Chapter 68: Little girl, you have me

I was walking through the alleys holding an umbrella, and when I returned to the car, I was still in a depressed mood just now. I never thought that my parents would take Xiao Wu like that, and take her a kidney abruptly.

In fact, she is just a little girl.

A little girl who is not too close to my age.

But because of different births, fate is very different.

The assistant noticed that I was depressed. He drove the car and asked me softly, "Shi Zong, did something happen?"

I shook my head and said, "It's okay."

Just standing at the door, I saw the woman wearing a floral skirt that looked like Xiao Wu, and there was an inexplicable fear in my heart.

I don’t know what I’m afraid of.

may be that guilt.

I asked Shi Cheng if it was a small five.

Shicheng denied: "Xiao Wu is not in China."

The woman who looks like Xiao Wu but is not Xiao Wu but is Shi Cheng’s lover...

I instantly understood that Shi Cheng has always liked Xiao Wu. This is the real reason why he left Shi’s family.

Because I like it, I found a woman who looks similar to be his lover. I just asked him, "Will you go to Xiaowu?"

Shichi replied: "Not in this life."

Shicheng will not go to Xiaowu. I dare not ask him why, but I know in my heart that he will never forgive Shijia again in his life.

The assistant asked me, "Will you go back to Wucheng now?"

Yu Luoluo was still in the hospital in the town, and I asked the assistant to take me there. When that happened, I asked him to wait for me at the door.

Wrapped in a long and thick down jacket, I entered the elevator and pressed the fourth floor. As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw a straight back.

Gu Lanzhi is standing at the door of Yuluoluo ward.

seems to be hesitant to get in.

When I was about to say hello, he opened the door and went in. I used to hear Yu Luoluo calling his brother in surprise.

"How is the injury?"

His voice is warm, with a hint of coolness.

Yu Luoluo cleverly replied: "The doctor said there was no big problem, but it was a little painful, but it didn't hurt to see my brother."

Gu Lanzhi suddenly said: "She asked me to come."

I was startled, and immediately understood that she was me in his mouth.

I did not expect Gu Lanzhi to be so direct.

Should I make that call?

Yu Luoluo's lost voice asked: "Sister Shi Sheng?"

"I don't care about anyone except her."

Gu Lanzhi's words are too cruel.

He explained in a calm voice: "I don't want to disappoint her, even if it is a little bit, you should understand what I mean."

"I know, brother is moving away from me."

Yu Luoluo's voice was very sad. I heard her ask sadly: "Does my brother really love her?"

Yu Luoluo’s question is too direct. Deep down in my heart, I feel that it’s not very moral for me to stand here and eavesdrop.

I don’t want to know the answer anymore.

I hurriedly left and went to the corridor, looking at the very clean sky outside the window due to the rain, the depression in my heart gradually disappeared a lot. I will investigate the matter of Xiao Wu when I return to Wucheng.

It didn't take long for Gu Lanzhi to come out of Yuluoluo's ward. He didn't look surprised when he saw me outside.

He seems to be calm about everything.

I explained with a smile: "I just went to the police station to solve some problems and plan to go back to Wucheng. I want to see Luoluo before leaving."

Gu Lan's favor said: "Go."

His tone is very weak.

is like the sentence just now, "I don't care about anyone except her." It didn't seem to come from his mouth.

I stopped thinking about going around him and went into the ward. Yu Luoluo was surprised to see me, "Sister Shi Sheng, you are here."

I smiled and said, "I just saw your brother outside."

Afraid of her misunderstanding, I deliberately explained it again: "I went to the police station to deal with something, and I want to see you afterwards."

seemed to understand my intentions, Yu Luoluo said thank you, and said gratefully: "If it weren't for you, he wouldn't come to see me."

What is the use of Gu Lanzhi to see her?

is just listening to him say a few cold words.

I regret making that call now.

I sat next to Yu Luoluo and asked her about her physical condition. She optimistically said: "It's good. I will return to Wucheng after a few days. I plan to listen to my second brother and learn how to do business in the company. Gu's family still has the responsibility to not escape."

Yes, Yu Luoluo is the Gu family after all.

I squeezed her palm, and said guiltily: "Sorry."

forgive my arrogance and called him.

"Sister Shi Sheng, why do you apologize? If it weren't for me, you and your didn't blame me, what did you do to apologize for's always me who should say sorry."

In love, everyone has their own little tricks.

I forgive Yu Luoluo, because she came to die to save me.

"Then let's forgive each other."

I asked her curiously, "Why did you follow me last night?"

Yu Luoluo licked the corners of her lips and explained: "The words you said to me yesterday touched me deeply. You have been thinking about me, but I am so selfish... I want to catch up with you and tell you the truth. , As a result, seeing that you are getting more and more remote, I am afraid that you alone will be in danger, so I have been guarding you all the time."

"Thank you, Luo Luo."


When I left the ward, I didn't see Gu Lanzhi on the fourth floor. I gently pursed my lips and thought, is it possible that he has already left?

Gu Lanzhi came here just to catch a glimpse of Yu Luoluo by flying all the way?

When I went downstairs and left, I saw the man standing upright in front of the hospital. I was startled, and then I realized that he was waiting for me here.

The rain is a lot lighter now, the breeze and drizzle.

Gu Lanzhi wore a thin suit with a creamy white shirt inside and a Rolex on his wrist.

He is very tall, the black hair on his forehead has been sorted out, revealing a smooth forehead. At this moment, he is holding a large black bamboo umbrella, his eyes twinkling, as if it contains thousands of stars.

The vast stars in his eyes are pure land that I have never been to before, and I am not worthy of it now.

I fell in love with another man.

A man who looks exactly like him.

I betrayed my obsession.

betrayed my pure love.

I can come this far, I'm so happy.

Thanks to him, let me meet Gu Tingchen.

at least let me have love.

I hesitantly approached and shouted, "Gu Lanzhi."

He smiled and asked me, "Walk with me?"

My car was parked under the stairs of the hospital. It stands to reason that I should go straight, but this is too hurtful.

I smiled and said, "Yeah."

He held the umbrella toward me for more than half of it. We were walking along the road and there happened to be a cafe nearby.

I offered to drink coffee.

Gu Lanzhi did not refuse.

As soon as the two of us walked into the coffee shop, there was a pleasant piano sound. I followed the sound and saw someone playing the piano in front.

Seeing my curiosity, the waiter smiled and explained: "Our shop launches an event every day. If anyone plays the piano well, he will be free. Now the gentleman on the stage has defeated many opponents."

I am curious and asked: "How is it good?"

"Acknowledged by the audience."

I said with a loud voice, "First two cups of Green Mountain Coffee."

Gu Lanzhi and I sat in the innermost position. Although the two of us were speechless, we were very comfortable with each other.

After the coffee came up, I pointed to the person who was playing the piano and commented: "The skill of playing is very good, but the feelings are not full."

Gu Lanzhi asked me softly, "What is fullness?"

"He didn't express the feelings of this song. It was very dry. Basically, he used the technique, which is average."

I have studied piano for many years. Although it is not as good as Gu Lanzhi, I have the ability to teach students and evaluate the quality of a piece of music.

"Well, would you like to try?"

I looked at the piano and said, "How can the free coffee taste so good? You see, the coffee shop is very well decorated. The pianos are all Karlstein pianos made in Germany. You said that in a small town, you can open such a coffee shop Does the shopkeeper who can even afford such a piano seem to be short of money? It may be a master who is hidden in the market, and he will come out in person once an unbeatable opponent appears."

Gu Lanzhi petted and asked: "What are you afraid of?"

I looked at him subconsciously, "Huh?"

"Little girl, you have me."

I suddenly realized that the person sitting across from me is a master in the piano world, and today this coffee is indeed free.

But he wanted me to play first.

I hesitate, because I have never played the piano in front of him, like a student meets a teacher... Nine years ago he was indeed the teacher in the next class, and I was just a student.

Gu Lanzhi encouraged me to say: "Play it for me."

I still hesitate. At this moment, the piano on the stage has finished playing. The waiter looked at the coffee shop and asked, "Is there anyone competing? If not, today is..."

At this moment, Gu Lanzhi raised his hand to indicate, "Here."

Gu Lanzhi pushed me out.

I was driven to the shelves by a duck, and when I passed by a middle-aged man in an orthodox black suit, I couldn't help but take another look.

His clothes are very formal.

is a dress.

is only worn when attending major gatherings and performances.

I probably guessed his identity.

I sat in front of the piano a little nervously, looked at Gu Lanzhi with uneasy eyes, and he smiled gently at me.

Yu Luoluo said that he is an extremely indifferent man.

But he always smiles at me.

All his tenderness seems to be only given to me.

I don’t know what tune to play, there is only one street where wind lives in my mind, but I just heard about Xiaowu and I have a grudge against my mother, so naturally I don’t want to touch this tune again.

But the only fate between Gu Lanzhi and I is it.

The street where the wind lives, he used to play for me again and again, this time I returned it to him, and we will owe nothing to each other in the future.

The familiar melody came out, because I played it too many times, I didn't have to look at the black and white button, I closed my eyes and finished playing it.

opened his eyes and met Gu Lanzhi's gaze.

is very light, but full of memories.

I have a secret hidden in my heart——

I have loved Gu Lan for nine years.

When he was young, he often followed behind him.

became his brother's wife when he was old.

My fate with him finally broke nine years ago.