Princess Sissy raised her sword and fell, chopping down the snake-haired demon man who was exactly the same as Lidi Demon Lord.

She doesn't care who this guy is at all, and she never lets go if she kills someone wrong.

Before she swung her second sword, the snake-haired demon man conjured up a small white flag from somewhere, and held it high: "Surrender, I surrender!"

The result... It was not what he thought, Princess Sissy even led the white flag, raised the sword and fell it, and then chopped it down with a sword... The snake-haired devil who didn't even die with the prison emperor's sword trembled all over his body. Getting up, Princess Sissi erupted with the power of the Four Saints: "You really are the real Lidi Demon Lord!"

This sentence scared the guy out of his wits.

Quickly shook his head and waved his hands again: "No, I'm not. That guy Lidi Mozun stole my appearance. I am Changfeng from the Dugu family of the four major families in the heaven. Don't do anything yet, okay? I can prove my identity, right , and the Mirror of Pain was also snatched from me by Lidi Mozun, he only has one talent for repatriation, without my Mirror of Pain, he would not even be a scum in the seal of the Earth Demon Temple."

It's okay if he doesn't say.

As soon as she said that, Princess Sissi immediately picked up the Mirror of Pain.

"Thank you, it's finally returned to its original owner." The Gorgon reached out his hand movedly, wanting to ask for the Mirror of Pain.

"You're welcome." Princess Sissy directly put the Mirror of Pain into the storage ring.

If before this, the mirror of pain was still dominated by the consciousness of Lidi Mozun, it would be impossible to put it away. Just now, the Goddess of Storms struck, defeating Demon Lord Lidi's original consciousness that did not control the Mirror of Pain 100%, which happened to be cheap for Princess Sissi. As the saying goes, marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog, marry a monkey and go all over the mountains. Princess Sissi has many classmates with Yue Yang. Her concept of treasures is very different from before. Now when she sees treasures on the ground, she will not be like As polite as before. Even if it is not suitable for her, but there are so many sisters in the family, such as Tianpu, Luohua, Yinan, Binger, all of them need a powerful treasure like the mirror of pain.

The snake-haired devil fell headlong, and it was over, and the treasure was robbed again.

Moreover, the chance of returning the property to its original owner this time is zero.

He tried his best to prove: "It's mine, but the Demon Lord snatched it away!"

Princess Sissy nodded: "Understood, it's mine now. If you're upset, you can ask Lidi Mozun for it. It's him who robbed you, and it has nothing to do with me."

The gorgon uttered a scream, and fell headlong to the ground again, his face full of bullshit. He now understands a truth: reasoning with women is nonsense!

Worse than the snake-haired devil, is Lidi Demon Lord, who was still very awkward just now. The Storm Goddess will evolve more and more perfect every second that passes, and evolve more and more perfect every second that passes. Yue Yang, who was still fully comprehended in the Mirror of Innate Sovereign, automatically released a ray of law energy from his will, so that the Storm Goddess would continue to grow. Xue Wuxia and Yue Yang have the same mind, perception and law energy. In this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity, the goddess of storm will continue to grow and evolve... Lidi Mozun and the silver-haired old man, in order to stop the increasingly impossible opponent, desperately launch an attack.

However, this kind of attack can only make the Goddess of Storms fly one after another.

They can foresee one thing, if the Storm Goddess will end her evolution, it will be their true death.

The master Xue Wuxia must be killed before her evolution is complete.


The goal must be achieved in the shortest possible time.

"Howl!" Lidi Mozun rushed forward frantically, halfway, he lifted the protection of the Heavenly Demon Armor, and his arm split into thousands of spear-like weapons, each of which swam like life, extended, and shot at Snow Flawless Vest.

Now I don't want to protect myself, I just want to kill the enemy.

As long as Xue Wuxia, the master, is killed, the Storm Goddess will perish no matter how powerful she is.

Princess Sissi combined the power of the four saints and the talent of the six senses, raised the prison emperor's sword high, and the image of the white tiger, the guardian of life, appeared above her head as if it existed in reality. The lightning flashed, forming a grid, tying the silver-haired old man in the center, while the Suzaku flames surrounded the surroundings, preventing the silver-haired old man from escaping. With the talent of six senses, she discovered the opponent's weakness... that is fear of fire!

Xiao Wenli held out a ball of precious light, and the brilliance of the treasure shone on the ruins of the entire Earth Demon Temple.

The will of the beast exploded.

Tens of millions of brilliance slowly returned to Xiao Wenli's palm, the body of the silver-haired old man seemed to be shattered, and gradually, he couldn't keep his human form.

He turned into an ugly demon image, with a ferocious face and sharp claws twisting uncontrollably. It wailed for a long time. Under the power of Xiao Wenli, a super-sacred beast that surpassed ordinary beasts, it was not perfect just to become a holy beast. Even if it was stronger, its power and will were dwarfed by comparison. Under the coercion, it staggered towards Xiao Wenli. With Xiao Wenli's restraint talent, its footsteps became slower and slower, but it kept on moving forcefully, vowing to kill those who had not fully grown up with its sharp claws. Little Wenli woke up.

Little Wenli, don't retreat but advance.

Facing the silver-haired old man, he turned into a terrifying demon.

When Princess Sissy saw it, she turned her sword to the side, changed her target and slashed at Lidi Demon Lord, instead of attacking the terrifying demon transformed by the silver-haired old man.

Lidi Mozun forcibly blocked it with the Heavenly Demon Divine Armor on his other arm, kicked the magic ax in his hand, and let the magic ax spin away. A small odd-shaped war beast slipped out from under Princess Sissy's feet, and with a piece of crushed ice in its mouth, it quickly reached the path where the magic ax was spinning, and lightly tossed upwards, the piece of crushed ice touched the magic ax slightly, and turned into shards of ice. However, after the magic ax received a slight impact, its trajectory changed strangely. When it rotated to the back of Xiao Wenli, it had already surpassed her height, and it slashed away an inch above her head.

Mozun Lidi hated that little thing that destroyed his ultimate move.

But there was nothing he could do for a while, because the Storm Goddess would knock him into the air again.

The little water-avoiding golden-eyed beast ran towards its master with some rewards. Princess Sissi gave it a tiger-eyed stare. It was so frightened that it quickly pretended to be good, and hid to the side, not daring to act coquettishly again.

The terrifying demon transformed by the silver-haired old man fought with Xiao Wenli. Tens of thousands of muscles made Xiao Wenli fly away with her double blades, but the attack of her two claws made Xiao Wenli's bow in the other two hands repeatedly block. Nothing worked. When Xiao Wenli's old fighting skills were awakened, for a "captain of the personal guard" who had accompanied Queen Vivien Leigh to conquer the entire heaven, her fighting skills were far superior to those of the terrifying demon.

The most important thing is that Xiao Wenli's divine beast will has been soaring again and again.

Completely overwhelmed the horror demon.

The terrifying demon found that every time he cut off a piece of flesh and blood, it would be transformed into energy and sealed into the precious light of the other two hands of that little snake monster lolita. , It will only be another seal!

"Master, go, go!"

The terrifying demon passed through Xiao Wenli's tens of thousands of blades without any defense, and then forcibly broke through Princess Sissi's sword net.

It was covered with bruises and severely wounded to the point of death, and yelled at Lidi Mozun: "I will not really die, at most it will be sealed. The master has recovered all his strength, and it will not be too late to come back and save me. If you don't leave, we both have to be sealed here!"