Chapter 3652

The huge body of golden female deity occupies the whole imperial palace. It is sacred and dignified, but at the same time, it gives people a strange feeling.

The reason is very simple. The palace is not a place for gods to live in, but a place for the emperor to pray and offer sacrifices.

This goddess, seven or eight meters high, is stuffed in the imperial palace. It's like human beings have come to Lilliputian Kingdom, full of discord everywhere.

Of course, Li Yun can't speculate that this goddess is a strange thing, because the world itself is the sea of consciousness of Yishi God Sakura. It's not surprising that there is any incongruity.

It is in this palace that Yishi Sakura prays to Tianzhao, so in her mind, it makes sense for her to see the great God here.

"Great God ~ ~"

Sakura, the small potential God, ran in happily, stood in front of the huge golden goddess and looked up at her: "Sakura has come back. These are her friends. They say they also want to believe in the great goddess!"

Li Yun took a puff from the corner of his mouth. Who said that he wanted to believe in the God of heavenly light?

He didn't want to believe in the gods in Huang Xuan kingdom. At most, he respected empress Nuwa, not to mention the local gods of a small island country!

Xiao Mingzhu looks at him and finds that after Li yunmo's silent observation, he can't restrain himself.

She remembered what Li Yun had said before: This is the consciousness of Yishi Shenying. Without her subconscious permission, it is almost impossible to do anything.

The golden goddess was also silent. Her golden face didn't show any expression. Her eyes were closed, and her hands were flat on her legs. It seemed that she was just a dead creature imagined by Yishi Shenying, not the object of conversation.

"The great Royal God?"

What's the matter with you

"Why don't you talk?"

In the Imperial Palace, only the voice of Yi Shi Shen Ying full of doubts reverberated.


After a while, Li Yun looked at the goddess's face and asked the goddess Yishi Ying, "are you sure that the great Royal God you believe in can speak?"

"Of course! Before the great God is still good, I take the initiative to ask, will answer my questions

Small Yi Shi Shen Ying holds eight near mirror, strange say: "but today I don't know how, big Yu Shen hasn't responded all the time, curious?"? Is it that the great God does not want to see you

"You said we believe in her, and no one believes in her?" Li Yun said with a smile, "Sakura, you go out to play. We'll stay here and talk with the big Yushen. Maybe she will talk to us?"


Xiao Mingzhu and Yishi Shenying are surprised by Li Yun's suggestion. I don't know why he put forward such a suggestion.

"All right?" Xiao Mingzhu also asked, although she didn't know, she still believed and helped Li Yun.

"Well Do you want to talk to Da Yushen alone? "

Little Yi Shi Shen Ying points her face. After thinking about it carefully, she agrees. After all, in her heart, the great God is dignified and powerful. Her brother and sister are trustworthy. Of course, she can talk alone.

"All right."

Little Yi Shi Shen Ying walked out with the eight near mirror in her arms and told Li Yun, "brother, you need to hurry up. When you finish talking, you can play with me. So is your sister No one in the temple can play with me. It's so lonely. "