613 The Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and the World / The Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and Worlds Chapter 613

When she was surprised, two young women walked in from outside, looking like one master and one servant.

The maid looks pretty, dressed in light green clothes, fresh and pleasant.

The young lady is dressed in white. Although the white gauze covers her face, her eyebrows are as far away as her eyes are wavy, and her temperament is soft and charming. The most peculiar thing is that she holds a lute in her hand.

The appearance of the two of them attracted the attention of everyone except Chen Muyang, who was already asleep.

"Masters, the little girl is polite. It's getting late, and my master and servant missed the veteran, can we rest here for one night?" the white-clothed woman asked.

Young Master Hua Yi got up and said politely: "Of course, this is the wilderness temple. I also missed the siotou to rest here. It is not where I am waiting. Please feel free to help me. If you need help, Please be clear."

"Thank you, son, dare to ask son how to call it?"


Before he could say his name, he heard a stern shout: "You evildoer, dare to transform into form late at night and come here to harm people!"

With a sharp voice, like a spring thunder, it is naturally Chen Muyang.

Everyone in the temple was a little dumbfounded. Didn't this guy fall asleep? Why did he jump up and scold people so vigorously.

evildoer?Is he talking about these two women?

Although the white-clothed woman has covered her face with white gauze and cannot see her face, the delicate and faint appearance made these scholars feel distressed.

Young Master Hua Yi said displeased: "This brother, there is no proof, why do you slander this lady as a evildoer!?"

Others echoed one after another, talking and looking at the woman in white, as if they wanted to attract her attention.

Chen Muyang snorted coldly: "Still questioning me, I think you are lustful and do not know how to live! We hurried along the way, tired and hungry, and looked haggard. But you look at them two, they look very bright My clothes are as clean as new, and there is no dust on the shoes. Is this normal?"

Everyone followed Chen Muyang's gaze, and as he said, there was indeed something abnormal.

The young man in Hua Yi also had a guilty conscience, but the woman in white did not have a feminine appearance, her eyes rippling and she was extremely charming.She took off Baisha with a smile, and a very beautiful face appeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, everyone was attracted by this face.

The maid said with a smile at this time: "Sister, I can't imagine that there is a smart person who is not attracted to us, but who still maintains his sense. I heard that smart people have better brains. Is it true?"

As she said, she licked her pink lips with her little pink tongue deep down.

What a temptation, if the diplomat receives such service, it will definitely be so cool.

Cough!Chen Muyang straightened his waist and shouted: "Wonderful, I didn't know how to leave the identity without knowing how to leave quickly. You dare to talk about cannibalism here! You two are really courageous!"

The others finally remembered, looking at these two women in horror, they turned out to be monsters!

"Since you are so bold, let me first taste how good your blood is and how good your meat is." With that, the white-clothed woman threw away the pipa, her finger nails turned into sharp claws!

When this banshee truly transformed, the talents in the temple really panicked. Even if the woman had admitted before, they would all be suspicious and had to see it with their own eyes to believe it.

For a while, the temple was disrupted, and some were directly fainted and some were trembling softly.

The two guards held sharp blades, blocking the Huayi Gongzi behind, watching the banshee warily.

"Scholar, aren't you afraid?" The banshee walked over with her eyes narrowed, and reached out to grab Chen Muyang slowly!

Chen Muyang said righteously: "I am a scholar of my generation, standing for the heaven and the earth, for the life of the people, for the sacred and sacred learning, for the world to open peace, and have a righteous heart, you little evildoer, why I am afraid of it!

As he said, a faint milky white light was emitted from his body.

The claws of the banshee touched the white light, and suddenly felt like a fire, and the pain was like heartbreaking, unbearable!

The banshee quickly backed away and exclaimed in horror: "What is this?"

Chen Muyang said awe-inspiringly: "This is Haoran righteousness, you can kill demons and ghosts, but also punish people's hearts and spirits! You are engulfed with evil spirits, and you have killed more than one or two people. Today I will kill the people! You die!"

The voice fell, and a white light shot out from Chen Muyang's mouth. When the two monsters were too late to react, they penetrated their hearts and returned to Chen Muyang's body.

The two monsters fell to the ground and wailed in pain. After a few breaths, there was no movement.When everyone looked again, they saw two skeletons lying horizontally on the ground, and flesh and blood on the skeletons were turning into pus.

Chen Muyang nodded and said, "It turns out that they are two bone demon, transformed into beautiful women, cannibalizing flesh and blood, wanting to regenerate their flesh and blood and be reborn as a human."

Chapter 659

After killing the monster, Chen Muyang returned to his soft mat and lay down and continued to sleep.

But the others were scared to sleep by the two bone monsters.

At dawn, after Chen Muyang woke up, he came to the ancient well in the temple to fetch water to wash.

When he came back and was about to eat breakfast, the Huayi boy took the initiative to strike up a conversation: "Thank you, Xiongtai, for helping me last night. Xia Xuezhen, don’t know what Xiongtai is called?"

Chen Muyang responded calmly: "Chen Muyang is here."

"Good meeting, happy meeting! If Brother Chen doesn't dislike him, he can open to traffic next to him and save the trouble of walking." Xue Zhen sent an invitation to Chen Muyang.

Chen Muyang shook his head and said: "The so-called reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, I walked all the way to see the local customs and practices, and at the same time to keep fit. Brother Xue's kindness is appreciated by me."

Xue Zhen had some regrets, and then gritted his teeth and said: "In this case, I would like to accompany Brother Chen."

Chen Muyang was a little stunned but also a little admired. Apart from anything else, this guy was thick-skinned and clever enough.

After breakfast, Xue Zhen really walked with Chen Muyang, with his carriage following behind.

Xue Zhen asked curiously: "Brother Chen, can you tell me about the awe-inspiring righteousness?"

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "The so-called austere righteousness means that the scholars of my generation read the books of the saints, who understand the meaning of the saints, have a heart for the heavens and the earth, make a destiny for the lives of the people, and continue to learn for the saints, and create peace and prosperity for all ages. , The righteousness cultivated by the righteous self, I call it the Haoran righteousness. Those who have a great righteousness will not dare to approach or invade the evil spirits."

Xue Zhen exclaimed: "Brother Chen is really so talented!"

A few days later, Chen Muyang and the others finally came to the provincial capital. They first reported to the Gongyuan, submitted their identification, received the admission ticket, and then waited for the township examination.

The township examination is divided into three sessions, namely the ninth day of August, the 12th of August and the 15th of August.

As long as you pass the provincial examination, you can become a Juren.

In ancient times, Juren was a senior scholar and a status symbol.In Fan Jinzhongju, Fan Jin was so delighted that it was because he would have a higher social status in the exam.

Social status represents wealth and power.Especially in the current Song Dynasty, the status of scholars is even higher. In the Song Dynasty for hundreds of years, no scholar has been killed.

As the saying goes, the literati can't be sentenced, it can be said that this dynasty is the happiest era for scholars.

After the three exams, Chen Muyang became the top Xie Yuan on the day of the ranking.

Then he participated in the Luming Banquet and sang Luming poems, which really gave Xu Zhen a taste of the life of ancient literati.

Because there are no relatives at home and the real estate has been sold, Chen Muyang stayed in the provincial capital to study and only waited to enter Beijing next year to participate in the February Spring Festival Exam.