After choosing the camp, Yue Yang and Yika turned to the left channel.

From this moment on, all people who meet in the dark camp in the future will be undying enemies, even if he is the closest friend or even a relative. Of course, student Yue Yang doesn't have the trouble of heart abuse, because he has no friends in the heaven to enter the trial ground. As for relatives, they all stay in his book world. Whatever enemies you meet, just kill them, so there is no need to worry. Don't be merciful... Except for the huge hall at the entrance, the Devil Valley is a battlefield belonging to two camps as soon as you go out.

This huge battlefield is even wider than the Soaring Dragon Continent.

Middle divide.

There are ten fortresses on the border, five for the Angel Alliance and the Dark Faction each.

The fortress can only prevent the opposing original residents from crossing the border to fight. It is impossible for a real challenger to stop it. If there is enough strength, the challenger can break into the opponent's camp and start a killing spree, just like Ji Wuri. , became a murderer, and made the original residents change their colors.

"Are you sure you want to join our Angel Alliance?" At the end of the passage on the left, a kind old man standing under the statue of an angel asked with a smile.

"If another beautiful woman stands here as an instructor to receive newcomers, I believe that the number of people joining the Angel League will increase dramatically." Yue Yang asked a question that no one had ever objected to. The kind old man was stunned and finally laughed. stand up.

"It makes sense, I should have thought of this a long time ago." The old man laughed loudly: "I said why so many people like to join the dark camp, it turns out that the gender and appearance of the guide are so important, haha, kid, thank you very much Opinion, but this cannot be changed for the time being, do you still want to choose me, an old man, as the guide of the Angel League?"

"I really want to hack you to death with a knife..." If Yue Yang hadn't discovered that this money-greedy old man has at least the strength of the supreme ninth level, he would have drawn his knife in anger.

"Hey, I, an old man, will increase the price if he is in a bad mood." The old man said that he can't say bad things in person, otherwise his old face won't hold back.

"Here you are." Yue Yang took out a Falling Star Pearl worth at least fifty sixth-grade gems, and reluctantly handed it to the old man.

"This is not bad, but it's not worth a hundred sixth-grade gems!" The old man's eyesight was very poisonous.

"You don't want it?" Student Yue Yang has pulled out his first quarter moon frantically, and grabbed the old man's collar with one hand. If the old man dares to say no again, he will kill this greedy old guy with one knife! It was always only the third young master of his Yue family who blackmailed others, but today he had to be ripped off, and he was already in a bad mood, how dare he be suspicious? If the lion opened his mouth again, it would be no wonder if he didn't risk his life with the other party!

"Don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil, young people don't get too angry, sometimes you take a step back, and you will be able to save money and prevent disaster." The old man knew that people like Yue Yang were not easy to be ripped off, so he was willing to pay for it. The seventh-rank Falling Star Pearl came out, and it was already the limit.

He accepted the falling star pearl, ignoring Yue Yang's murderous eyes.

First, watch it over and over again.

Then, he sighed tut tut: "It's a shame, this thing is really not worth a hundred sixth-grade gems, forget it, just treat it as an old man like me doing good deeds!"

Yue Yang put the first quarter moon on the old man's neck: "If you talk nonsense, I will kill you and explode your equipment..."

He's getting annoyed now.

He even has the heart to beat this old man as a boss.

The old man did not know how many winds and waves he had gone through, but his expression was calm. He smiled and conjured up an angel badge with a female angel of mercy clasping her hands together on her chest and guarding her sword and shield with her wings. The sword and shield of this angel emblem are golden, and the guarding wings are whiter than silver, and on the small forehead of the merciful female angel, there is a precious diamond much smaller than a grain of rice, which slightly blooms with seven colors.

"With this, you can complete the mission of slaying demons and demons. You can check the points in the angel statues in various cities in the Angel League. I am only responsible for the main mission, old man. There may be various auxiliary missions in it. You like to challenge You can go on, if you want to save time, you don’t have to worry about it. When your points meet the requirements, you can enter the portal at the foot of the first angel statue, and then come back here. I will tell you how to leave the magic valley and go to the next level, the human valley. .” The old man’s attitude towards Yue Yang was actually okay, even if he was intimidated, he still had a smile on his face.

"You can just tell me how to get to the seventh pass, Human Valley, right now?" If Yue Yang didn't want to kill Kaitian Mozun in the hidden pass of the sixth pass in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, he simply didn't want to participate in any demon-killing and demon-slaying pass. Task, please, time is money, why waste time like this?