Chapter 2206

It took them more than 100 years to think. During this period, you all stood still. Of course, when the cultivation reaches their level, there will be no burden. This is just like the time that we ordinary people spend standing for a few minutes. There's no impact at all. When they wake up from the state of meditation, their eyes begin to develop towards the common direction. At this time, if they appear in front of ordinary people, they can still attract people's attention, but at least they won't pay attention for a long time.

As I said before, those killers. It's the lowest level killer. People will know that this guy is a killer when they go there. Well, this is the lowest level. A little more advanced, they will hide their whereabouts. This is for fear of being discovered. They also often say that what they do is shameful. Naturally, there is no need to be in public. The most advanced killer, walking on the street, you can't see any abnormality. They are just ordinary people. It's only in the moment of starting that the killed object can feel the murderous spirit. And then

This is also true in cultivation. For example, the master of Wulin, who is well known, is a foreign master. It's anti beating. As for hands-on ability, there are some, but compared with those real masters, there is no way. Like the floor sweeper. This is the real master. People just look on the right and wrong in the Wulin coldly. Never involved. It's not that I don't do it, but that I disdain it.

"Sorry..." Nu Wa and others also felt that their meditation time seemed to be a little long. However, when the harvest comes, we should digest it well. As for the embarrassment, there is no need. To say this is to be polite. Of course, Dugu Hong didn't take it seriously. Over the past 100 years, he has been trying to figure out his own ideas. At the same time, look at their children and communicate with their many women. Hey, harmony

"It's all right. That's what we talked about before. This black ball, in fact, is the same truth that we are pursuing. What is Tao? " Dugu Hong asked. His words let Nu Wa and others fall into meditation again. This time, though, it won't be that long. It's just an instant.

"Tao should be our cognition of the world." The Yellow Emperor spoke first. His words are also reasonable. After all, this guy has been in the world for many years. Self cultivation is also high enough. I've experienced enough. Many things are obvious. There is a certain truth in what he said after thinking.

"I think the Tao should be simple!" This is Hongjun speaking. What this guy said is more profound than that of the Yellow Emperor. Yes, there's nothing in the world. It's nothing to worry about. That's the truth. In fact, many things are simple. However, once through the hands of many people, it becomes complicated. That's not true! It's a lie that needs thousands of lies to make up for. This reveals the root cause of how simple things become complicated.

"I think it's the way to make something simple more complicated." This is Zeus's words, this guy always likes to stir up some novel things. After listening to what Dugu Hong said, he thought about it for a long time. This time, he also expressed his opinions. Since Dugu Hong asked, he also wanted to answer.

"I think I am the Tao." Nu Wa's words directly shocked everyone. He is Hongjun and Huangdi. They are really shocked by your daughter. Well, it's a bit too much for them to get used to.

When he got here, Dugu Hong didn't say anything. He needs these people to express their understanding of Tao. Although he has his own ideas. In fact, it is not unreasonable to say that the road is three thousand. The Tao that everyone sees in their eyes is different. If you want to force others to accept your Tao, it is an insult to others' cognition. Even the local ruffians and hooligans think that their way of survival is right. Although not recognized by everyone.

"I think Tao is family harmony." Catkins also expressed their views. She explained her understanding of Tao from her own point of view. That's right. When Dugu Hong heard her talking, he gave her a smile. After their eyes collided in the air, they both looked at each other and laughed. When you say nothing at all.

They don't know what to say about fat people and lewd people here. They want to say it, but they feel that it seems to be an ethereal thing. There is no way to grasp it. It's better not to say. In fact, it is also a way.

Dugu Hong saw their performance in his eyes. After they all made their stand, they focused on Dugu Hong. They are all looking forward to what Dugu Hong said. Although Dugu Hong had said something before, they felt that Dugu Hong's cognition must be more profound than theirs.

"I think the Tao is the ball, the zero." Dugu Hong's words made the people lost in thought again. What's the meaning of this? Everybody's not talking. Dugu Hong's words were also very shocking.

If we say that the simple Tao, the complex Tao, the own Tao and the unclear Tao mentioned by the previous few people are already very good explanations. Then, Dugu Hong's explanation made them confused. What's the meaning of this?

"Can you explain it?" This is Hongjun speaking. This guy seems to have gained something. However, there is still no way to grasp the key. After all, Dugu Hong's words were too abstract. What he said is also what we mean. Everyone turned their eyes on Dugu Hong. Of course, up to now, they have been watching Dugu Hong“ Simple! Tao, in fact, is not. Nothing there? There is nothing in the world. Then slowly came plants, animals, and then people. Then... "Dugu Hong's words shocked everyone. Yes, people come to this world with nothing. The later beauties of Xiangche and wanguanjiacai were all belongings to them. However, now Dugu Hong is regarded as something outside his body even the income of their current practice. Tao is nothing. So