It wasn't long before the phone was answered.

"Hello His voice was as cool and pleasant as ever.

Anyue's breathing was stagnant, and some of them didn't dare to make a sound for fear of disturbing him.

"Anyue!" He cried.

Anyue was excited and said, "Well!"

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"Nothing." Anyue lowers his head, and his hands play with the quilt consciously.

"At school?" He asked again.

"No, at Xiaomin's house." Anyue replied.


Anyue's hand holding the quilt suddenly tightened. Why didn't he ask her why she didn't go home?

Does he think it doesn't matter if she doesn't go home?

She was sad and her eyes were moist, but she didn't dare to cry.

She wants to be strong, he said. He doesn't like to see her cry.

"Brother, Liu Xinbei has gone abroad." She changed the subject.

"Who is that?" He asked.

"It's just a friend. I suddenly got the news of her going abroad today, which seems to have something to do with me." Anyue whispered, "did she do something to me that I didn't know?"

In the study, an Shijue frowned, looked at an yuan standing in front of her and asked, "who is Liu Xinbei?"

Anyuan pondered, said: "is abets Ye Yuwei to deal with the young lady that girl."

An Shi Jue tiny invisible nodded, to the person on the other side of the phone said: "I don't know this person."

No? Anyue was puzzled that the Song Dynasty had made a mistake.

However, she did not find Liu Xinbei to her disadvantage, perhaps Liu Xinbei misunderstood is not necessarily.

"Well, I see." She said.

Then there was a sudden silence between them, and no one spoke.

In fact, Anyue has a lot of words to ask Anyue, but she thinks those are not the things she really wants to know.

After a moment's silence, she said, "brother, I'm asleep."


Anyue hesitated and said, "good night."

"Good night!"

Anyue was a little disappointed. He thought he would ask her to go home next month.

No, nothing.

Sure enough, she shouldn't have expected it.

She hung up and lay in bed, covering her head with a quilt.

She felt that now she was really stupid, more sad.

In the study, an Shijue looks at her mobile phone. For a long time, she doesn't look away.

It's changed. Something has changed between them.

She was not as close to him as she used to be.

Will she suddenly remember what happened that night and deliberately avoid him?

With this idea, an Shijue's aversion to Yu Wan and an Zhengyang is deeper.

In fact, years later, Yu Wan never came to settle down. After the child was exiled, she was told by the doctor that it would be difficult for her to get pregnant again.

For a time, she lost control of her emotions and even suffered from depression, which made an Zhengyang very upset.

As time went by, I got tired of her and threw myself into the arms of other women.

With gentleness, an Zhengyang doesn't even want to return home.

He put down his cell phone and said, "make arrangements. Don't let Zhenghui go public."

Zhenghui is an Zhengyang's company. Recently, it is preparing to go public. Of course, this is also the light of Dongchen.

If it is listed, with the influence of Dongchen, the stock price is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Yes Anyuan looked up at an Shijue, hesitated and said, "young master, girls need to be coaxed."

An Shijue looked up at him, "what do you want to say?"

Anyuan replied, "I don't think you and miss are right now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!