Chapter 1278

All the floating clouds have been cleaned. Everything around is back to what it used to be. Dugu Hong was still standing there quietly, looking at Dongguo Zhi. It's like they've never been apart. In other words, the previous scenes seem to have never happened. Everything is so light.

"You are a cold-blooded animal." East Guo Zhi can't help but cold voice says. Now he looks at Dugu Hong differently. This guy is just too much. He doesn't know what to do with people anymore.

"Ha ha, I know it's all fake. Why do you have to do those meaningless things? " Dugu Hong said suddenly. He is the master of two generations. Naturally, he is not as powerful as ordinary people. Although everything was given real sense, he always knew the result. What's the point?

I just want to see a test in a TV series "soldier Xu Sanduo". During this test, there was a toxic gas leak from a chemical plant. Then, Xu santuo tried his best to save his comrades in arms and those in danger. But his fellow townsman chose to quit directly. When he knew it was just a drill, he was very angry. The leader must give him another chance. I always remember the leader's words. It's just a story made up. Now that you know it's all fake. How can I tell what you really think?

Yes, everything has to be done without the participants knowing anything. Only in this way can we test the most real results. Although there is a suspicion of chicken soup. But think about it. That's what it's like. Of course, there are still some idiots in this world. Even if they know the answer, they will still do a lot of stupid things. This can not be compared.

"It seems that I underestimate you. The seven emotions and six desires among human beings have no way to baffle you. But don't be happy too soon. You're going to have to deal with it. " Dongguo Zhi is very angry said.

"Yes? Why don't you think about yourself? Do you think I don't have any preparation and action? " Dugu Hong suddenly laughed. Smile so bright. His words made Dong Guo Zhi directly surprised. Then all of a sudden I found that I really had a problem. Because he felt as if his body could not move.

"What have you done to me?" Dong Guo Zhi looked at Dugu Hong angrily and asked. After that, he felt that his problem seemed very naive. If you can do it to others, can't others do it to yourself? But he wanted to know when Dugu Hong started. This is the crush of IQ! He has always boasted that he is the smartest man in the world. There's not one of them. However, after meeting Dugu Hong, this matter seems to have changed a lot. He can only rank second. Or there are more powerful masters.

"Ha ha, you are ready to enjoy life!" After hearing what he said, Dugu Hong didn't say much, just a faint smile. He continued to stand there and look at this guy.

"Ah! Er... "This guy soon began to enjoy life. The pain from the body, of course, there are some things in the pain, such as sour, uncomfortable, burning, icy, bone marrow itching... The pain he can imagine in this world surrounded his body in an instant. What he wanted most now was to twist his body to relieve the incomparable pain. However, he found that his body could not move at all. I can't move my fingers. There was despair in his eyes.

It was not that he was afraid of death, but that he was calculated by Dugu Hong. He was calculated in his face. If you don't know, let others remind you. This is stupid. How could I make such a naive mistake? It's so speechless.

"How do you feel? This is just the beginning. You're lucky you didn't really do it to my people. Although they are all injured, I can understand that. These methods are just to let you know that my women can't be touched. Even if she had a bullshit engagement with you before. What's mine is mine. " Dugu Hong's words are very domineering. This makes Dugu Hong's face happy.

She was ready to die before. If Dugu Hong didn't ask her to stop in time, she might be finished now. Now seeing that dongguozhi is suffering from this kind of pain, her mood is still somewhat complicated. After all, there was an engagement between them. If it wasn't for her to have an affair with Dugu Hong in that situation, the relationship between them would not be like this.

At last the pain passed. This guy is now curled up like a cooked shrimp. However, there was no hidden resentment in his eyes. Failure did not dispel his resentment. On the contrary, the idea is more powerful.

"What do you want?" After Dong Guo Zhi had a hard time, he looked at Dugu Hong and said.

"Ha ha, what do you think?" Dugu Hong threw the topic back directly. Yeah, what would you do if I were a loser? The answer is very clear. There's no need to think too much about it. Dongguo Zhi had already thought about how to abuse Dugu Hong. What he did to congealing was to destroy Dugu Hong's will to survive. Then, he slowly tortured Dugu Hong to make his life worse than death. Even he was not ready to kill Dugu Hong. He wanted Dugu Hong to live to see the people around him being destroyed one by one. Women, brothers, relatives

Yes, many things in this world are more cruel than killing a person. This kind of devastation from the heart to the body is the most cruel. Dongguo Zhi is such a person. He's always been on top before. Naturally, he can't show this kind of character. Now that he has become a weak man, his natural disposition is exposed. Dugu Hong saw everything in his eyes and didn't speak. It's looking at condensation. He felt that Dugu Hong was looking at him, and he was very uncomfortable. She subconsciously wants to restrain the hesitation in her eyes, but as a kind woman, her flexible expression can't hide