"I said, Lao Zhang, how far is it from the top of the mountain?"

"We've been walking for five or six days. Why haven't we seen the shadow of the top of the mountain yet?"

It's still the climbing team.

But it's three or four days since they started.

Some of them began to get impatient.

After all, although the mountain scenery is really beautiful, people's aesthetic will be tired after all. Walking here every day, they are tired of the scenery.

So what they want now is when they can get to the top of the mountain.

This is the real view of the top of the holy mountain.

It is said that only at the top of the mountain can you enter the whole scenery of the holy mountain and understand the panorama of the holy mountain.

Only in this way can we know how the holy mountain is.

However, they have been walking for many days, but they can't see the shadow of the top of the holy mountain. Some of them who joined the team for the first time have already had some impatience in their hearts.

After all, they just know now that they are not as patient as Lao Zhang when they have climbed many mountains.

"What's the hurry? It's only a few days since I was so worried."

"It took us nearly half a month to see the top of Mount bro before we climbed it!"

"Although the altitude of Ankun mountain is much lower than that of Buluo mountain, it is not too low."

"I guess it will be at least two days before I can see the shadow of the top of the mountain."

There was a man in Lao Zhang's team who looked impatiently at those people who had just joined in.

After all, their team was originally organized by a group of mountaineers.

Moreover, after so many years together, they have already understood their respective personalities.

What's more, after so many years of training, they have honed a better message. They know that mountaineering, especially mountaineering at the top, is a matter of great urgency.

It is very dangerous to take routes that have not been explored at all for the sake of speed.

This is to put yourself in danger.

That's why they are so cautious.

And those who have just joined recently often urge them to go faster and take some shortcuts.

This makes some old players tired.

After all, it's my own life that I don't pay attention to such things as mountaineering.

This is the experience that countless mountaineers have explored with their blood.

Do these people just want to die?

"What's your attitude?"

"I'm just asking."

"What's more, after so many days, we haven't seen the shadow of the top of the mountain, and there's no navigation here. Who knows where we are now?"

"Why don't we even have a chance to ask now?"

These new recruits have been choking up recently.

After all, they joined the expedition only to satisfy their hobbies.

Not to be trained to join the team.

The proposals they have been making in recent days have been rejected by these veteran players.

And every time they teach them what they call their experiences.

How can they bear it.

What is the qualification of an exploration team that has never had the spirit of exploration?

It's better to call it the package team.

"What's your attitude?"

"I've gone through more mountains than you know in my life. It's not your turn to teach me a lesson."
