Agent 09

As soon as the words ‘Ah Lan’ were spoken, Xin Lan and Dong Shuyu both froze.

The smile that had just appeared on Dong Shuyu’s face froze as she wondered when Qin Yuyan had become so familiar with Xin Lan.

If they hadn’t just met, there wouldn’t have been a need to exchange contact information. But if they had just met, why use such an affectionate term? Something didn’t seem right.

Xin Lan was also momentarily taken aback by this somewhat familiar address. Qu Zhi’an had called her that before. Then came the same confusion as Dong Shuyu’s. She felt that she wasn’t that close to Qin Yuyan, so why use such an intimate form of address?

However, this wasn’t a bad thing; at least it made Dong Shuyu, who had just indirectly mocked her, feel awkward for a while.

Xin Lan took Qin Yuyan’s phone, entered the number, and handed it back to Qin Yuyan.

Qin Yuyan added a contact name. She initially thought about entering Xin Lan’s full name but decided to use the nickname she had just used. This way, it would appear at the top of the list.

“Sister Dong, what were you chatting about just now?”

“Nothing much. It’s just that Xin Lan and I haven’t seen each other in a while, so I came over to say hello. By the way, about the matter Sister asked you last time, do you have any thoughts?”

Sister Dong looked at Qin Yuyan and asked with a smile.

Qin Yuyan ran her fingers along the smooth edge of her phone. Dong Shuyu had spoken first, and not only did she know Qin Yuyan’s father, but they had also shared a couple of meals together. Yet, Qin Yuyan was aware that Xin Lan was also watching her. Everyone understood the situation, and Dong Shuyu’s intention was clear – she wanted Qin Yuyan to express her stance.

“I definitely have thoughts. I’ve completed my further education this year, and it’s time to engage in things that interest me. However, when it comes to the people at the top, I still need to think it over.”

“If you come under my wing, I promise you won’t be treated unfairly. I’ve brought rising actors and actresses into the spotlight, and I can certainly help you gain fame.”

Dong Shuyu said this with unwavering confidence. Her connections and experience were her assets to rely on. Having been in the industry for many years, she was well aware of various marketing strategies.

Considering her age, she couldn’t continue for much longer. After all, being a manager was a demanding profession. At 37, she could still keep going. However, when she reached her forties or fifties, she wouldn’t have the energy for all the hustle and bustle, and she would retire.

Before retiring from the industry, she truly wished to create another legend, to elevate someone to the pinnacle and make them a star in the history of film and television.

Qin Yuyan was undoubtedly a promising talent. Even though she was already 24 years old, which wasn’t very young, that aura of vitality was still present.

This kind of vitality was difficult to define; not everyone possessed it.

However, without a doubt, this kind of vitality would fade away with its consumption.

As Dong Shuyu looked at Qin Yuyan, several strategies to propel her to stardom flashed through her mind. Unfortunately, at that time, Qin Yuyan had wanted to concentrate on her studies.

Missing out on such a promising talent, who knows when the next opportunity like this will come.

Others might also be suitable, but it would certainly require more effort and dedication.

“Thank you, Sister Dong, for your kind offer. I know that being under your guidance would be very beneficial.”

Qin Yuyan sincerely said, but it felt like something that was beyond her control.

She really wanted the kind of connection she had with Xin Lan, a feeling she didn’t experience with Dong Shuyu.

Moreover, she isn’t particularly driven by fame and fortune. If she were seeking those accolades, she would have pursued a career in the entertainment industry long ago.

The smile on Dong Shuyu’s face faded slightly. Qin Yuyan’s words seemed like praise, but they carried a subtle refusal.

She was a bit puzzled. From whichever angle you looked at it, she should be the best choice.

The atmosphere became slightly awkward for a moment. Xin Lan didn’t want to be pushy, and Qin Yuyan had already semi-indicated her stance. Moreover, she could discern that Dong Shuyu genuinely wanted to recruit Qin Yuyan; otherwise, she wouldn’t have put in so much effort.

“Now, let’s not dwell on this in the current situation. Today is my grandmother’s birthday. Thank you for honoring us with your presence.”

Qin Yuyan raised her glass and gestured to Xin Lan and Dong Shuyu.

The three of them collectively brushed aside the previous topic, pretending as if nothing had happened, engaging in casual conversation.

However, this kind of chat felt somewhat awkward and forced. Dong Shuyu also understood that even if she were anxious, it wouldn’t make a difference in such matters. She took the opportunity to excuse herself by raising her glass and mentioning she needed to find an acquaintance.

After Sister Dong left, the atmosphere became more relaxed.

“Sister Dong seems quite eager to have you sign on with her.”

Xin Lan swirled the red wine in her glass and spoke up.

“Indeed, she actually reached out to me several years ago. We’ve kept in touch over time. While we’re not very familiar, she has shown some concern for me.”

Qin Yuyan spoke honestly, her fingers lightly pressing against the rim of the wine glass. The cool sensation helped alleviate the heat that surged within her as she locked eyes with Xin Lan.

“So, why haven’t you accepted her offer even after all this time? Didn’t you already decide to enter the entertainment industry?”

Xin Lan raised an eyebrow. If Dong Shuyu had harbored this intention for a long time and had been consistently pursuing it, logically speaking, Qin Yuyan should have easily leaned towards her side. Why hadn’t she made a decision by now?

Earlier, the excuse of being busy with academics was given, but there were also claims about having plans, right?

“Previously, it was because my parents wanted me to think it over. Once you sign with a company, you have to take responsibility. It can’t be taken lightly. In fact, if they had their way, they wouldn’t want me to choose this path.”

Under the lamplight, Qin Yuyan’s expression seemed somewhat obscure, her fingers gliding across the surface of the tall glass.

“Being a celebrity, you’re in the spotlight, all glamorous and dazzling. But the downside is the lack of privacy. I think I enjoy acting; it’s quite interesting, isn’t it? So, I’m planning to come back.”

Qin Yuyan and Xin Lan raised their glasses, taking a small sip of the drink.

“If you choose me, would you feel like you’re letting her down?”

“There will be that feeling, but it’s not just me; there would be others too. It’s just that I happen to…” Qin Yuyan paused for a moment, raising her hand slightly and gesturing upward, “stand a bit higher on the ladder.”

“That’s what she thinks, and that’s what you think too, right?”

It all comes down to appreciation or the belief that you’ll become a huge star, a money-making machine, and so on. Qin Yuyan knew very well what was on their minds.

In fact, the reason she’s been hesitating to sign a contract all this time is because entering this industry inevitably means sacrificing some freedom and giving up certain rights that she should have had.

“My thoughts might be different from hers.”

Xin Lan’s lips curled into a smile, her red lips taking on a different kind of allure under the lamplight.

“I’m not signing you on to see you as a money-making machine, nor do I aim to place you on a lofty pedestal. What I said earlier was genuine. As long as you join me, you’ll be the most important one in my heart. I can promise you something more than she can, which is freedom. I’ll work hard to present resources before you, but my only hope is for you to progress, not regress. Even if you want to catch your breath, take a break, it’s all fine, no problem.”

As Xin Lan spoke, she gazed at Qin Yuyan, her body slightly leaning forward. Qin Yuyan could even catch a whiff of the fragrance on her, a delicate floral scent.

Qin Yuyan: “If I sign with you, would you neglect Shen Yun?”

Xin Lan: “Do you know why I said she won’t shine?”

Qin Yuyan: “Because her acting isn’t good?”

Xin Lan: “No, quite the opposite. Among the current group of popular stars, her acting is considered decent. I personally polished it.”

Xin Lan: “I ignited her success with my own hands, and I’ll also be the one to extinguish it.”

As Xin Lan spoke, her expression turned cold, and even her gaze emitted a chilling intensity.

However, Qin Yuyan’s heart trembled slightly because of this. A voice within her kept repeating, “This is it, exactly like this.”

This must be the appearance of disdain, tinged with a touch of indifference – the undisputed queen.

When she lifted her chin, it wasn’t because she succumbed to the allure of her charm, but rather she was overwhelmed by that intense aura.

When her gaze passed over you, you either existed or ceased to exist.

Qin Yuyan heard her own voice resound, accompanied by a slight quiver.

“Do you dislike her?”


Xin Lan was straightforward.

She wasn’t afraid that Qin Yuyan would inform Shen Yun about this, because she knew Qin Yuyan wouldn’t.

“Then why not just exile her?”

“Just like you said earlier, if I were a CEO, I wouldn’t hesitate to erase her. Given her current popularity, even if we discard her, there will be plenty of people ready to pick her up. I’ve invested so many resources to promote her; there must be an outcome.”

The previous owner of the body had witnessed Shen Yun’s rise to stardom, only to end up in such a state herself.

So, she would witness Shen Yun’s decline and downfall.

“I will help you with that.”


Xin Lan was somewhat surprised.

Qin Yuyan flashed a smile, a smile that held a hint of realization and genuine interest.

“What I mean is, I’m willing to be signed by you.”

“You don’t want to think it over a bit more?”

Xin Lan hadn’t expected things to go so smoothly. After all, they had only met for the second time. Although she had made numerous verbal commitments, she hadn’t actually provided anything tangible yet. And yet, Qin Yuyan believed her so readily. She was willing to give up Dong Shuyu’s offer and come to her?

“You’ve promised me, freedom.”

“Freedom also has its limits.”

Xin Lan didn’t say this with too much certainty. She wasn’t sure if she could grant Qin Yuyan the kind of power to dictate how things would go.

“Aren’t you afraid that I might change my mind this way?”

Qin Yuyan chuckled.

“I just don’t want your expectations of me to be too high, so that any eventual disappointment might lead to resentment.”

Xin Lan said in a leisurely manner, taking a small sip from her glass.

“I believe you won’t let me down.”

This banquet was quite worthwhile, and the conversation had been enjoyable for both host and guest.

However, this agreement was only verbal for now; the details still needed to be carefully planned and confirmed at a later time.

When Xin Lan emerged, An An opened the car door for her.

Xin Lan sat in the car, where the air conditioning was strong, dispelling the stifling heat outside. She took out her phone from her bag, opened WeChat, and saw a friend request.

After adding a note to the request, she sent an initial greeting emoji.

Qin Yuyan might not have been looking at her phone, as she didn’t respond.

Xin Lan returned to her message list and began to go through it one by one.

Shen Yun had sent her several messages.

【Shen Yun】: Heard someone say you’re going to sign Qin Yuyan?

【Shen Yun】: It can’t be true, right?

【Shen Yun】: You have no idea how strange their looks are when they see me. I believe this isn’t real.

【Shen Yun】: Where are you?

【Shen Yun】: I’ll listen to you carefully.

Xin Lan glanced at the messages. The last one was sent half an hour ago. Judging by Shen Yun’s tone, she might have been provoked by Qin Yuyan’s presence?

After a moment’s thought, Xin Lan’s fingers glided across the keyboard, typing out a response.

【Xin Lan】: I’ve lifted you up with my own hands, what’s there to worry about?

【Shen Yun】: Then are you willing to use your hands again and lift me up once more?

Zero Nine: Implying something???