Sure enough, not out of Ye Ziyang's expectation, that night, the person who tied away Lengyue took the initiative to contact Ye Ziyang.

You can tell that the caller used a voice changer and made some electromagnetic interference, which shows that the man who tied Lengyue away was extremely careful. At the same time, ye Ziyang felt that this person might know him.

"If you want me to release the cold moon, bring the burning stone to see me, otherwise, hum!" The other side did not say anything else, but put forward such a request to Ye Ziyang.

Luo Yuxin, who is also listening to the phone, is at a loss. What is the burning stone at the top of the mountain? She looked at Ye Ziyang strangely, but saw that he was thoughtful.

"You know that thing?" Luo Yuxin frowned.

Ye Ziyang didn't answer her words, but nodded heavily.

It is said that there is a special kind of rock on the top of Juyan mountain. It is also said that the mountain is guarded by Juyan beast. So far, no one has been able to bring it down smoothly. So, this is almost an impossible task.

"What do you want the rock to do?" Ye Ziyang asked the person on the phone. But he probably knew what they wanted the stone for.

If the stone is red, it can generate heat by itself, which can strengthen the blasting force of many explosives. It is an excellent material for making explosives and various weapons.

Ye Ziyang just casually asked, hoping that the other party can say more, maybe he can find some clues.

"You don't need to know that. Just bring me the stone." The other side is very vigilant and refuses to disclose any information.

"Come on, we can make a deal." Ye Ziyang is not willing to give up and wants to get something out of each other's mouth.

"You're not qualified to make a deal with me." The other party coldly refused, "a week, I limit you a week, you bring back the peak burning stone to me, otherwise, I can attack Lengyue at any time."

"Good, good, you don't get excited, have something to say, let's..." didn't wait for ye Ziyang to finish, there was a busy tone on the phone.

"What to do?" Luo Yuxin looks at Ye Ziyang with worried face. she

Worried about the cold moon being tied away, also worried about looking for ye Ziyang, who is on the edge of the mountain.

"Yuxin, I have to leave for a while. During this time, I will find Wu Yan and they will protect you." Ye Ziyang didn't think about it. Lengyue couldn't help it. He believed that Luo Yuxin would want him to do the same.

"Is it dangerous? Can I go with you? " Luo Yuxin takes Ye Ziyang's hand and pleads with him.

"Fool, if you are here, I will be distracted in case of danger." Ye Ziyang took Luo Yuxin's hand and vowed, "don't worry, one week, one week, I will come back safely."

Then ye Ziyang calls Mai Rui and tells him to go to Juyan mountain with him the next morning. He also called Wu Yan and asked him to deploy some brothers to be responsible for the safety of Luo Yuxin this week.

On the other hand, the mysterious man gives a new task to his eyes in his secret room.

The next day, ye Ziyang and Mai Rui meet an acquaintance at the foot of Juyan mountain.

Familiar with the back, familiar with the long legs, ye Ziyang felt very strange, things can not be so coincidental.

"Why are you here?" Ye Ziyang walks over to Wang Mengling, looking alert“ Of course, I don't trust you, so I'm here to help you. " Wang Mengling also approached them, with a natural expression on her face, unable to see anything else.

"The national security bureau already knows that I'm going to get the mountain top burning stone?" Ye Ziyang feels even more strange. Is the National Security Bureau monitoring him?

"No..." Wang Mengling hesitated for a moment, or frankly said to Ye Ziyang, "this is my personal behavior, which has nothing to do with the National Security Bureau."


Ye Ziyang's expression of doubt did not change, but he did not speak again.

"All right, all right, I'll tell you. In fact, I installed eavesdropping software in your mobile phone, so I heard your conversation with the kidnapper yesterday. " Wang Mengling reluctantly said it, then looked up at Ye Ziyang's face, and dodged.

"When did you start eavesdropping and what's your purpose?" leaf

Ziyang is a little annoyed. You know, most of the things he does need to work hard. Any mistake or leakage of information is likely to kill him and his brothers.

"No, I didn't hear anything. I installed it the last time we met." Wang Mengling was a little wronged and his eyes were red. "If you have to ask me what my purpose is, then if I tell you, I monitor you because I like you and know you always do dangerous things. I'm afraid that something will happen to you, so... Are you satisfied?"

"Wang Mengling, you... Don't be like this. I'm not good. I'm not good." Ye Ziyang is at a loss after hearing this sudden confession. Although Wang Mengling is a good girl everywhere, who let you already have a Luo Yuxin in your heart.

"So you're not angry?"

"Not angry, not angry." At this time, ye Ziyang in addition to surrender, what can he do? After all, he is a man, in the face of a woman who likes himself, but also a beautiful woman, how can he get angry!

"Well, I'll go up the mountain with you, OK?" Wang Mengling

He asked tentatively, and then added, "you don't have to worry. I won't pull you back. I have the ability to protect myself. Maybe I can help you, OK?"

"Well, I promise." Ye Ziyang can't help nodding his head.

So a group of three went up the mountain. Careful Mindy has already prepared the topographic map of the mountain. Just looking at the map, we can see that the mountain is quite steep. The mountain has a smooth slope and is covered with snow all the year round, so it is difficult to move. On the other side, there are cliffs, below which the bottom can not be seen.

"Chief, you can only walk on the cliff. Do you really want to go?" Mai Rui shows ye Ziyang the map. In his eyes, he felt that it was an impossible task to get the burning stone from the top of the mountain.

"It's too humiliating to go back like this, isn't it?" Ye Ziyang is very relaxed. He doesn't want to bring tension and oppression to the two of his peers, so he pretends to be relaxed. In fact, he was extremely nervous.

"Well, if the chief says to do it, I'll follow him." With that, Murray took the lead on the other side of the cliff.

Ye Ziyang looks at Mai Rui's vigorous figure and smiles

Sure enough, he didn't look at the wrong person.

Cliff is cliff, if it is a little fat, it is estimated that it is difficult to pass. Ye Ziyang and others took out the triangle claw hook that had been prepared for a long time and threw it to a high place, which added another layer to their safety factor.

"Chief, from this cliff, you can get to the first cave. There should be nothing to guard the door. You can go through it directly." Mai Rui looked at the map and analyzed the route for ye Ziyang, "ah, that's it!"“ Good Ye Ziyang brows a tight, "through the past!"

But what they didn't expect was that the safest cave on the mountain was not as simple as they thought.

A group of crows flew out of the cave, black and black, seriously blocking their vision. If they were not careful, they would easily fall to pieces.

After entering the cave, they finally stood on the flat ground. But after a long walk, the cave became invisible.

"Ah Wang Mengling suddenly exclaimed.

"How's it going?" Ye Ziyang stops and asks about Wang Mengling.

"I seem to have been bitten by something strange." Wang Mengling's voice sounds very painful, his forehead also began to sweat.

"Murray, light up." Ye Ziyang gives a command to Mai Rui.

"Yes." Mai Rui took out the flashlight from the side pocket of his schoolbag, and his whole body was illuminated instantly.

Ye Ziyang squats down to check the injury on Wang Mengling's calf. The wound was slightly purplish. According to Ye Ziyang, it was bitten by the peculiar insects in the mountain.

Because he has traveled all over the world in recent years, and has never seen such a wound. And from the purple point of view of the wound, there should be a lot of toxins in it.

"You have to bear it." Ye Ziyang tied the bandage tightly above the wound.

"Well." Wang Mengling clenched her lips in pain, and apologized on her face, "I'm sorry, I'm still giving you trouble."

"Don't say that yet." Ye Ziyang began to squeeze hard around the wound. Now he needs to help her squeeze out the toxins in the wound, so as not to let them continue to spread. "If you are bitten, it means that there is a deeper place in the cave

There may be a large number of such insects. If we don't prevent them in advance, we are likely to die in this cave. "

Spray, bandage. Ye Ziyang's action is clean and neat. At a glance, he knows that he often does this kind of thing.

"How are you?" Ye Ziyang looked up and saw Wang Mengling's pale smile. His heart was pinched tightly for no reason.

"I'm fine. I can keep going." Wang Mengling forced her weak body to smile.

"Well, we have to go through this cave today. There are poisonous insects here. It's not safe to spend the night." Ye Ziyang got up and patted Wang Mengling on the shoulder and decided to continue on his way.

Ye Ziyang supports Wang Mengling, led by Mai Rui, and the party starts again.

When we reached the deepest part of the cave, a large number of poisonous insects appeared. It makes it almost impossible for them to move.

"Chief, this is not the way to go on." Murray was beating around in front, trying to find out the way.

"Murray, is that sulfur? Give it a try. " Ye Ziyang is behind

, dragging Wang Mengling all the way, he has almost exhausted his physical strength.

"Yes." Murray said to move, pulled out a big packet of sulfur from his schoolbag and scattered it over the insects“ Ignition. "


Mai Rui and ye Ziyang retreated for a distance, then threw a flare to the place where they had just sprinkled sulfur.

The fire flared up in a flash. The fire was beating with the sound of insects crackling in the middle.