229 The Goddess Collection System of the Heavens and the World / The Goddess Collection System of the Heaven and the World Chapter 229

"It turns out to be a kid." Zhao Niannian and Wang Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief.

The boy raised his slingshot and asked, "Who are you, what do you want to do when you go up the mountain?"

Xia Dongqing said: "We are not here to find things, we are here to find people."

"Liar, you guys! It's getting dark soon, who are you looking for in the deep mountains? No one lives in this mountain!"

The official Zhao said: "We are here to worship the mountain god, do you know how to get to the mountain temple?"

"Nonsense, there is no mountain temple on this mountain at all! You must be uneasy. This mountain has been hollowed out and there is nothing left. Go ahead."

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "My child, your idea of ​​protecting the mountain is good, but you must also know who is really malicious to the mountain and who has never thought of destroying the mountain. We are here for a magical person. The presence."

"I don't believe it! You go quickly, or I will show you something good!" the boy stubbornly cried.

Official Zhao said disdainfully: "With the slingshot in your hand?"

But the boy took out a sickle from the bush next to him and shouted, "Your car can only drive as far as this. If you don't leave, I'll puncture your tires and see how you can get back!" Run in the mountains.

Chapter 248 How to Become a God

Official Zhao cursed in a low voice: "Damn, this kid is a real thief."

The boy's voice came again: "I'm looking at you!"

Zhao Niannian and Wang Xiaoya were both amused by him, and Wang Xiaoya said, "That kid is so smart."

"What should I do, Zhao Li?" Xia Dongqing asked.

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "It's okay, I used illusion to trick that kid out of us."

After a while, the boy appeared, took a look at this place, and then turned and walked deep into the mountain.

"Go, let's follow up and see what secrets are hidden in this mountain."

The five followed the boy all the way to the deep mountains, watching him worship the mountain god with their own eyes.

Official Zhao suddenly said, "So the ghosts are here."

Chen Muyang frowned and said, "It's the spirit of the mountain. I lost my faith, and my body was hollowed out. I was already weak to this extent. Zhao Li, I'm afraid that when she helps you get your body back, she is the one who dissipated between heaven and earth. time."

Official Zhao sighed helplessly: "In order to develop in modern society, is it rare to dig out a mountain?"

Zhao Niannian felt a little worried and asked, "Is there no way to save her?"

Chen Muyang thought for a while and said: "Or re-consolidate faith for her and save her with the power of faith. The disadvantage is that if she loses her faith in the future, she will become weak again; or repair the mountain and restore its body, so that her spirit will not Will dissipate; or separate her spirit from the mountain, so that she will not be affected by the mountain, and then find something to let it host, if it is the best to find the gods talisman in the future, even if she can’t find it, she It won’t just disappear. Of course, it’s useless to say anything here. It depends on what Shangui she thinks."

As he was talking, the little boy suddenly fainted and a voice sounded: "Is the old friend here? Come out."

Chen Muyang and the others came over, and the official Zhao asked, "Mountain ghost, how did you become like this? Where is your body? Where is your temple?"

"Official Zhao, how long has it been since we last met?"

"It's been over a hundred years."

"One hundred and thirty-four years, great changes have been made. Since ancient times, our mountain gods have existed. Our existence is to protect humans in the mountains, and humans enshrine us, and then we get nourishment from human beliefs. It’s a cycle. However, no one has enshrined me for a long time, people no longer believe in gods, my temples have been demolished, and the wood has been taken to build houses."

Chen Muyang whispered to Zhao Niannian and Wang Xiaoya: "It should be a matter of the Four Old Times."

The mountain ghost sighed: "I am about to die. I have no strength to show the human form. The mountain has already died. For the mines in the mountains, the mountains have been dug up by people. The birds and beasts leave or die, the vegetation withers, and I I heard the mountain crying. I can’t do anything, I can’t do anything at all. Even to show the way to a lost person is said to be an evil spirit."

"I really didn't expect that you are so weak now, I originally wanted to ask you for a favor." Zhao Li exclaimed.

Chen Muyang said: "Zhao Li, I can actually help you two get your body back, but I don't want to expose too much of my own strength, but when I see the mountain ghost like this, I will help you two get your body back."

Official Zhao suddenly shouted: "Chen Muyang, your uncle!"

Chen Muyang came between the two of them, slapped his hands on the top of their heads, a clear light flashed, and their bodies were instantly replaced.

Feeling her familiar body, Xia Dongqing mumbled: "It's just that this dress is very uncomfortable and too tight."

Chen Muyang said to the mountain ghost: "Mountain ghost, I can't stop the country from mining, but you did a terrible job of collecting beliefs."

"What do you mean by this?" Shangui asked curiously.

"My consciousness is that you don't want to pack yourself up. As a god, you have to be compelling. You have to fill your image with majesty. Occasionally, you have to show your miracle. Just talk to the lost. Show the way, how did you do it?"

"I could barely show up at the time, and waved to them after I showed up, telling them to follow me."

"Should you use a female image when you appear?"


"Look, I know that the haunted sections in many horror movies are just like this. You don't get misunderstood as evil spirits. First of all, you must think about the image of the mountain god in people's hearts. ...Shanneng It gives people the impression of being tall, lofty, precipitous, etc. Therefore, according to people’s thinking, the mountain gods should be tall men. Then the gods are all aloof and full of majesty. So, if it was me, I would let myself be Such an image appears."

With that said, Chen Muyang used the transformation technique to transform into a five-meter-tall figure, dressed in armor, holding a golden mace in his right hand and a mountain in his left hand, full of the image of a majestic god.

"You see, how tall this image is, and how it fits the imagination of the mountain god in people's hearts. Of course, I don't think it is desirable for you to show the way. You should wait until they are tired and hungry, and they are about to despair. Then this image appeared in their minds to show them the way. Desperate Zhongshan God appeared in their own minds to show them the way, which not only conforms to the deities of the gods, but also allows them to retain sufficient awe and gratitude to the gods In order to gain their faith more easily."

The mountain ghost was speechless for a while.

Chen Muyang said, "In this way, I might have a way to do it. I first built a mountain temple with great fanfare. That is to say, I almost died when I came to the mountain to play in the mountain. Fortunately, the mountain god only walked out of the mountain. After the mountain temple is built, the worship ceremony will be held, which will definitely attract many people. The people in the mountains are superstitious, and they will definitely bow down. At that time, I used magic to make the mountain gods manifest and gift the miracles of the believers, so it was 4.4 Can harvest people’s faith."

Official Zhao clapped his hands and said: "Good idea, very feasible!"

Chen Muyang smiled and said: "It's not over yet. Of course, one miracle cannot be trusted forever. When you regain some strength, you can find yourself in the prayers of those mountain people and involve enough people. The desire of interest satisfies them. For example, to treat some diseases, such as entrusting dreams to alleviate disasters and difficulties for very devout believers. By showing miracles from time to time, people can really benefit from it. If you pass ten, pass ten, you will gain more More and more faith."

The mountain ghost said convincingly: "Thank you for your advice, I know what to do in the future."

After returning to the city, Chen Muyang began to talk about it.

A few days later, a group of people came to the largest village at the foot of the mountain.

Chapter 249

These people are actually Chen Muyang's shadow clones, using the pre-edited words to arouse their curiosity about the mountain god.

I heard that Chen Muyang wanted to pay the villagers to build a mountain temple. The villagers were naturally overjoyed. Of course it would be nice to be able to make money at the door of the house.

The money is so easy to do things, the mountain temple was built just a week later.

When enshrining the mountain gods, the villagers all followed.

Then the mountain god statue suddenly glowed, and the villagers felt a warm current flowing in their bodies, and some of their body pains disappeared without treatment!

This is the manifestation of the mountain god!

At that time, many believers were born, and the mountain ghost gained a lot of power of faith.