Dugu Hong watched, but he didn't notice that the broken finger touched the book. And then you get the book and you get a direct response. He turned into a white light and rushed into Dugu Hong's body. Dugu Hong subconsciously picked up the other two books, and the result was the same. What about books?

He finally responded. Before, it was because he had been immersed in the cultivation of the Golden Dragon. When he felt that his hand seemed empty. It seems that the book is missing. It is also subconsciously looking around for some time, the result is nothing. It was the matchless moon around him that reminded him.

"It's like it's in your body." Month matchless is also some hesitant said. After all, this is too mysterious. She is not sure.

"Into... My... Body?" Dugu Hong said in disbelief. However, he can accept it. After all, he has read a lot of fantasy novels and is psychologically prepared for this. So he quickly began to investigate his body.

Sure enough, he found out. In his own sea of knowledge, the three books are quietly floating at this time. The Golden Dragon protects the body, and the Dragon travels all over the world. Now he really believes that there is such a phenomenon in the fantasy novels.

However, he is still unable to explain this phenomenon. I'm afraid he can't do it like this until his cultivation is higher! However, seeing that the three books were still there, his heart was relieved. After all, I just practiced the golden dragon to protect my body, and I felt that my already perfect meridians became more crystal.

If these three books are successfully cultivated, it will be against the heaven! Thinking of this, he restrained his excitement. Start looking and see if you can get anything else.

However, he is very sad to find that seems to be so. Thanks to him for burying the skeleton. Otherwise, he would really get nothing. It's like a monkey, just a tour here. Then, ha ha, then I was crushed by the five elements mountain.

"Look again." Dugu Hong didn't speak, but Yue Wushuang comforted him.

"There shouldn't be anything." As he spoke, Dugu Hong felt the roaring sound coming. Then he hastened to pull the matchless moon by his side. No matter when, it's better to have someone around. At least she can give you advice or something. As the saying goes, one person counts short, and two count long.

Yue Wushuang rushed into Dugu Hong's arms. She also knew that something unpredictable would happen next. After all, they seem to be just one of the caves. What about other caves? What kind of situation is it?

Sure enough, the scenery in front of them changed. I heard the murmur of water, and then I heard the crisp bird calls, accompanied by the fragrance of flowers. It makes them feel like they're in the woods. They looked around and found that it was really a good place.

Beautiful winding mountains, winding around, like a sleeping dragon. Overlooking the foot, the clouds are diffuse, and the surrounding peaks are shrouded by clouds. One by one, the top of the mountain protrudes out of the clouds, like lotus blossoming out of the water.

The combination of mountain and water is a combination of static and dynamic, monotonous and wonderful, which makes up the most beautiful scenery. How wonderful it is to explore among the green mountains and go boating among the green waters!

Water, so smart and beautiful, fascinating reverie; Water, so powerful, full of boundless passion. Sometimes people call it tender like water, sometimes they say it's roaring and galloping. This is the personality of water. The grandeur of waterfalls, the surge of waves, the Ding Dong of springs and the gurgling of rivers are all eternal day and night.

Mountains, stretching; Mountain, steep and straight; Mountain, towering and erect... Mountain, majestic, reminiscent of the five mountains; Mountain is novel and beautiful, which reminds people of Emei... Mountain is like a saint respected by thousands of people, calm is his nature, quietly interprets the broadness, solemnity and solemnity of life

There is a confrontation between the two sides of the Strait. Look up, cover the sky with strange peaks, murmur at the foot, and lie on the waves with strange rocks. The beauty of the mountains in the rain is entirely in the presence or absence. If it has, it has turned into a transpiration fog with the floating gauze like cloud shadow; If it doesn't, it shows its face between the opening and closing of the clouds, and it feels kind.

The scenery on both sides of the Strait is like a hundred Li Gallery.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Dugu Hongdu came up with the idea of providing for the aged here. Take a few of their own women, and they have a large group of children, and then nothing when fishing, hunting. This can only leisurely day is really very desirable.

"Look, what's that?" All of a sudden, the matchless words broke Dugu Hong's dream and quickly followed her direction. Sure enough, he saw several black spots moving on the towering mountain.

"Go When Dugu Hong saw the black spots, he took Yue Wushuang and rushed to the mountain. He's not as strong as he used to be. Even more is not the present month unparalleled can compare.

Soon, they came to the hillside. But at this time, the moon is out of breath. They also try to see if they can fly. As a result, they were very disappointed that there was no way to vacate. At most, it is more than one meter high.

It seems that this mountain has some ways. This may be a test, but not necessarily. Looking up, the black spots were covered by the trees on the mountain. After a little hesitation, he sat down to rest with Yue Wushuang“ Have something to eat Dugu Hong takes out the prepared cooked food from the space ring and hands it to Yue Wushuang. At this time, the unparalleled face of a white. It seems that her physical quality needs to be further strengthened. He even thought of teaching moon Wushuang the Golden Dragon bodyguard, but after a simple attempt at placement, he found that moon Wushuang did not have the conditions to learn this. The simplest is that she doesn't have a golden dragon. This is a very troublesome thing. It seems that no one can practice this skill. Before that, he unconsciously accepted little Jinlong, otherwise, he would not be able to practice. The previous master certainly did not have such experience as him. He used the way of blood dripping to recognize the Lord. Otherwise, how could it be his turn? There are many things in this world that can't be explained. There's a saying, isn't it? Sometimes there must be a hit, but never force a hit. What shouldn't be yours, even if it's in your hands, it's just for the time being. Finally, we should give it to others. And Dugu Hong is the ultimate beneficiary“ I'm almost done. Let's slow down next. " After eating, Yue Wushuang's face also recovered some blood color. However, still can see that she has not enough physical strength to continue to climb up“ Come up Dugu Hong squatted on the ground and said with his back to Yue Wushuang.