Chapter 129: [G fat of the head iron (four / four)]

"Up to 475 million US dollars, refuse to counter-offer, I don't care how to repurchase, your company's management team will solve it, I will give the money, you will give the equity, it's that simple."

Luo Luosheng was obviously prepared to be thoughtful, and he immediately quoted without any hesitation when the other party asked for the price.

This price makes Ron Blount speechless. It is worth mentioning that according to Take-Two's current market value of 1.276 billion US dollars, a 55% equity is equivalent to 700 million US dollars. Initiating mergers and acquisitions can basically be said to be carried out internally, and he did not even go to the secondary market to buy large amounts.

"Is it cash?" Ryan Blunt asked again.

"Of course it is cash. I have nothing but cash." Luo Sheng said without hesitation. The other party was worried that he would take Bluestar Technology's cross-shareholding to complete the acquisition. Even if the other party was willing, Luo Sheng would definitely not do so.

In fact, Ryan Blunt didn't want to do this either, because the company also urgently needed cash.

Immediately thought about it, Luo Sheng provided $ 475 million in cash, and 55% of the equity was definitely not enough, so it had to be repurchased from the market, and the news of the acquisition must be concealable, and shareholders are not stupid. Once the news is released, it is no surprise that Take-Two's stock price will stop falling and rebound strongly.

That means one round trip, the company will have to make extra money to buy back, and in the end this money will definitely need 475 million US dollars to pay the bill, so in fact the cash flow will definitely be reduced by half.

But even so, it is acceptable. For Take-Two now, more than 200 million US dollars is a huge amount of money, which can fully revitalize the company's current plight, and even enough to produce three masterpieces of 3A games. 200 million US dollars in 2005 is still very valuable.

Ryan Blunt put away his thoughts and looked at Luo Sheng and said, "OK, I will try to convince the board, but I do not make an absolute guarantee."

Luo Luosheng nodded, and the two sides exchanged for about 20 minutes and ended the meeting.

Obviously, at least Ryan Blunt has accepted it, but it will take about five days to a week to formally reach an agreement. He also needs to convince the Take-Two board. Ron Blunt is conservative in this matter. He promised Luo Sheng, but he was confident.

Comparatively speaking, selling himself to Bluestar Technology is better than being blamed for capital losses such as Vivendi, which is purely blood-sucking in the gaming industry. Luo Sheng's sincerity surprised him, he can truly love games and is committed Capital for the development of this industry is truly rare.

On the side of Take-Two, Luo Sheng also left several people to conduct subsequent contract drafting and negotiation. Of course, these people were directly transferred from the legal team of the North American branch. He negotiated the matter and settled the general direction. The following questions are handled by professional legal personnel.

After two days, Luo Sheng had just arrived in Seattle. The news that Blue Star Technology was about to acquire Take-Two and the two parties had finally reached an agreement was finally exposed.

As expected, the company's stock rose sharply, and the market responded quickly.

Luo Luosheng's operation made the industry and Wall Street unable to understand it again.

作为 As an Internet company, what does it mean to go to the game industry for some reason?

However, even if the investors of Bluestar Technology do not understand his approach, no one has jumped out to oppose it. One is that Luo Sheng cannot do anything to stop him even if he is determined to do one thing. Sheng has never rolled over.

Uh ...

"I've heard that it looks like Take-Two has accepted your company's takeover offer. Although Valve is not as big as Take-Two, I will definitely not accept your takeover offer, Mr. Luo."

In a reception room, 42-year-old Gabe Rogan Newell vowed to look at the young man in front of him, this young man will not be anyone other than Luo Sheng,

At this time, Luo Sheng is interviewing with the famous “G Fat” in the past, Valve, later known as the V agency by players.

Gabe Newell is definitely a unique talent. Coincidentally, he is also a member of the "Drop Out Club". He dropped out of Harvard to work at Microsoft and became a programmer for 13 years. Jiner, always felt that the game was his life, and then left the company to form Valve.

FPS masterpiece "Half Life" was born from this company eight years ago. At that time, the FPS game was basically holding a gun, and at most, a few cutscenes would complete it.

And "Half-Life" can actually be like a movie, the plot takes place in real time, and it has a sense of substitution. At that time, gamers never experienced such a game, G Fat and Valve became famous in this battle, and "Half-Life" also became famous It has become one of the most memorable works in the history of games.

"Ryan Blount was also strongly resisted in the beginning." Luo Sheng laughed: "It was still willing to follow me."

"He may be involuntary, but Valve is different. I'm different. We are not large in size but healthy in operation. At the same time, Valve is not a public company, and I don't plan to go public. So you don't want to take my company. "Gab Newell said resolutely. Speaking of which, G is not fat now.

Luo Luosheng naturally did a good job, G fat is an iron master, this is better than Ryan Bronte, especially care about Valve's control.

However, the more fat G is, Luo Sheng feels that this can be successful, because no one in the world can escape the "True Incense Law", but it is worth mentioning that the "True Incense Law" has not been discovered yet. But this law does exist, because many people swear not to do something but eventually do it. This is the law of true incense.

I flattened G fat, Luo Sheng only needed two moves to get it, one move relied on Fou, one move relied on small money.

According to the convention, Luo Sheng started by raising his hands and saying that the way to make a fat G online game store is simply a genius idea.

胖 At the beginning, G Fat was still a bit embarrassed, because the scale and popularity of Steam is not as exaggerated as Luo Sheng said, after all, people in their forties are already.

But this person, he wo n’t be angry even if he is not accepted. When he was praised for the first time, G Fat felt that Luo Sheng was trying to kill, and the second time he felt that it was almost the same. But the third or even fourth The next time ...

In the midst of successive bombardments, everyone will feel in their hearts that it may really be the case, and even the humble person will float.

At this moment, G Fat is more and more convinced that Steam is indeed his genius-like creativity.

"Steam is definitely only genius to think about. It is no exaggeration to say that the emergence of Steam is a subversive innovation for the gaming industry and will bring new changes to the gaming industry. Especially for small and medium-sized independent game companies, They no longer have to struggle to find a hair stylist. Steam is the best digital distribution platform, and uploading games to Steam can easily do everything. "Luo Sheng continued to boast.

Gradually, the two sides talked so consciously that more than half an hour had passed.

At this moment, G Fat's heart is so touched, not because of Luo Sheng's various exaggerations, but finally someone who can understand him to create Steam.

It is hard to find a friend.

Gabe Newell also talked more and more, only to see him say, "In fact, the birth of Steam was not smooth. I have found the old owner Microsoft, and also found the giants such as Yahoo. I hope to cooperate with them to develop, The reply that can be received is only two letters ... NO! Because no one has heard or even thought of the "online game store" model, the game industry at the time was not so optimistic, and of course, it is still not optimistic now. . "

I said G was slightly awkward.

The Steam platform was released in 2002. In the early days, I did n’t know what the ghost was. No one could understand G Fat ’s product, and no one knew it. There was no popularity. The current little fame is in 2003 and Mingliu games. The history book CS1.6 came online only after it was bundled.

Until now, although there are successive third-party games on the Steam platform, there are no big-name third-party. As for the super-big-name third parties such as Ubisoft, Take-Two, and Squarewell, it is unnecessary to think about it.

Compared with these third-party game developer giants, Valve is now a younger brother, and anyone can buy Valve.

"Maybe others are not optimistic, but I am optimistic, and I am here for that." Luo Sheng said in a very affirmative tone: "If you think I came here to see Valve or its" Habaniao " "Life" is very wrong. What I really fancy is the Steam platform. This idea is not only a subversion of the game industry, but also has a huge impact on the global Internet in the future ~ ~ Gabe Newell never expected that Luo Sheng would have such a high evaluation of the Steam platform. He originally believed that this model could be very promising, but now he is undoubtedly more convinced.

一次 This time, Luo Sheng did not say these words in a flicker, but thought so from the heart.

Before Steam, Apple's App-Store, Google's Google-App Store, and even Tencent's later We-Game, all had to call Steam "Daddy".

Because both Apple's App Store and Google's App Store have the same model as Steam, the game company V is the pioneer of the online app store model.

Gabe Newell said for a while, "But I still don't want to be acquired by you. Since Steam has a lot to do, why should I sell it to you?"

Luo Sheng leaned behind the sofa and said slowly with his legs crossed, "If this is the case, in terms of commercial competition, you will face a sting by a strong enemy. I will go all out, I swear, and you and I know Steam isn't a thing right now, but it's a breeze for me to hang it. "

If it's not soft, then come the hard, two-pronged approach, grabbing with both hands, both hands are hard.

Uh ...

(Ps: Four more completed, asking for votes. The pit of the game industry has basically been dug up and successfully occupied a pit. In order to lay the foundation for the future virtual game platform, the protagonist will definitely not play the legend of 999 for the game industry. It has also been written by other business science and technology articles, and it is a technology company to play high-tech and high-tech elements such as Cyberpunk 2077 and immersive virtual games.