Chapter 1596

"Is there anything else you want to say?" Dugu Hong's tone was still light. His words made the opposite heaven very angry. I've already said that. You don't believe me. That's ridiculous. Even the man in white standing beside him was discontented. However, Dugu Hong only inquired, and did not take any drastic actions. Therefore, they can only be angry, but can not express it.

"No more." Heaven some helpless said. He didn't want to answer Dugu Hong's question. However, since Dugu Hong asked. He answered.

"Then there's really nothing I can do." Dugu Hong said.

"What do you mean?" The way of heaven hasn't spoken yet, and the people in white here can't help it. This kid is so ungrateful. I have promised you all the terms and fulfilled them. But you... It's totally irresponsible!

"I don't know anything till now. What do you think I should say?" Dugu Hong asked. These two guys are just too much. They talk vaguely. Is this the attitude of asking for help? That's ridiculous.

"Didn't I tell you all?" The way of heaven is very depressed to say. This boy is just... How did he... Think of this before, he regretted it very much. However, there seems to be no choice now.

"All right. I should say that. Where are the dark stars now? What are the characteristics of their attacks? What are they good at? What do I need to do to get them out of hand? And... "Dugu Hong was speechless. That's so clear! It's just... Dugu Hong can't find any adjectives to describe his mood at this moment.

"Er..." the way of heaven and the guardian were stunned. Yeah, they didn't seem to say anything. No wonder people are really embarrassed at the thought of this.

"All right. My fault. I'm in such a hurry. When you talk before, just think that you already know everything. Now I'll tell you in detail! " The spirit of the way of heaven at this time has become more depressed than before. However, he saw hope. After all, Dugu Hong can ask so many questions, which means that he is a very calm person. This is very important for it.

Next, this guy didn't have any reservation. He explained the characteristics of dark star man in detail. The dark star man is short. But the head is surprisingly big. It's half the body. It can be said that the brain of this dark star man is quite developed. Then, on the contrary, their bodies are not as good as they want. Ordinary children can clean them up. However, as the way of heaven, it has no way to deal with others.

You know, there are rules. As long as these dark star people do not reach a certain degree of threat, the way of heaven is unable to deal with others. People can wander under its eyes, and heaven can open its eyes.

It's like elephants and ants. The size and strength of an elephant are beyond description. But ants can pose a direct threat to it. But the elephant itself has no way to deal with ants. Dugu Hong thought of it all at once.

"Then why can't he do it?" Dugu Hong pointed out the root of the problem. Since you can't, the spokesman and guardian of the way of heaven should have no problem, right? But now it seems that the guardian has no way. This seems to be very indescribable!

"He is also bound by the origin of heaven and earth. If someone wants to affect the normal operation of heaven, he can do it. Otherwise, do you think the great devil can do anything wrong here? " Heaven is very speechless said.

After hearing the words of heaven, Dugu Hong was also embarrassed. What he didn't expect was that the man in white was also bound by the origin of heaven and earth. In fact, he should have thought of it long ago. He should have thought of the way of heaven.

"All right. I got it! Is there anything else you need to pay attention to? " Dugu Hong is a man of great care. Every time he was able to get out of the predicament, it fully showed that he was very careful.

"There's nothing to pay attention to. However, their weapons are very advanced. It's not easy for you to get close to them. " Heaven thought about it and said. There's nothing in the world he doesn't know. In addition, although the way of heaven can not support each other, but each other's information can be exchanged. He knows all the actions of the dark star man.

"Well. I see After thinking about it, Dugu Hong said. After he came to this world, he also made some weapons that are not available in this world. However, it's all at hand. It's not advanced at all. Not to mention being able to compete with the dark star warship. At this time, he thought of them. At this time, we can only rely on the advanced weapons in their hands to make up for the lack of combat power between the two sides.

"I have less than a hundred years to go. The upper world, the ancient continent, can only last for a thousand years. Among these, Zhao Zhuang is the most dangerous. As far as I know, the people of Zhaozhuang have contacted with the dark star people. They use each other. I believe it will bring you a great threat. " The way of heaven said very seriously.

"Good!" Dugu Hong nodded to show that he knew. However, it gave him a deeper understanding of Zhao Zhuang. The reason why Zhao Zhuang became a transcendent existence on the ancient continent must be closely related to the dark star people. This, he had found out before“ Then tell me, where are the threats you are facing now? " After thinking about it, Dugu Hong asked again. Well, he has to know. As an important message. It's helpful to be on the ancient continent“ It's in my heart. That's what you often call the entrance to the ascent. That place is the weakest link in our way of heaven. Once broken, we will lose control of the world in the first place. And then, you die. When we die, the life of this side of the world will come to an end. " At this point, the expression of heaven became gloomy. Yes, everyone wants to see the beautiful world outside. Die! This is something no one wants. However, many things in this world are unchangeable. So, I can only face