Mingyu building.

Zhang Wei, the security guard, stood in front of the building as usual, looking bored at the office workers passing by.

This is the case in the security industry. Most of the time, the security guard will be called to maintain order only when there are activities in the building.

But generally speaking, there will be extra income from the convener in the past, so Zhang Wei is still looking forward to activities.

"In other words, Baiyun technology held a product conference today?"

A security guard asked. Zhang Wei nodded and said enviously, "isn't it? Waiting for 10 o'clock to start, lasting two hours. Baiyun company is too generous to give employees 150 months' bonus. If they take security guards, how can I apply? "

"Ha ha, don't think about this. People don't run factories. How can they need security?"

"Well, I knew that I had studied hard and applied for a large company, and the bonus for a project was 3 million, which was more than 30 years of my work. I regret it!"

"Cut! Now what's the use of all this? You don't have to be able to pass a good exam if you try hard at the beginning. Your brain is too stupid. "

"Damn it! Aren't you stupid? "

"Hey, I'm a little bit better than you."

"Go away! Your IQ is about the same as a baboon on the prairie

Just when the two security guards broke down the stage and laughed at each other, suddenly, accompanied by excited screams and noises, a large group of men and women crowded in.


"Where are the immortals? Hello, security guard. Have you seen the fairy up? "

"Not yet. It's less than ten minutes before Xianxian leaves the airport."

"Wow, can you see the fairy sister later?"

"Quick, fairy scouts, get ready for the help card. When the fairy comes, give her a big surprise!"

"Keep order, we fairy scouts are not the kind of brain powder."

"Immortals, don't speak for junk games!"

The two security guards in the building, as well as the people who were about to enter the security room for work, were all shocked by this group of people. Only after they realized that this was Liu Xianxian's fan.

"What? Liu Xianxian is coming to Mingyue building later

The two security guards were totally stupid. They didn't go to the obvious meeting to maintain order at the scene. But just looking at the group of fanatical and excited people in front of them, we can see how exaggerated the star powder is!

"Come on, get in touch with the manager!" Zhang Wei said in a hurry that at least 300 people had already arrived in front of the building, and more people had come from afar.

All fans of Liu Xianxian!

After the temporary mobilization of the Security Department of the building, they were all shocked. All the people in front of them were oppressed, at least 3000. It was impossible to maintain order with only ten less than ten security guards!

"Go to the next building and borrow someone!"

The manager of the security department was in a cold sweat and immediately ordered to arrive.

He had been to the star meeting. At that time, it was just a little star, that is, a flow student with less than 3 million microblog fans. Less than 500 fans came to the scene, but it took 30 security guards to maintain order.

Now there are 3000 fans, plus Liu Xianxian, an international famous movie and TV singing star. The manager can't imagine what kind of exaggeration will be when Liu Xianxian shows up!

The scene of fans gathering in front of Mingyu building quickly attracted the attention of passers-by, which led to more and more people choosing to stop and watch. At the end of the day, almost all the street was standing, and everyone was waiting for Liu Xianxian's arrival!

Finally, a jeep appeared in the direction of the intersection.
