"I don't know what you just said."

"The man with the strange mask just now is just a powerful ghost repair."

"Why do Taoist brothers admire that man so much?"

After daoren and Lin Mu left.

Zhixiao Taoist can't wait to ask Lin Mu.

He was very curious about what happened in the dark room just now.

So, not long after they came out, they directly asked Lin Mu straight to the point.

"How can I admire it?"

"That man has the courage to reincarnate 180 million times."

"With that person's courage, I'm sure I won't lose myself in so many reincarnations."

"This is a cruel man, a cruel man to the core. It's not too much to say that he is crazy."

"However, once this person is successful, he can definitely step into the peak of the cultivation world."

"Even my realm is just his starting point. There are countless futures waiting for him."

Lin Mu thought of the man with the strange mask just now.

There is still some admiration.

Such a person is also worthy of his admiration.

People with such courage, as long as they succeed, are all giants in the universe.

And they are very powerful people in the same realm.

"100 million 180 million... "

When the Taoist heard Lin Mu's words, his tongue was tied.

"This Has the world been this long? "

180 million cycles.

Even if each reincarnation only lives to 50 years old.

It took more than 10 billion years.

Is there a strong man in the world of practice who can live so long?

Not to mention your strong ones, the whole world has such a long time.

In terms of the history of the world, the world has at most tens of millions of years.

Why can that man reincarnate 180 million times.

"Ha ha The world is not simple. "

"The future of the world is just as limitless."

Lin Mu thought about it and said to Zhixiao Taoist.

Originally, Lin Mu didn't expect that he had found a world that was about to be promoted from the lower world to the middle world.

Originally, I just thought it was just a lucky and powerful lower world.

But I didn't expect that this world is not so simple.

This piece of land is a fragment of a world that was once one and a half feet into the top middle world.

And it's the heart of a world that hasn't been broken yet.

So the people who have lived in this world over the years, because their world is just a lower world, they are enjoying all the time, and only the middle world can enjoy the treatment.

And what Lin Mu didn't think of.

Although this world is just a fragment of a huge world.

However, this world can even rely on this fragment to give birth to the world's original law and world will.

In other words, the world can be completely separated from the original world and run independently, rather than being a fragmented world.

What surprised Lin Mu even more was how long the world and the original world had been separated?

It's going to be a medium world again.

I have to say, this world is really very lucky.

At the same time, it is also a great misfortune.

I was looking forward to stepping into the ranks of the top world.

But once we go back to liberation, we have to start all over again. Who can bear it.