555 The Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and the World / The Goddess Collection System of the Heaven and the World Chapter 555

Yenching, night.

Chen Muyang appeared silently in the office of the elder, and immediately used sound insulation.

The great elder did not panic. After a little surprised, he asked naturally: "How do you call your sir and why did you come?"

Chen Muyang introduced himself: "My name is Chen Muyang. I am a cultivator. The Great Elder can call me True Person Chen. Great Elder, do you believe in the prophecy?"

"What about believing, what about not believing?" the elder asked back.

"It's best to believe in nature. If I don't believe it, I have to prove to you. It's a waste of time. Our time is running out." Chen Muyang sighed lightly.

"What does Chen Zhenren mean?"

"Can you invite all the other elders, I don't want to explain it a second time."

"Yes." The elder immediately agreed. If Chen Muyang wants to disadvantage them, with his ability to appear here silently, he doesn't need to call all the elders himself.

Two days later, the secret room.

The nine elders were all here, and they looked at Chen Muyang suspiciously.

Chen Muyang smiled and did not speak. Instead, he cast a Traceless Stretching Curse on the secret room. The space quickly expanded, and it quickly expanded from the size of an ordinary conference room to more than a football field.

The nine elders were immediately confused.

Chen Muyang explained: "This spell is called Wuhen Stretching Curse, and it can expand the space. The Chinese legendary Dongtianfudi was built with this spell. It looks like an ordinary meeting room outside, but in fact there is no heaven."

Then Chen Muyang showed them the scene of the end of 2012 with a magic projection.

"This world is about to be destroyed. The Maya predicted 2012 is true. I predicted this result through the prediction, so I hope to help China survive the disaster of the end."

Chapter 597 Chinese people are the envy of all foreigners

He even took the nine elders to observe the sun near the sun.

After seeing Chen Muyang's real power, the nine elders believed his words.

"Chen Zhenren, how do you need the state to help you?" the elder asked.

"Reserve food and prepare for the evacuation of people. At the same time, we need to recruit troops. We need force to suppress the possible riots." Chen Muyang said in a deep voice.

The nine elders shrank at the same time, and they also thought that once the news of the doomsday was known to the people, riots would follow.

Without a sufficiently large and powerful army, it is simply impossible to suppress the riots.

And food is related to people's livelihood in the future and is essential.

The nine elders convened experts, and Chen Muyang prohibited them from divulging secrets by using magic techniques. The job of these experts was to choose a place to build the floating island. There was only one principle, which was conducive to the fastest evacuation of the population.

After four days of research, 130 places to build floating islands were determined.Chen Muyang immediately separated hundreds of shadow clones to go to these places, and the country will also give Chen Muyang the greatest help.

Among them, the population of Yanjing alone exceeds 20 million, and at least two floating cities need to be built.

While Chen Muyang was building the floating island, China was also buying food all over the world.Of course, Huaxia is doing its purchases in secret, through hundreds of international businessmen.

Countless grains of rice, corn, sorghum, wheat, potatoes, soybeans, etc. enter China and are then transported to temporary grain storage.

When Chen Muyang builds the floating islands, the grain will be delivered to the grain depots on these floating islands in batches, and then distributed by the state.

In three years, China has spent most of its foreign exchange reserves, buying food, steel, iron ore, coal, wood and many other materials.

The great elder informed the world leaders of the possibility of the end of the world, but all he got was suspicion and secret ridicule and sarcasm.

"Our minds and responsibilities have been fulfilled. If they don't listen, it doesn't matter to us." Chen Muyang looked sad and pitying.

The purchased materials were transported to Chen Muyang and used to build the floating island.

Floating islands in cities such as Yanjing, Shanghai, Yuqing, and Mingzhu were the first to be completed.The nine elders visited these floating islands and all they felt was shock!

Floating islands have detailed functional areas, such as military area, reserve area, living area, industrial area, agricultural area, school city, etc.

With the military presence, coupled with complete living facilities and sufficient food reserves, I believe that China can survive this disaster.

Eight years.

Scientists in the United States have discovered the impact of the sun's abnormal movement on the earth. The polar glaciers will melt and the earth will be submerged.

At this time, they finally remembered the warning given to them by the Great Elder of China three years ago, but they did not believe it, but were secretly ridiculed and ridiculed.

Now, this warning has become a reality!

If the Maya's prediction is accurate, then the end of the world will come in 2012, and it is now 2008, four years before the end of the world.

No matter how they asked the Grand Elder, the Grand Elder did not reveal anything about the floating island, and the others were imprisoned by Chen Muyang with spells, and no matter how seduced and threatened, they would not have headed news.

Western countries retreat when they are in trouble, hoping that China can help them build a few arks.

Huaxia readily agreed, but they needed to pay in materials.

Various materials were transported to China.

Time flickered to August 2011.

When one hundred and forty floating islands appeared, the whole world was boiling.

Huaxia suddenly began to organize population evacuation. People dragged their families into the floating island and then moved into resettlement houses.The house is well decorated, so they can move in all kinds of furniture and appliances from their home.

With China's super strong organization, the evacuation work went smoothly.

Of course, various riots were indispensable during this period, but the powerful army suppressed these riots, killing people were directly executed, and those who did not kill were put in prison.

The toughness demonstrated by this country has greatly shocked those who are unruly.

The most serious riots were in Tibetan and Xinjiang regions. Under state suppression, rioters in the two regions killed and injured tens of thousands of people, and the riots were finally put down.

The population of the two districts was dispersed to one hundred and forty floating islands. They could not gather, and could no longer cause riots.

Westerners of Chinese nationality are also eligible to enter the floating island, and they can even bring foreign family members to Chinese.

Chinese who have immigrated abroad can return to the motherland, and those of Chinese descent who have contributed to China and their descendants can return to the motherland.

All of a sudden, overseas Chinese returned to China, and they agreed to accept the unified management of China.

As for their property, they can be sold to Huaxia and converted into contribution points, which can be used to purchase various items on the floating island.

Contribution point is the equivalent of replacing currency after the end.

United States, California.