Wenshuo stared at Yan Bai's face for a while, and wanted to say that your face didn't look OK.

Men's eyes seem to contain a surge of general, on the top, people's heart.

He took a mouthful of saliva in silence, swallowed the words that were about to come out, and shook his head.

"That's what Helia said."


Yan Bai's tone is firm, the bottom of his eyes is surging and stirring, and he is suppressing something.

Wenshuo was a little uneasy, and suddenly had a premonition that his next question would be like opening Pandora's box.

His heart thump for a moment, but still silent nod, according to him, hurriedly turned to look for Helia.

As he approached, he entered Yan Hu and met him.

When the explosion happened, Yan Hu pulled Helia out. After listening to him, Helia looked at the ruins like a stake.

Yan Hu can obviously feel the restless mood on her body. However, she did not respond to how she yelled.

"Is it because of the explosion? Something's wrong. "

Wen Shuo nodded calmly.

It's more than that she's not happy for a while.

Wenshuo goes to Helia and shakes his hand in front of her.

She didn't respond when she approached. The eyeball also seems to be stuck in general, fixed in a position, do not move.

Wenshuo called her twice.

There was no response.

Wenshuo frowned, and his face was cold again. After a little consideration, he raised his hand to clasp her shoulder and shook it twice.

Suddenly, a sharp cry pierced the air and startled everyone.

A bunch of eyes, just the same.

Wen Shuo's old face was red, and she raised her hand to cover her mouth. Then he quickly turned his head and glared around.

Whew, eyes disappear.

He breathed a silent breath, bowed his head, and his headache pricked his temples.

Taking a deep breath and adjusting for a while, Wenshuo looks up and looks at shanghelia with frightened eyes. His heart jumps and his eyebrows wrinkle.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Wuwu --"

Helia struggled to shake her head, her eyes were round and her eyes were bulging, as if she was about to fall out.

Wen Shuo's doubts were even more serious. He took a deep breath in silence and tried his best to release his soft voice: "I let go. You don't want to shout, OK? Nod and I'll let go. "

Holly nodded her head.

Wen Shuo relaxed his hand a little, but at the same time, he was sensitive to hear an inspiration, almost subconsciously, his hand fell down and covered the mouth.

"Wuwu --"

Helia sobbed, her eyes full of water vapor.

Wen Shuo had a headache and stressed again: "I said, don't shout, I'll let go."

Hallia sobbed with fear, nodded, and the water in her eyes was falling.

Wenshuo gazed for a while, trying to release his hand.

A little, a little

He listened to the shallow cry and let go of his hand.

Helia bit her lips and tried to suppress her crying, for fear that she would cry a little louder and be covered by the people in front of her.

As soon as the strength of her mouth disappeared, she fell to the ground.

Wenshuo has been looking at her movement, see the situation quickly stretched out his hand, a person will hold.

Helia was held up and her body was shaking even more.

Wenshuo listened to her sobs, a little afraid that she would be breathing in the next second.

He did not dare to delay. He looked around in a hurry and found a good wooden box. He helped the man in a hurry.

Helia was almost half dragged and half hugged by him to the front of the box. When she sat down along his strength, her body was still soft.

She subconsciously reached for the edge of the box, her hand was empty several times, and almost fell down again.

Fortunately, Wenshuo has been looking at her, just in time to help people.

He suppressed his restlessness and waited quietly for Hallia to settle down before he spoke.

"Do you know where the three children like to go

Holly shook her head weakly.

She lowered her head, almost buried in her chest.

Wenshuo even if can not see the expression on her face, can also clearly feel the fear on her body, a confused heart.

What is she afraid of?

"Think about it. Besides this, and the dormitory, where else do they stay for a long time? "

Hallia was still silent and shook her head.

Wen Shuo thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "do you know what crime it is to deliberately conceal evidence?"

Helia was stiff.

"It's no different from covering up criminals and making false evidence. If the case is solved, you will go to jail with the murderer. "

Wen Shuo's tone is flat, as if to say "what did you eat tonight" general topic.Helia froze and her breathing became heavier and heavier.

The sound of wheezing is like the sound of a bell and drum.

Wenshuo felt the change of her mood. Her eyes flashed and said a word.

"No, you are the accomplice. If the child is dead, you are also a murderer. "


Holly screams as she collapses.

Wenshuo's heart was a little more relaxed.

It's good to have a reaction.

He waited patiently for hellia to finish, listened to the other party's coarse gasping, and asked in a cold voice, "would you like to say it now?"

Holly cried and nodded, and said her hidden things intermittently.

On the night when the child was lost, she and all the staff searched the orphanage and the neighborhood for nothing.

After the dean said that she had a rest, she dragged her tired body back to the duty room. Just as she was about to change her clothes to sleep, she suddenly heard a rustle outside the door.

At first, she thought she had heard something wrong, so she didn't care.

I don't want to. The sound is getting louder and louder.

It was like someone was dragging a heavy load.

She couldn't help but mention it. After hesitating for a while, she still bravely opened the door and went out.

Open the door, the corridor is dark, the only light is scattered from her door.

Her heart was a little tighter.

She was uneasy at the door and looked around.

It's dark. I don't see anything.

At that time, she did not notice the corridor window, even the moonlight did not shine in.

She did not see, and because she was afraid, she hurried back and closed the door.

But not long after she closed the door, the rustling sound came again.

It's more obvious, this time, it's just like her voice.

We can't ignore it.

She grew more and more frightened, her heart beating like thunder. Scared of a jump to the bed, pull on the quilt to cover their own tightly, the war shudder, even the lights are not turned off.

She didn't know when she fell asleep.

By the time I woke up, it was already light.

She looked out of the window at the sun, inexplicably had a sense of survival.

When she got out of bed, she suddenly found that the light had been turned off.

She remembers clearly that she didn't turn off the light.

Her heart rose again, and she turned around impatiently. Then, there was something.

"Well, I don't know what it is. I found it at the door, but then it haunted me like a ghost. I lost it a few times, and it came back to me in the end. "

It's always on her, and it can't be lost. Even if she left the bead at home, it would eventually appear on her.

Helia raised her hand tremblingly and spread out her palm to Wenshuo.

Wenshuo side eyes, one eye, eyes suddenly stare big.


A glass bead, in the sunlight reflection, sparkling.

Wenshuo's heart beat faster.

He quickly took up his gloves, picked up the beads, and walked quickly to Yan Bai, who almost ran behind him.

"Yan Bai, look!"

He took the bead to Yan Bai's eyes.

Yan Bai Leng for a moment, turn a look, also startled.

Wenshuo said the story of Helia in a hurry.

Yan Bai's eyes sank. He grabbed the beads and went to Helia.

"Where did you find it? Where is the room? "

Helia was startled again. She threw herself back and shook her head.

"Not in the house, but in the hallway."


Yan Bai frowned.

"Why didn't you say that before?"

Helia bowed her head and said, "I'm afraid."

She was frightened by the rustling sound that night.

She's got too much in her brain.

She imagined that there was a serial murderer outside the door. After killing people, she put them into sacks and dragged away the bodies step by step.

After she opened the door, she looked back and forth with wide eyes, and came back to the house only to make sure there was nothing.

But that fear is growing.

The rustle in her ear, like a whisper from hell, was calling her name, warning her that if all this was said, she would be dragged down to the abyss.

She shook her head, her eyes full of fear.

"This bead lies outside the door. As soon as you open the door, you see it. "

The moment she saw it, her hands and feet seemed to have their own consciousness. When she came back, she had pinched the bead to her hand.

"Did you notice anything but the rustle?"

Helia tilted her head and thought for a while, shaking her head in a daze, her voice hoarse."No more."

"In the process of looking for someone?"

The process of finding people?

Helia froze and lowered her head to recall.

For a long time, she seemed to think of something in general, the body rubbed a shake, brush the ground to look up.

"I remember, I remember."

She was so excited that she raised her voice.

"That night, I was at the back of the dormitory building and saw a shadow flash past. It's really fast. I thought it was my own illusion, so I didn't pay attention to it. Is this special? "

She took a mouthful of water nervously.


Yan Bai raises eyebrows.

"Don't you mind showing me that place?"

Holly nodded.

She held up her hands and wanted to get up, but her body was still a little soft. She struggled several times before she stood up.

She was a little embarrassed to smile at Yan Bai and turned to lead the way.

It's a little slow.

"That's it. That's what I saw that night."

Helia stood at a corner of the dormitory building and pointed.

Yan Bai stood behind her, looked in the direction of her fingers, and then walked over.

He stood in the position where the shadow had flashed, and turned his head and glanced.

The location of the corner of Helia is just right up.

She was seen.

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