But because of lingfu's greed, he would secretly kill the people who won his competition one by one. Lingfu's behavior once angered the people in Xifu palace. The nobles of the Qing Dynasty wanted to secretly hurt the rulers of lingfu, but they didn't expect to be hurt by lingfu's five Ling seal. From then on, all the people in the court were afraid of lingfu's people, I'm afraid that I will be sealed by lingfu like that one. How much harm should it do to those who have high-level cultivation of Lingli.

Is there no antidote? Quan Yu asks after a way.

The old man sighed and said, "yes, there is, but this thing is hidden in lingfu. No one knows where it is."

Quan Yu looked at the old man's wrinkled face, suddenly approached and said, "who are you?"

"Why do you tell me that? Can you say these things or not? Are you not afraid that I will kill you? "

The old man said: "I was the player who was almost killed in those years. The reason why I have been invisible here is that I can get revenge one day."

"I know you are also looking for your partner, although I don't quite understand why Ling Feng will take away the girl beside you. Usually, the person they want to kill should be you."

The old man said deeply.

Right Yu if thoughtful, then asked: "then how do we get the antidote, to lift the seal?"

The old man shook his head and said, "I don't know that."

"Maybe you can go to lingfu to inquire, but it may be dangerous. You should be careful."

With that, the old man flew away and disappeared into the air.

Right Yu know these secrets, immediately back to the Inn and lotus son they discuss.

Just when Quan Yu plans to get into Ling Fu, he doesn't expect Chu Mo Xi to appear in front of them, and he still brings Ling Feng.

Right Yu thought Chu Mo Xi successfully escaped, did not expect is to tell them, she and Ling Feng childe married.

Quan Yu is very angry, who said that it was necessary to get back the spirit grass, to save Shangchen, but on the way to marry someone else's man.

Chumo Xi said some right Yu they don't understand the lies, originally want to expose her.

But lotus let him find, Chu Mo Xi originally is another plan, this let originally to Chu Mo Xi heart resentment mood instant into guilt.

Right Yu know, Chu Mo Xi will try to let them into lingfu, sure enough, the next day Chu Mo Xi to get married need to meet parents, rightfully put them into the house.

Quan Yu inquired about Ling Fu as early as the first night when he entered the mansion. Ling Fu couldn't see anything, but people said that there was a very mysterious place in Ling Fu, which was hidden in the study where Ling Feng often went.

Right Yu that the news, but dare not act rashly, because he knows there is a person more suitable.

The next morning, Quan Yu comes to Chu Mo Xi's room. In the eyes of outsiders, they are chatting about family and continuing their old love, but only Quan Yu and Chu Mo Xi know that it's not so simple.

Quan Yu tells Chu Mo Xi the secret of the study, but he doesn't know where the secret passage of the study is. He wants to discuss with Chu Mo Xi. Maybe Chu Mo Xi can have a solution. Without spiritual power, Chu Mo Xi is still a peerless thief in modern society. These things can't defeat her, but what she worries about is how this action needs to be done in order to be safe. If it fails, not only Chu Mo Xi's life will be lost here, but also Quan Yu's life will be insufficient, and Shang Chen's life is waiting for him to save. Chu Mo Xi thinks for a long time.

It seems that they are so moved to see the suffering inside. Before, he always thought that this woman was beautiful. He never thought that she had such chivalrous feelings. Quan Yu looks at Chu Mo Xi with gratitude, holds Chu Mo Xi's hand and says, "Mo Xi, I didn't expect you to think so much about us. Although we follow along, it's my wishful thinking."

Chu Mo Xi interrupted: "we used to fight together with the emperor of Hades. What do we do? If we don't have your company, Chu Mo Xi alone can't get to this step!"

"I don't think I need to discuss this plan in his study alone."

Chu Mo Xi light says.

After that, they pretended to eat snacks on the table and looked out of the window with a smile. The people hiding in the dark secretly wrote down what they ate. However, because the target was too far away, he did not fully hear what they were saying.

Fortunately, Chu Mo Xi knew that Ling Feng didn't trust her completely, so she pretended to be with Quan Yu.

Finally, after Quan Yu left, the power in the dark slowly withdrew, and the maids came into the room to help Chu Mo Xi clean up the room. Chu Mo Xi put these in her eyes.

Chu Mo Xi decides to win Ling Feng's trust, otherwise, this day may not stay, and if it goes on like this, Chu Mo Xi may really become the wife of the mansion.Because Chu Mo Xi has been imprisoned in this room, Chu Mo Xi feel a little uncomfortable, but don't know how to do, first of all should go out, always can't let Ling Feng out every time.

This day Chu Mo Xi waited until Ling Feng's arrival, specially prepared his favorite tea, also pretended to flatter said: "Ling Feng, as your fiancee, I haven't been out for a long time, I feel bored to stay here every day, I don't know what to do?"

Chu Mo Xi Shan ran said, but also showed their helplessness, Ling Feng know what she means, but the heart is still not at ease to let her out, so deliberately said: "or I from the imperial court there please some song and dance to you to watch, let you relieve your boredom."

After seeing Ling Feng's refusal, Chu Mo Xi is silent. Her hand stops suddenly. She looks down on any expression on her face. Her face begins to flood with her unhappy expression. Ling Feng asks Chu Mo Xi and doesn't answer.

Ling Feng suddenly has a feeling that he doesn't know what to do. Maybe he likes Chu Mo Xi too much. He wants to participate in everything Chu Mo Xi does, but he doesn't expect that Chu Mo Xi's state will make Ling Feng feel guilty. Is he too selfish? In order not to let her run away, he trapped her here for decades. It's estimated that most people can't stand it.

Ling Feng looked at Chu Mo Xi's unhappy face and comforted: "well, Chu Chu, you can go out to play, but there's one thing you need to take the maid and the bodyguard with you. You can't take the opportunity to escape, you know?"