"Bang bang bang......"

After him, all the civil and military officials brush three times, kneel down and worship nine times. At the same time, they hold up their right hands. Their voice is like a mountain mausoleum avalanche: "long live the emperor, long live the emperor!!!"

This scene happened not only in the capital of the great Yin emperor.

It happened almost at the same time in every territory of the great Yin Dynasty. As long as it was the territory of the great Yin, as long as it was the people of the great Yin, they all heard the voice of the emperor xuanluo in the dark.

"Long live, long live!"

"Emperor Shouqi and Tianqi, immortal!!!"

All the people held up their right hands and shouted loudly. Their eyes were full of fanaticism for Emperor Xuan.


At that moment, there were red mans shooting out of each person's body. These red mans converged into rivers and rushed towards Tangwu mountain.

And these people immediately feel a burst of emptiness in their bodies, as if some power has come out of them.

At the top of Tangwu mountain, there was a riot in the void, and the wind and cloud changed.


Among all the people's astonished eyes, only the red awn covered the sky came from all directions, and then all of them were included in the body of Emperor Xuan.

"What is that?!"

"The power of faith? What a strong force of faith! "

"It seems that Emperor Xuan is getting stronger quickly!"

In an instant, the whole Tangwu mountain set off one after another, like thunder bursts.

"He is drawing the power of faith!"

The great Xia Emperor 's face changed slightly, and he immediately said: "it is crazy for him to absorb the belief of all the people."

No matter in the great Xia dynasty or in the great Yin Dynasty, the leader of a country can not only mobilize the momentum of a country, but also borrow the faith power of hundreds of millions of Chinese people for his own use at the critical moment.

This is just like the power of incense and fire in the secular world. Every God has believers. When countless believers gather together, the power of belief is the power of belief.

That's why the gods built temples and opened their mouths to receive incense.

Even the master of Beiming hall could not help shaking his head and saying, "it seems that emperor xuankui is really crazy, regardless of the cost!"

This forced extraction of the power of belief, of course, can enhance the power of emperor xuanluo, but the consequences are tragic, because the so-called power of belief is actually spiritual power, and some people will die on the spot because of excessive spiritual loss.

Once the carrier of emperor xuanluo passes through the period of prosperity, it will fall into the period of weakness. In this period, I'm afraid that a mortal can kill it.

"This is the power of incense and fire?"

Ye Chen, who is closest to Emperor xuanluo, has the clearest sense of the change. His eyes immediately coagulate: "he is willing to fight me with a national incense fire!"


With the vibration of the void, the breath on emperor xuanluo's body is becoming stronger at the speed visible to the naked eye: "Ye, you forced me to do this!"

At the end of the day, the breath that came out of his breath made the space unbearable.

"Bang bang bang......"

Suddenly, the cliff breaks, the ground collapses into a hundred feet deep, and countless people crawl uncontrollably on the ground, looking terrible.

Beiming hall leader and others broke out the power of emperor with all their strength, and tried to fight against the power together. Their body shape still fell back several steps.

"So strong!"

The great Xia emperor took a breath of cold air and said, "Emperor Xuan has absorbed the power of faith of the great Yin country. At this moment, the power of war is only afraid of approaching the God Tibet."

"Even if it's not enough, it's not far away." The master of Beiming hall tried his best to fight against this pressure, with a dignified look.

In the ancient world, the throne was built for the God to hide. The so-called God to hide the spirit in more than 30000 holes in the body. Unless the body is completely destroyed and there is no ash left, it will not die or die.

At the same time, Huang Quan, Ying, Guang Ming and Jiang jue'xian all stopped fighting and looked at Emperor Xuan!

They are very clear that the real battle situation is between Emperor xuankui and ye Chen. Once they win or lose, they will also control their war situation.


At the moment, Emperor xuanluo was covered with dazzling golden mansions. He seemed to be the Supreme God coming to the world: "Ye, you can die for me!"

In a moment, I saw him step out, wave his hand to break through the void, and blow to Ye Chen with mighty pressure and killing intention.

"Lord Ye is in danger!" The great Xia emperor said directly.

"It seems that Lord Ye is doomed to fall..."

"When I was young, I stepped into the emperor's throne, but I didn't say. The war force was even more pressing on the same realm, but it was a pity..."

All people hold their breath and look at Ye Chen with dead eyes. Their hearts can't help hanging.

In the crowd below, the emperor's son, who has always been paying attention to this scene, can't help sneering: "Ye is dead this time!"


At his side of the black tea smell speech immediately glared at him: "how can elder martial brother ye die? He will win!"

"Junior sister..."

Mo Rong and others hurriedly pulled her: "the situation is very obvious. Don't deceive yourself..."

In the eyes of all people, ye Chen looks up quietly at the emperor xuanluo who comes with the breath of killing. His eyes are clear.

"It's just a waste of borrowing the power of the world. Ye is no longer a human being. He is above the world. How can the power of the world kill me?"

He stepped out one step: "if you want to kill me with the power of the world, then I will let you experience the power of the vast heaven and earth!"

Finish saying, see he Qu to point to grab, to empty a grab: "thunder come!!!"

As soon as the words fall, follow the law!


In an instant, the situation changed, the heaven and the earth were turbulent, and the whole Tangwu mountain was shrouded in clouds, which contained the atmosphere of destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

Without waiting for the reaction from all the people, ye Chen stamped his foot again: "earth comes!!!"


Tang Wushan, which stretches for tens of thousands of miles, was suddenly shocked. It seems that the Earth Dragon turned over. People just felt that the shaking under their feet kept on, and they were scared to look like the earth. They thought it was an earthquake.


In all the people's astonished eyes, they saw a surging vein of Qi, which turned into yellow light from the whole Tangwu mountain into leaf Chen, and then condensed into a yellow mountain shadow.

"What is this method?"

Everyone was in a daze.


Ye Chen spits in his mouth.

At that moment, everyone spontaneously looked up and saw that countless rivers violated the gravity and hung on Tangwu mountain, which seemed to be the pouring of rivers.


"The wind is coming!"

"In my name, command the wind, fire, thunder and rain, command!!!"

Ye Chen's mouth is singing by the gods!

In an instant, the sky thunder roared down, the Yellow virtual shadow condensed into the mountains collapsed, the surging river burst the dike and burst

At that moment, the world was silent.

In the eyes of all people, there is only that way, which is like a real immortal coming into the world, and the rules of heaven and earth are like the figure that drives a slave.