Listen to the words of polar night, Murong Yifeng deeply lowers his head.

I even saw a blush of shyness on Murong Yifeng's face.

Really speechless, even if lies are exposed, also need not be so shy.

I don't want to understand, because at this time, it seems that I don't know what is love.

"I say you, do you like to fight against me?" I said to the night.

Although the guy didn't mean anything, he always liked to tune me, and I always had to fight back.

I have to make him understand that I am a magic woman, and he can't afford it.

I thought, I waved, and a huge flame appeared in the palm of my hand.

"Polar night, right? Look at this one." I yelled at the night.

Polar night also felt a chill, he could not help but fight a cold war, and then turned around.

Seeing a huge fireball in my hand, he was obviously afraid.

However, he is a dead duck. His mouth is hard, his heart is afraid, and his mouth is not willing to say.

"What's the matter? You think I'll be scared if I make such a fireball!"

"I tell you, even if you make ten, I won't be afraid." The extreme night is fierce, the inside Darby said to me.

As soon as I heard it, I was immediately interested.

He is not afraid of ten, so

Want to do, I put out my hand, the air suddenly more than a pile of fireballs.

No need to count. No more, no less. Just a hundred.

"A hundred fireballs at night, are you afraid?"

"Don't say, even if it's the temperature, as long as you put it on you, you must be burned to ashes." I said to polar night with a smile.

Polar night is no longer talking.

He turned away from me.

However, I can clearly see that his feet are constantly shaking.

It seems that he was scared by me.

"I'm not going to hurt you as long as you don't do it to me." With that, I put away all the fireballs.

"Yes, Lingling. It's not good for girls to play like this. You should be quiet." Murong Yifeng seems to have no fear at all.

In other words, he is not afraid of doing things.

"Of course not. Although I am a woman, I am a woman with ideals and aspirations. I want to settle all the injustice in the world."

"I want to make all the world full of happiness." I said with some longing.

This sentence seems to be engraved in the depths of my soul, how to get rid of it.

As soon as I say something like this, it comes out automatically.

This is my mission.

"Murong Yifeng, you two are good friends. Why is there such a big difference in personality?" I asked.

Murong Yifeng looked at the polar night, and I found that as long as Murong Yifeng encountered no problem, he habitually looked at Murong Yifeng.

But it is also so, Murong Yifeng looks a little silly, some lovely.

Polar night to see Murong Yifeng look at him, said: "we are two best friends, but who told you, the best friend character must be the same."

"I can be very responsible to tell you that the more close friends are, the greater the personality differences between them may be."

"Of course, in some aspects, or in the handling of certain things, friends may be the same, but it does not mean that their personalities are also the same." The night said to me.

Hearing the words of polar night, I am more confused.

Clearly is a good friend, why there is such a big gap?

The words that polar night says seem to be some truth, but two people who get along day and night, why is the character gap so big?

It shouldn't be.

I can't think of it. I don't think about it. When I have more knowledge, I will understand.

After walking with Murong Yifeng and Jiye for about half an hour, I saw a complex of buildings in front of me.

Looking at Murong Yifeng and Jiye's happy appearance, this should be their ethnic group.

"By the way, Murong Yifeng, your group, the most powerful person, is there any I can do?" I asked.

Murong Yifeng thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"Don't you know or don't tell me?" I asked.

"I don't know." Murong Yifeng replied.

"If you want to know, go to our tribe and have a fight." The night broke in.

"It has to be a fight?" I watched the night, and since he had spoken, I thought he would answer my question.

Sure enough, after hearing my question, Jiye still replied, "of course, your strength is very strong, much stronger than both of us. We simply can't see how strong you are.""In the same way, the elders of our ethnic group are also super strong, and we can not see the deep and shallow existence of the two of us. If you let us compare, there will be no result." Said the night.

I listen to the words of polar night, it is really very reasonable.

Their strength is not very strong. Ask them, how can we get the result.

"Come on, we'll be home in about two minutes." Murong Yifeng said.

It can be seen that Murong Yifeng is still very attached to this ethnic group.

I looked at the gathering place of that ethnic group, but this time, I found that there was something wrong with this gathering place.

How do I feel? This gathering place is a little bloody.

I hope it's my bad eyes. I'm wrong.

The two minute journey is really not long.

After a while, Murong Yifeng and Jiye took me to the ethnic group.

However, what is reflected in front of us is not the happy people in the ethnic group, but a piece of disability.

It seems that someone has been baptized here, and a lot of things have been destroyed.

The trace of searching is clear. It should have been found here.

However, looking at the situation here, we should not find what those people want in the end.

I look at Murong Yifeng and Jiye. As an outsider, I am not deeply touched by these events.

However, Murong Yifeng and Jiye are different. They obviously have a huge attachment to this group.

In this case, they are both confused.

In particular, Murong Yifeng, I feel that he has some signs of collapse.

Polar night is better. No, the surface of polar night is very good. He hardly shows any expression.

But his body was shaking and his heart was very restless.

It seems that polar night is a more calm person. Even if something happens, he can think more about other things.

This is not, he Lengshen for a while, to me and Murong Yifeng said: "let's hurry, maybe the other side is still."