Chapter 1188 Cookies

"Lele, these are freshly baked biscuits, do you want to try them?"

Early in the morning, Xiao Tongtong came to Qin Lele with a biscuit.

The box containing the small biscuits is fresh and beautiful, and the shape of the biscuits is also very cute. There are kittens, puppies and small fish.

"Wow," the little cutie who hadn't eaten breakfast took a deep breath, "It smells so good, Xiaotongtong, you are really ingenious~"

Xiao Tongtong smiled shyly, "It's my first time baking, maybe the taste is bad."

"It's definitely not bad, it's better than Lele Fried Kitchen!"

The little cutie immediately twisted a piece. She had already made up her mind that even if the biscuits were terrible, she would still say they were delicious. She will never dampen her friends' enthusiasm for cooking!

She has to eat only when someone cooks!

Put the biscuit into your mouth, and the rich milky fragrance immediately spreads.

Happiness and surprise flashed in the big eyes.

"Wow, it's delicious~"

Grab one in each hand and stuff it directly into your mouth.

Little cutie doesn't care about the shape of these biscuits, the shape is very cute, but not as cute as her, so she will eat it in her stomach!

Xiaotongtong rolled his eyes with a smile, "It's fine if you think it's delicious."

He also went to the kitchen very naturally to pour a glass of juice and bring it over.

"Lele, here it is."

"Thank you~"

Little cutie took it, drank tons and tons, and continued to eat biscuits.

It’s not very sweet, but it’s full of milk flavor. It’s surprisingly delicious, and the little cutie can’t stop eating it.

A certain CEO stood at the stairs for a long time, finally couldn't hold back, and walked over with a cold face, "Lele, I still have breakfast." Eat less.

Little cutie doesn't care.

"It doesn't matter. Lele has a big appetite. You can eat breakfast after eating everything. It won't be wasted!"

After thinking for a while, Cutie added, "Even if Lele can't finish it, Xiaotong can still eat it. We won't waste food!"

Qin Ping said coldly: "..." The point is not waste at all.

The president looked at the beautiful boy, and felt more and more that this boy was very scheming.

At the first meeting, I still thought the other party was honest and innocent, and after a little trial, my body stiffened and my eyes dodged, but now, it is too thick-skinned to be called a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Meeting Qin Ping's gaze, Xiao Tongtong showed a polite smile.

Qin Ping took a deep breath and prepared to go to the restaurant.

At this time, the voice of the second brother, like an announcer, came from my ear.

"Oh, you read the comments of this video, someone broke the news, saying that this chef has actually failed many times, and finally he succeeded this time."

Qin Ping paused, raised his eyebrows and looked over.

Qin An still said in an exaggerated tone: "Do you think there is such a possibility? What we saw is actually the only successful product after countless failures? In this way, we can pretend to be a good chef."

Qin Ping: "..." He is sure, the second brother's brain has evolved. It can be seen that people will not only grow older, but also increase their IQ. Of course, some people will only grow older but not brains forever.

Xiaotong was blushing at the words.

The second brother was right, he did fail several times before he came up with a successful product. After all, he can't give Lele the failed product, it's not good, and eating the failed product may cause diarrhea.

Just as he was thinking about it, he noticed the scorching gaze. He turned his head and saw that the little cutie was staring at him intently while stuffing biscuits into his mouth.

Xiaotong said subconsciously: "Lele, I didn't mean to deceive you, I ate all the failed products."

Sitting on the sofa, Qin An smiled triumphantly.

He knew that this kid was thin-skinned, and if he cheated, he would get out of it. Hmph, can't you tell if he is really stupid? This kid always pleases his sister. It's nothing now, but later on, it's hard to say.

For the first time, Qin Ping felt that his stupid brother had done a good deed.

After thinking about it, he didn't intend to drive the stupid brother out of the house.

Everyone paid close attention to Qin Lele's reaction.

Little cutie swallowed the biscuit in her mouth, and hugged Xiaotong with the hands covered in biscuit crumbs.

"Wow, Xiaotongtong, you are so kind. You eat the broken ones, and Lele eats the intact ones. You are so kind!"

Xiao Tongtong: "..." Silently embraced.

He should know that the brain circuit of the host is different from that of ordinary people. He felt ashamed of failing to bake biscuits, and he didn't want Lele to know about it, and secretly ate the failed products. The two older brothers also wanted to make fun of him, but only Lele paid attention to his good side.

Little cutie picked up a biscuit and stuffed it into Xiaotongtong's mouth.

"Hey, I'll reward you with this one."

Xiaotong ate it silently, and gave a comment, "It's so sweet."

"Is it sweet?"

Little cutie tasted another piece, "Lele doesn't think it's sweet, but it tastes just right. Xiaotongtong, you are really good at baking biscuits."

"Then I will bake in the future."


Two brothers: "..."

Sister's reaction will only make them more wary of this brat.

After breakfast, Qin Ping went out for a walk, then came back, and found a certain boy was still at home, so he simply picked up a book and walked over.

"I'm off today, I can teach you math."

Xiao Tantong: "..."

The boy said euphemistically: "Brother rarely takes a break, so don't worry about me."

Qin Ping showed a smile for the first time, "I appreciate you very much, and I am willing to sacrifice the rest time."

Xiao Tantong: "..."

Xiao Tongtong glanced at the host and tried to ask for help. Qin An immediately sat between him and Qin Lele, preventing them from communicating.

This is the second time that the twin brothers have cooperated very well.

Xiaotongtong still has another trick, which is to propose directly in his mind, "Lele, the weather is fine today, should we go out to play?"

Little cutie immediately pulled the second brother aside, "Okay, okay, let's go out and play."

A cold gaze swept over, and the boy was already very calm.

"Then let's go out now, Su and senior brother may come over later."

Little cutie stood up 'swish' and urged, "Hurry up, hurry up, otherwise Su and senior brother will arrest the young man, Lele finally took a rest, so he doesn't want to work!"

The two were about to go out when they saw Qin Jian striding towards him.


Little cutie immediately turned her head, refusing to look at him. She still remembers what happened when she was left behind. This man really had a wife and forgot his daughter!

The little mouth is pursed, and a small doll can be hung.

At this time, there was a bag of candy in front of my eyes, and the candy wrapper reflected beautiful light in the sun.

The little hand stretched out, and the candy was brought.

Little cutie glanced back secretly, making sure that the elder brother didn't notice this way, quickly hid the candy, and reluctantly gave Qin Jian a smile.

"Where have you been? Why are you only coming back now?"

In order to coax his daughter well, Qin Jian could only pretend not to see these little moves, and even cooperated to keep his eldest son from knowing.

"Something happened to Chen Ce."

Little cutie blinked, blinked again, and suddenly covered her ears, "Lele didn't hear anything, Lele couldn't understand anything!"

Qin Jian understood, the matter really had something to do with his daughter.

In the brain domain.

Xiao Tongtong: "You didn't do anything to Chen Ce, the matter has nothing to do with you, don't feel guilty."

Little cutie thought about it carefully, that's right, she put the person back intact, even if something happened, either Chen Ce killed himself, or Zhuang Wu wanted to silence her, what's the matter with her little angel?

She immediately held her head high, "Really, something happened to him? Tell me."

(end of this chapter)