Anyue to his hot line of sight, heart tremble, that night's fear again emerge in the bottom of my heart.

She put her hands around her chest and began to shed tears.

Now he doesn't know who she is and why he bullies her.

Does he think that if he encroaches on her once, there will be a second time. What does he regard her as.

The more I think about it, the more I feel sad. Anyue cries more fiercely.

She felt that she had shed all the tears in her life these days.

An Shijue didn't expect that she would cry suddenly. Originally, he just wanted to scare her.

He was at a loss. "I'm not."

"You are not human!" Anyue choked and looked at him with an accusing face, "I hate you."

An Shijue raised her hand to wipe the tears on her face, but she turned away.

He was a little astringent and could only say, "I won't do anything to you."

He stepped back to distance himself from each other.

Anyue's tight heart eased. She opened the door and looked at him. Her eyes were full of determination, "you go out!"

"This is my room." An Shijue stood still.

Anyue was stunned, so she came to the wrong room?

She pursed her lips. "All right, I'll go."

She went straight to the bed to get her bag.

A voice came into my ear, "what I just said may not have been expressed clearly."

An Yue Leng next, don't understand of looking at him.

"This is my room with you."

Anyue smell speech face a white, body a unsteady fall on the ground.

What does he mean by this? He lives in the same room with her. What is he going to do to her? Is it going to be the same as that night.

She put her arms around her chest and jerked back. "No, I don't want it, I don't want it!"

A careless, "bang" sound, her head hit the back of the bedside table.

She felt dizzy, but at this moment fear had the upper hand.

An Shi Jue sees that she accidentally bumps her head. Her eyes are full of heartache. How can she be so stupid.

He came up to help her up, but she was even more frightened as she approached.

She cried, "please let me go. I don't want it. I don't want it."

An Shijue steps slightly, looking at the cheek stained by tears, this moment really regret.

If he knew that her reaction would be so strong, he would have to control himself when he died that night.

He looked at her and whispered, "headache doesn't hurt."

Anyue looked at him, shaking his head, curling up, looking at him with a face of fear.

An Shijue's heart is like being hit by a shield. She still doesn't want to see him.

"You sleep here today, I'll go to another room." He dropped that sentence and went straight out.

Anyue watched him leave and listened to the sound of the door closing. Her heart finally relaxed.

She got up, ran to the door, closed it and locked it.

She knew that even if it was locked, he could pry the door open, but that was the only way for her to feel at ease.

She went back to bed and sat on the quilt with her knees in her arms, tears falling down.

After that night, Anyue didn't see Anyue again for a week or two.

In this way, she was more relaxed.

The house is very big, only she and Chen Ma, no, including the bodyguards outside.

She was imprisoned here like a prisoner. The most terrible thing is that she didn't know when her death penalty was.

She smashed her cell phone that day, and now she has nothing to contact the outside world.

She was quite sure that even if the mobile phone was there, it would be confiscated by him.

At the moment, what she doesn't know is that because of an Shijue's sudden decision to settle down there, she makes a lot of trouble! , the fastest update of the webnovel!