"Marshal, there's something wrong with mengang. A kind of energy that doesn't belong to the present exploration is constantly wandering in the atmosphere of mengang. We suspect that mengang is the final escape place for Lu Xuan."

An Yunxing, tianyulian, the military center of the state, tianyulian, more than one third of the state's troops are stationed on this planet.

Now only one planet has been temporarily used as a temporary base by Wu Kun.

At this time the temporary headquarters, as a soldier with a document, immediately ran to Wu Kun said.

It seems that the soldier's face is very happy, do not know what happened to him.

"Oh, mengangxing."

After hearing the soldier's report, Wu Kun kept trying to find out the name of the planet from his mind.

However, even though Wu Kun racked his brains, he still didn't figure out where the planet was and what kind of role it played in the United States?

"Marshal, this planet is just a resource star that Lianyungang has never paid attention to. It seems that the current resource star has been completely controlled by Lu Xuan."

The soldier who reported to Wu Kun also observed Wu Kun's expression very carefully. When he saw Wu Kun's puzzled face, he immediately thought that Wu Kun absolutely didn't remember what kind of planet mengang star was.

No, he explained to Wu Kun immediately.

Want to resolve the embarrassment of your boss's boss's boss.


After hearing the soldier's answer, Wu Kun came back with a faint voice.

If it wasn't for the soldier's answer, he didn't remember what kind of planet mengang was?

However, after listening to the soldier's answer, he slowly remembered a planet that mengang, Lianbang and Pang had explored four years ago, because it was not a livable planet. Moreover, because the above resources are very scarce, even if they are not qualified as resource-based, the status of this planet in tianyulian was once very embarrassing.

The real rulers of the United States have never looked at this planet.

So it's quite normal for Wu Kun not to remember.

"Find me the information about mengang."

Wu Kun slowly turned around and said to his confidants.

For a veteran general like him, before going through a war, he has to find out the basic situation of the battlefield. Otherwise, he feels that even if the army has entered the battlefield, he is not familiar with the basic situation of the battlefield. How can he command his own army?

Do you want your army to die?

As a commander, every soldier is his own resource. He would not do such a stupid thing.

"Mengang star, located in yunka galaxy, is a new Galaxy explored by Bong five years ago. At present, the scope of yunka Galaxy explored by Bang is very rare, and mengang is one of the only planets explored by bang

"There are no other planets in hundreds of light years around mengang, so this planet is very suitable for Star Wars."

Since the soldiers came, Wu Kun's confidants had already prepared the basic information of mengang star.

As Wu Kun's confidant, he naturally knows what kind of character his boss has before each battle.
