin know that she is not the kind of person who is greedy for wine.

"Yes, I see." Ye Ziyang hung up.

Fan Ying is listening to Ye Ziyang on the phone. She is also very depressed. After all, the clues they worked out are not easy to deduce. In this way, do they want to overthrow them all and start over again?

"What do you think of that?" Ye Ziyang looks at Fan Ying with a strange face. She is the only one who can discuss this.

"Is there something wrong with the direction of our reasoning?" Fan Ying frowned. In fact, she is very nervous now. If there is something wrong with her previous reasoning direction, she should overturn all her previous ideas now. In this way, everything will start again. Isn't it farther and farther away from rescuing luoyunan?

"But apart from this clue, we have no other investigation direction." Ye Ziyang kicked the trunk. this

If someone else loses it, it's something that the national security bureau should deal with, but now that Luo Yuxin loses it, it's 100% her fault! Moreover, Luo Yuxin had received spiritual stimulation before. If the kidnappers did something to her, it would be unthinkable.

"Damn it Fan Ying clenched her fist and said, "what are these special things! Are you challenging us? "

"Let's stop messing about and think about it." Ye Ziyang reconsidered the people who had been kidnapped before, but just as they had thought before, the only point of contact between these missing people was that they had all been to the Shankou tavern.

So ye Ziyang had a new idea, "do you think there will be such a possibility. The person who kidnapped Luo Yuxin is not the same as the one who kidnapped others? "

"You mean Fan Ying's eyes brightened and she wanted Ye Ziyang to speak more clearly.

"I mean, other people have taken advantage of this missing person

The muddy water of the case kidnaps Luo Yuxin and disguises him as a missing person, but he may have a different purpose. " Ye Ziyang said it carefully again to Fan Ying.

"But what good will it do him?" Fan Ying still thinks that this assumption doesn't make sense. After all, kidnapping is not for people, but for money. If other people kidnap Luo Yuxin, it must be for money, but has Ye Ziyang received any news similar to blackmail“ No, there's another possibility. " Ye Ziyang's eyes suddenly become fierce, slightly squinting, like an angry tiger, "maybe, for revenge!"

"Revenge?" Fan Ying is very puzzled, Luo Yuxin in addition to money and status, should not get into any enemy just right, how can someone in order to revenge, do not hesitate to kidnap her.

"I only think of one person." Ye Ziyang is obviously angry, he can basically determine that the prisoner is that person.

"Who?" Fan Ying is very curious.

"Ge Tianxiong!"

It is not impossible for GE Tianxiong to retaliate against Luo Yuxin. After all, last time, it was the Luo family that made Ge Tianxiong lose a lot of money and a big face in his plan to buy Xia's and Luo's companies at the same time. When you think about it, the grudge is not small.

At about one o'clock in the morning, it's getting dark, and there are few people outside. Ye Ziyang plans to leave Fan Ying and take the risk to visit Ge Tianxiong's gang base at night. Now for him, nothing is as important as the safety of Luo Yuxin.

But at this time, Zhao Tingting called.

"Brother, my sister-in-law is now in the intensive care unit of our hospital. Come quickly." Zhao Tingting tone is very urgent, guess all guess now Luo Yuxin's situation and its not good.

"What?! Don't spread the news yet, I'll be right there! " Ye Ziyang didn't even ask about the situation. He put on his clothes and ran to the hospital. He kept praying in his heart. If anything happened, he would come to Ye Ziyang. Don't let Luo Yuxin have something to do!

To the hospital, in the middle of the night, the corridor is quiet, only a few nurses are still patrolling, Zhao Tingting is one of them. Zhao Ting

Ting see ye Ziyang came, then directly met up.

"Brother, this way!" Zhao Tingting quietly called the visitor and waved to him. Her face was full of uneasiness.

"How's it going?" Ye Ziyang is very anxious. His heart all confused, fear, uneasiness bit by bit hit him. He was afraid. He was afraid to see Luo Yuxin lying on the bed with a pale face. He was afraid that Luo Yuxin would not talk to him or smile at him. He was afraid of everything!

"Not very good..." for Luo Yuxin's situation, Zhao Tingting can only say so, and then she leads the way in front, "brother, follow me this way."

Zhao Tingting straight with Ye Ziyang to Luo Yuxin's ward. But ye Ziyang was not allowed to enter the ward. Because the hospital said, Luo Yuxin is not out of danger, is in a high risk period, so to isolate observation, not to visit, in order to prevent other lesions infection.

"How could that be? What happened to Yu Xin? " Ye Ziyang thought that he had forgotten all his feelings with Luo Yuxin. He worried that she was just entrusted by Luo Zhentian.

But since he saw her lying in the intensive care unit alone with a tube all over her, he felt sad, remorseful and distressed

All of them burst out, making his whole body almost collapse.

Now he finally understood what he was afraid of, whether it was her pale face or not, all of which was because he was afraid of losing her.

"It was a tall man who sent his sister-in-law to us, but he left after he handed the man over to us."

Zhao Tingting looks at Luo Yuxin like this, in the heart is also not easy, "the body, after the doctor's examination, said that... Sister-in-law, she had received electric shock, and repeated electric shock, there are some bruises and other skin injuries on her body, it looks terrible, the effect is like being tortured, afraid to be sent later, sister-in-law she..." "electric shock?"

Ye Ziyang don't understand, how can someone be cruel to Luo Yuxin under such a cruel hand.

But now he has no energy to think about it. If Luo Yuxin can't wake up, I'm afraid he's going crazy!

"Brother, don't worry too much, the doctor also said, the situation is not too bad, maybe, maybe tomorrow morning, she will wake up."

This sentence is actually made up by Zhao Tingting herself to comfort ye Ziyang. All the people who have entered the intensive care unit, how can the situation not be bad. It's just that she can't bear to see ye Ziyang's down and out now and wants to comfort him for a while.

"Well..." Ye Ziyang lost his spirit and slid down against the corner of the wall, so he stayed in front of the ward all night.

The next day he was awakened by Zhao Tingting. Zhao Tingting happily told him that Luo Yuxin woke up and had safely passed the dangerous period.

Thank goodness, if Luo Yuxin doesn't wake up, he doesn't know when ye Ziyang will be decadent.

Ye Ziyang instantly changed the decadent appearance before, stood up and rushed into the ward.

"Yuxin, Yuxin, can you hear me? I'm Ye Ziyang. How are you? I'm here with you. I'm sorry. " Ye Ziyang rushes to the hospital bed, grabs Luo Yuxin's hand, buries his head on the bed, and his voice is crying.

"At present, Luo Yuxin has no strength to speak. She moves her finger slightly to indicate that ye Ziyang can hear her.

"I'm sorry Yuxin, it's all my fault. I'll always be by your side and protect you..." Ye Ziyang's tears fall into the quilt, and he doesn't dare to face Luo Yuxin.

Luo Yuxin looked at him sad, in the heart is not good, but she can't speak now.

"Brother, my sister-in-law is very safe here. She needs to rest. Don't disturb me. I will take care of her." Zhao Tingting comes in and takes Ye Ziyang out of control, so that he can go back to rest first.

But where does Ye Ziyang have time to rest? He doesn't have the mood to rest. The thorny cases haven't been solved, and the murderer of Luo Yuxin hasn't been confirmed. How can he sleep!. He washed his face, got a little spirit, and went straight to the National Security Bureau.

Early in the morning, the guard at the gate of the National Security Bureau had fallen asleep on the table. Recently, the case was serious, and the National Security Bureau had to increase its duty. A large number of night shift NSA personnel came out of the building.

Ye Ziyang didn't think much, and he didn't bother to say hello to the guard. He went straight to Luo Zhentian's office.

In the corridor, he vaguely heard the voice of a conversation in the office, but he couldn't hear the content clearly. Maybe the other party lowered the volume.

It seems that Luo Zhentian didn't sleep for another night. I don't know how much reaction Luo Zhentian would have if he knew the current situation of Luo Yuxin.

Ye Ziyang knocked on the door and pushed it in.

But he did not expect that in front of Luo Zhentian's desk, he saw a person who surprised him.