Chapter 1931

The old man was really speechless when he was attacked by Dugu Hong. Although he felt that he had been standing in front of Dayi, what Dugu Hong said was not Dayi? What people have been doing is based on righteousness. And I seem to be busy calculating all the time. The comparison between the two shows that he is inferior. However, he is really asking for help now!

To be honest, people like this are everywhere in our lives. When they are in power, you are a pile of rotten straw. He doesn't forget to give you a little stimulation from time to time. Because you're not on the same level as him. Naturally, he can do whatever he wants. However, in the twinkling of an eye, he needs to use you. I said it was for your face. Well, you really have a lot of face!

Some people naturally give face. Because he didn't dare to carry it with others. However, there are still some people who give face on the surface, and others who stab in the back directly. I can't say that. Dugu Hong didn't want to face him. And he couldn't say it.

"I really need your help." Seeing Dugu Hong's cold eyes, the old man said awkwardly. Before, he wanted to kill people! In a twinkling of an eye, we have to ask for help from others. It doesn't matter whether it has reached the highest level. Invincible existence!

Before I saw tiktok, there was a video on it. Two people invited people to dinner. Before the guests arrived, they started directly. Then, when the guest arrived, he said reasonably that he was taking care of him. That's not the most important thing. The most important thing is to give the guests a chance to make money. Let him go back and take out all the money that can be transferred at home. It's also said to give people face. However, the opposite person is not a fool. Directly, he took a sip of wine and said he didn't need to take care of him. He just turned around and left. I just don't know what the two people who have been very arrogant before think. Anyway, I think this kind of person is shameless to the extreme.

At this point, I still have some small ideas. It is said that it is difficult to borrow money now. It seems to be true. When I open my mouth to borrow money from others, I always have no money. He even refused. It seems that I really can't afford it. Or, I have such a bad record. People

"All right. Since you are so persistent, I will give you a chance to persuade me. Please answer a question Dugu Hong was no longer cold, but his expression was still silent. The old man was very happy when he heard that Dugu Hong had given him a chance. He nodded to Dugu Hong.

"What is guarding?" Dugu Hong's next words made the old man sit on the wax. Well, you haven't been there yet! However, Dugu Hong stopped talking. He knows too well who the guardians are. If they are allowed to advance further, I don't know how much trouble there will be in the future? It's better to let them retreat directly!

For a long time, the old man didn't speak. Dugu Hong is not worried. It's not his rush at this time. But the old man in front of him was worried. If the answer is not good, it will not pass. However, can the words with good answers pass the test? Of course not. No matter which world it is, it is necessary to be consistent in words and deeds.

Half a day later, Dugu Hong was not worried. On the contrary, the old man was already sweating. He thought of too many things. You know, he's very old. I remember when I sat in this seat, he was still a young man only 10000 years old. In the twinkling of an eye, he was very old. The original ambition had already gone to Java.

He thought of the oath. I think of the once glorious guardians. But now talent is dying. The guardians have reached the point of life and death. If there is no one to help, they will disappear in space and time like the exploding star. There's no trace at all.

"I know what you mean. Qualified questions are really hard to answer. But I'd better say it! Yes, our guardians have lived a miserable life over the years. There are few talents among the younger generation. I don't know what's going on. As long as there are young people growing up, they always die inexplicably. The most direct result is that we are now in a situation where we have lost everything. You see him. This boy can only be regarded as the general among the dwarfs now. Just like this, I don't know which day he will be dead... "At this point, the old man's eyes were full of tears. Although he knew that Dugu Hong would not sympathize with him. But he did. Where is the love!

"It doesn't seem to have much to do with me. I'd like to give you a word! Although you represent the way of heaven. However, it's impossible for heaven to do evil! It is necessary to change your practice of not distinguishing good from bad. " After that, Dugu Hong stopped talking. Turn around and prepare to leave with the crowd. This time the old man didn't stop him. However, Dugu Hong stopped.

This guy doesn't seem to be telling the truth. In other words, no sentence is useful. Who can control this? What's more, where did the young people go? He doesn't know much about the guardian. Even the guardian of the red blood continent and Xuantian continent, he is only a general friend. There has never been in-depth contact. This kind of master is always close to the way of heaven. He is disdainful of contact. If it wasn't necessary, he didn't want to contact these people at all.

Now it seems that this matter is not so simple. A guardian is miserable. Forget it. But it's like this when we meet one, and it's like this when we meet another. It doesn't seem that simple. Now he has a vague understanding of the world. This guardian is one of them. Naturally, he wants to know. So, he didn't go“ Tell me about you Dugu Hong directly found a place to sit down and said. Seeing that Dugu Hong didn't leave, he sat down to listen to him. The old man was in a good mood. So he was very happy to sit opposite Dugu Hong. As for the guy as like as two peas in the same way, he has now recovered to his original form. He's also a very nice guy. After a light look at him, Dugu Hong turned his eyes to the old man