Xie Dongze helped his younger brother to explain, "Dad, you are wrong this time. I have sent someone to inquire about it. Dongyang has been in Xinsheng pharmaceutical industry these days, and I think it's trying to find a solution. After all, it's a mess. There are so many problems. I think he may not be able to finish it for a while."

"Oh, that's just right. Let him practice. It's better than he goes out to fool."

Xie Yun has to give up his second son in recent years, disobey his orders and rebel, and often make entertainment headlines.

All kinds of flirtation with female stars, gossip, not too much.

Xie Yun, such a face-to-face person, naturally can't bear it, so the relationship between father and son has always been very delicate.

relies on the elder sister sister-in-law and Mrs. Xie from the mediation, only then did not break.

It's true that Xie Dongyang comes every day. He can't think of a solution to the big problem for a while. He can only solve the small problem now.

It was a busy morning. At noon, general manager Han from Xinsheng came here.

Smilingly, "thank you, please have a meal."

"I'm not in the mood to eat. I'm upset when I look at it."

"Haha, you have to calm down. There must be no way out here. Now wait for the final evaluation of the bank and declare bankruptcy. You don't want to come back from the dead here. I see that the chairman of the board of directors is trying to embarrass you. You are brothers and sisters. What can't you say? Why hold your breath?"

"Forget it, our business is not clear in one sentence or two. Let's go."

Xie Dongyang is too lazy to take care of these people. One is smarter than the other.

Just waiting for bankruptcy, so that he can take the compensation and leave. He doesn't know what they think carefully?

In fact, Xinsheng pharmaceutical industry's loss is not terrible, nor is its debt of 300 million yuan. Which enterprise has no loan?

The terrible thing is that there is no capital production function. To put it bluntly, there is nothing to make money.

Is this ridiculous?

How beautiful a pharmaceutical group used to be, it is now in such a field.

Xie's family has really devoted all their energy to making jewelry these days. After all, they have made a lot of profits and didn't care about a subsidiary.

Xie Dongyang looked at the information. The best-selling cold medicine, stomach medicine and antihypertensive medicine sold in the past are not good now.

Because now many manufacturers of new models, low prices do not say, the intensity of activities is still large, especially to attract major businesses.

"What medicine is the best seller?" Xie Dongyang himself said.

Then in the group of friends, I sent a voice.

"Elder brothers, you say, if you sell medicine now, what kind of medicine can make money quickly, and is wildly sought after by everyone?"

One of them said, "Viagra."

"Go away." Xie Dongyang laughs and scolds, and this kid knows that gossip is weak.

Another one said, "I think diet pills are good. Now women say that they are fat no matter whether they are fat or not. They shout to lose weight every day. They go on all kinds of running diets. I think if you make a diet pill, it will definitely be popular in the market."

Xie Dongyang sighed and picked up his cell phone to reply.

"Oh, brother, you don't know. I consulted a professional pharmacist before about weight-loss drugs. All the effective drugs have illegal ingredients. The state doesn't allow them to be sold. If you don't add those, there will be some ineffective xylose and starch left, which is tantamount to playing tricks on people. Although I'm not serious, I'm sure I won't make money. Since I sell drugs, I will To be an effective and good medicine for the masses, we must not entrap people. My father has been clean and innocent all his life. When he comes to me, he can't make stains and black materials for him