Chapter 2106

Hearing this, Dugu Hong seemed to understand something. He seems to be involved in the battle of ancient civilization. But why choose yourself? This seems to be a very unscientific thing! At this time, Dugu Hong had more doubts. He didn't seem to understand what was going on.

Part of his soul was divided into the command room of the two officers. This should have something to do with Chiyou. But why do you appear in this place? Is Jiang Yuhua really responsible for this? No, this guy's strength shouldn't be able to control this. There is the guy before, and the Yellow Emperor in the strong magnetic field. These two, together with the current Super Star Wars... Dugu Hong felt that he was very close to the truth. However, the more this time, the more he felt that the world became hazy.

"I know you have too many things in mind. In fact, you and I have integrated about 80%. If you want to know, it doesn't need to be realized by me at all. You just need to have a serious perception of what you know about the sea. But I still want to tell you. Why is it like this? In fact, the ancient civilization was a highly developed one.

At the beginning of my face is also ignorant. Later, I learned that there were not only ancient civilizations in the East, but also in the West. The war between Chiyou and the Yellow Emperor at that time made those people in the West ready to move. Chi you is found this, just let the Yellow Emperor under the Yan Emperor to succeed. Later, when Emperor Yan knew this, he naturally joined hands with Chiyou secretly to subdue those western guys. At the same time, those guys were driven away by them. The situation at that time was very critical. Because those guys could not succeed, they directly destroyed the highly developed civilization.

You must know something about that. For example, the simplest diode was found in the pyramids of Egypt. When you put it on TV, you can watch the program directly. There is also the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. After ships enter, it will be decades before it appears. The crew can speak many languages. These amazing things were left behind at that time. " At this point, the guy stopped talking again. Yes, many things need to be digested and absorbed by Dugu Hong.

Dugu Hong was shocked. It turns out that these magical things have a lot to do with this ancient civilization. At this time, after thinking things out, he is also well-informed. For example, the vampires in the western world, the sun god and so on, are very understandable. It was they who held a high level of civilization. After the destruction of these civilizations, those ordinary people will have infinite reverie when they see these phenomena, these sculptures, depictions and so on. He even thought of living Buddhas in Tibet. Each time can so accurately find their reincarnation Lingtong. That's not everything.

Magic is magic. Let you have a sense of their existence without any explanation. So there is a lot of worship. There is also a lot of curiosity. Anyway, it seems to be a very believable absurdity.

"It's good that you can figure it out. In fact, the matter itself is very simple. When you get all the news and look back, it's really very simple. As for why you were chosen. It's very simple. You're the one who's lucky. At that time, they all predicted your existence. Though thousands of years apart. At that time, their civilization was highly developed. It's not hard to predict your existence.

They know that it will all depend on you. And the battlefield will shift. So, next you will take this warship to appear outside Jiang Yuhua's sea of knowledge. That place is the real battlefield. Those western guys should be coming out soon. So, your next task is very arduous. And I'm here waiting for you. Because the position of Chiyou on the warship disappeared because of Chiyou's fall. To put it bluntly, this warship was actually ownerless before you arrived. And your presence just makes the warship glow with new vitality. " This guy's finally finished. Dugu Hong was speechless now.

His brain is down by now. Well, he needs to slow down. No, I want to be quiet. At this time, no one will come to ask who is quiet. An hour later, he came out of that state. Yes, after anyone receives a huge amount of information in this natural environment, his brain needs to digest it well.

"Your reaction was very good. It's only been an hour, and I wake up. It took me a long time to get out of that depressed state. Even several times, there was a problem with the command of the warship. Fortunately, every time I wake up in time. Otherwise, something really big will happen. " This guy said with some happiness.

Dugu Hong didn't pay any attention to him. At this time, this guy still wants to play tricks. It seems that this guy is very relaxed now! However, he did not want to blame others. After all, he and I are inseparable as a whole. There are still some things that can't be done.

"They should be coming soon. Don't tell them too much. Your four brothers should be in command positions on the warship. They are very important. Your previous arrangement is also in place. Their people are the soldiers on this warship. And your women are also members of the warship. You should be able to imagine that. After all, their appearance is not accidental. " At this time, Dugu Hong was able to accept the topic again. Sure enough, Dugu Hong's expression was extremely calm this time. As soon as the other party said it, he knew it. I think so. Everyone's appearance is not accidental. In the end, these people will fight with them. The goal is to wipe out those western guys completely. It's also a bright world“ Your heart is very strong. This is the one I should be in charge of. To be honest, I like it. " This guy ended up with an exciting speech. This made Dugu Hong feel that he was neither laughing nor crying.