Fantasy Popular Recommendation

Latest Release Novel

The Shapeshifter 09-18 11:09
Strongest Demonic Fiend System 09-18 11:09
Born from a divine gamble 09-18 11:09
Kingdom of the Weak 09-17 11:09
Fleshcrafting Technomancer 09-14 14:09
Babel 09-14 14:09
Nero, My Existence is Perfect 09-14 14:09
Reincarnated as a Fallen Angel 09-14 14:09
Above the Skies 09-13 12:09
Starbound: A Space Odyssey 09-12 20:09
Tales of a killer flower 09-12 20:09
Modern Weapon System 09-12 19:09
How To Get Cute Girls After Transmigrating 09-12 19:09
Ethereal Paradigm 09-12 19:09
The Wuxia Phone 09-12 19:09
Bleach System Within Bleach 09-12 17:09
Demon Kings Pet 09-11 23:09
Abyss Watcher in the league V2 09-11 23:09
Record of Naruto Verse 09-11 23:09
Spirit Sword Sovereign 09-11 12:09