Ying Shuang also turns around and leaves quickly. He doesn't want to be a victim. Although he has a certain self-protection ability. But God knows what kind of panic this bastard will create. It's better to run first. He didn't want to be the enemy of Dugu Hong any more. He's scared.

As the supreme elder of the shadow family, he has never been afraid. He's really scared today. This kid is crazy. Run away! At this time, his heart only escape two words. But Dugu Hong would not let him run away smoothly.

"Where to go!" All of a sudden, Dugu Hong let yingshuang stagger and almost fell to the ground. This is a great shame for a generation of heroes. But he was steady and ready to run away.

All of a sudden, he felt as if his body had entered a magical space. There's no way to move. This let him have no reason is another flustered. Quickly the whole body of the true yuan, even god baby are released. This is the only way to stop.

At the same time, looking back in horror. He found that Dugu Hongzheng was looking at him meaningfully, and his eyes were full of disdain. However, the blood from the corner of his mouth and his pale face. Or let the shadow cool heart set. It seems that the boy is at the end of his rope. He just needs to hold on a little longer, and Dugu Hong may be finished. At the thought of the result, he didn't move.

"Boy, look at me!" Ying Shuang then releases his own field. I saw an area with him as the center suddenly became glittering and beautiful. As he constantly increases the output of true elements, his domain places cover more and more areas. He soon filled the space that bound him just now. It also helped him regain his confidence.

"Do you think that's all right? Let's see Dugu Hong said suddenly. There is a round field around him, half white and half red. With his hands constantly waving, the white and red gradually appeared. They began to swim in the air.

It's like a fish swimming freely in the water. At this time, Dugu Hong seemed to have integrated with the world. As if he had become the master of the world. The red and white fish were swimming happily, and two dots appeared on their heads. This dot is like a fish's eye.

With the appearance of the dot, it seems that the fish is really alive. It seems to be full of vitality and people can't help sighing. It's amazing. They have never seen such a magical scene.

Hehe, you must have known. Yes, this is the Taiji diagram. This Tai Chi diagram is the most perfect one. It also reminds us that Wuji produces Taiji and Taiji produces Liangyi. Now all the factors in the air are mobilized.

"Good boy, it's not easy!" Xuanyuan Haotian, who has been paying close attention to Dugu Hong, said with great appreciation. He is happy from the bottom of his heart now. This time, he really picked up the treasure.

"Go All of a sudden, Dugu Hong waved to Taiji Tu in the air. The Tai Chi diagram is like a living one. It rushes out obediently. The target is exactly where yingshuang is. His this action lets the shadow cool instant then the ghost. Well, if it's touched, it's really over.

He was so scared that he quickly smeared oil on the soles of his feet. He was about to run away. But now he thought of running away. It's completely late. As Dugu Hong's Taiji diagram moves forward rapidly, he constantly absorbs various factors in the surrounding air to strengthen himself.

Ying Shuang wanted to mobilize the metal factor, but found that it had no effect. Because the field he just released has been swallowed up. It's over. That's his real idea now.

He saw more and more close, bigger and bigger Tai Chi. The sense of crisis became more and more intense, and he knew that the next moment might happen what he didn't want to happen.

"I surrender!" Shadow Shuang directly collapsed on the ground, very wronged said. No, Dugu Hong is fighting with Yingjun. What about this guy? Hey, hey, this guy is far away now. He is not a speculator like yingshuang. As long as he recognizes a truth, he will stick to it. This will not only create vitality for him. It seems that the power of habit is powerful.

Dugu Hong was not ready to let him go just because he surrendered. He deeply knew the truth that if you beat a snake you will not die, you will get retribution. Therefore, he holds the attitude of eliminating evil. Let the Taiji chart make a great impact. At the same time, he was running out of oil and the lamp was dead.

In order to combine the two kinds of domain fields, the two fields that have just mastered the skin are fused together. He used up almost all the real yuan in the Dantian. At this time, the eyes of the baby in his Dantian had been closed tightly. The skin is wrinkled. The body has shrunk by nearly half. It's crazy for Dugu Hong to spend so much. But if he's not crazy. It's also possible to win the fight. However, the shadow behind the cool will certainly have a move. He doesn't want to work hard and get nothing. That's not what he wanted.

Just when he was about to fall to the ground, his body was held by a pair of big hands. And the Taiji map over there began to become lax because it lost the master's control. When it bombards yingshuang's body, it is directly offset by his divine baby. Only a small number of Zhenyuan bombarded him. Although the appearance of some embarrassed, can not be much hurt.

However, Ying Shuang is still scared to faint. It's not how timid he is, but how scared he is by the crazy Dugu Hong“ We lost the game. As for the follow-up, let's wait until they all wake up! " To see things develop to this extent, although the emperor's heart a little regret, but still more satisfied. After that, his control over the filmmakers will be more powerful“ ok Just trust you, kid. But you must send us what we should have in three days. Otherwise, even if there are two supreme elders in your royal family, we will not give up After looking at Dugu Hong lying in his arms, Ji Feng knows that today's matter is really not suitable for further investigation. Dugu Hong is in great need of timely treatment. Ji Yanran and Yue Wushuang take over Dugu Hong from Ji Feng. They both look at this desperate guy very much. Then put him on Kirin's carriage“ What are you doing? " Month unparalleled and Ji Yanran is ready to get on the car, but saw Huo water and shadow month are followed. A look of worry. It made them alert for a moment“ We just want to help take care of him. " In the end, yingyue has experienced many things, and can cope with them appropriately at this time. On the contrary, Huo Shui is a little cramped. After all, their names are not right. It's not good to go forward at this time. However, if we don't step forward at this time. I'm afraid they won't have a chance in the future. Therefore, they did not retreat.