Chapter 2212

Under the attention of Dugu Hong, the fat man finally woke up in about a month. See the clothes on the body fat big, fat is also a little embarrassed. It's not that he doesn't want a new one. But the clothes in my space ring are all large. Now it must be the coat in the legend. Originally, he was a meat mountain. Now he is naturally more handsome than before. Of course, the clothes on him can't be worn. At this time, a space ring was thrown in from the outside.

The fat man checked and found that there were not only fitting clothes, but also a lot of food and water. So he subconsciously wanted to look out. However, at this time, he must have no way to see Dugu Hong outside. Seeing his action, Dugu Hong couldn't help laughing. This kid!

After changing clothes, the fat man didn't go out. It's about walking around. This surprised Dugu Hong. What does this kid want? However, seeing the firm expression on the fat man's now resolute face, his mood relaxed. Yes, everything is like this. There are many things that others can't replace. This fat man is traveling in the world! There are trillions of people in this black ball.

This side of the summer flow is also in the moment of fat action woke up. He saw that the fat man did not go out, but was touring the world. This made him very confused. So I ran after him. Here's the obscenity, the eagles are also closely followed.

"I said dead fat man, what are you wandering about for?" After wandering with the fat man for several years, Xia Liu finally asked. The fat man didn't answer, but gave this guy a mysterious smile. Then it's going to continue to wander. From time to time, he stopped to see the life of ordinary people. Even, he enjoyed the life of ordinary people in a place for a period of time. Work at sunrise and rest at sunrise. Not only that, he also found himself several jobs, and even married a wife. The wife bore him several children. Then, he watched the ordinary man's wife grow old. And he also did not cast the Dharma, accompanied the wife gradually old.

Until, after sending his wife and his children away. He just regained his true body and continued to roam. It's another millennium. Accompanied in his side of Xia Liu three people, are also beginning to ponder the fat man's behavior. During this period, the fat man did not give them any explanation. Even when fat people live the lives of ordinary people, they also indicate that they should not do any interference. As for why fat people do this, what is the moral behind it. The fat man didn't give them any explanation at all.

Finally, another millennium has passed. The fat man turned around and laughed at Xia Liu. Then, his figure slowly disappeared in their sight. The next moment, he appeared in front of Dugu Hong. When he saw Dugu Hong looking at him with a smile, the fat man also showed a knowing smile. If you understand, you don't need to say more. I don't understand. It's useless to say more.

"He seems to be out." Hawk is a straight hearted person. This guy can think of things, and other people can certainly imagine them. They didn't speak and were lost in thought. Also at this time, that Nu Wa's mouth corner appeared to smile. Then, her figure also slowly disappeared. Hongjun, Huangdi and Zeus here were also shocked.

They not only saw Nu Wa disappear, but also went out from here. The fat man over there also went out from here. They didn't really look up to fat people before. However, people actually went out from here. Why? Are you not smart enough? Or, I didn't get my chance? This... They are all lost in thought. I don't know what to do. At this time, Zeus was already downcast.

After a period of thought precipitation, these guys once again entered a very quiet state. They want to go out so much. However, we should not be anxious at this time. As a veteran, they naturally know what can and cannot be done. After seeing the performance of these guys, Dugu Hong didn't speak and continued to practice in seclusion. After seeing Dugu Hong's state, Nu Wa didn't say much. The figure disappeared directly in place. A lot of things, she has seen. Nature is to feel it. She's gone.

After Nu Wa left, the figure of Liu Xu, who had been meditating all the time, slowly disappeared, and then appeared in front of Dugu Hong. It really surprised Dugu Hong that she could come out so quickly. He had no idea that this woman could come out so soon. Of course, he seems to have overlooked one thing, that is, catkins are very simple. I never thought too much about it. So, she can see things very clearly.

It's like a saying often mentioned in our country's supernatural world, that is, xiaosijiayanjing. What do you mean? That is, children's thoughts are relatively simple. They can see things adults can't see. They can see a lot of people who have passed away. Especially the people around them. Once people grow up, they will not be able to see these things because they have experienced many things. That is to say, their eyes are polluted by the things in the world.

However, Dugu Hong soon figured it out. This woman has not experienced much intrigue since she came into the practice world. The whole person is still very simple. And it's very easy for her to see the world clearly. So, she just needs to calm down, and then everything is not a problem.

The fat man here sees that Dugu Hong is closed again, and the catkins around him just revolve around Dugu Hong. He seems to be all right. So he nodded to Dugu Hong, and then disappeared in the same place as Nu Wa. In all these years, he has never been as sober as he is now. See the world so clearly. He naturally wants to have a good sense of the beautiful world. It's like before my eyes were not short-sighted, I could see far away clearly. However, because of their own reasons, finally put on the glasses. After the glasses were removed, everything around them became vivid. Dugu Hong was still not worried. He is waiting patiently. He needs to get more people into the black ball. Let them integrate into life. What is the real willing from life