Cheng Anyue never expected that her mother's first sentence when she saw her was whether she had accomplished what she had told her.

The heat in her heart cooled a little. She shook her head. "Mom, this has nothing to do with an Shao!"

"You mean anshao is not willing to help. What are you doing when you come back?" Zhou Yue's voice rose, she looked at Cheng Anyue with disgust, "it's all because of you, or how can our family be like this now."

Cheng Anyue looks at her mother's hatred in her eyes. She is so bent in her heart that she can't help crying again.

She choked at the thought of an Shijue's disdain for her crying eyes.

She looked at Zhou Yue and asked, "Mom, as long as you can help me get home, even if you sell me, you don't care?"

Zhou Yue looked at Cheng Anyue sad look, eyes flashed, don't know what to think of, she frowned and said: "don't stop here, I want to send your brother to school, come back to you to settle accounts."

Then she pushes Cheng Anyue away and pulls Cheng yaoyang out.

Cheng Anyue was dizzy. When she pushed her, she lost her balance and fell back. The back of her head hit the wall. She knelt on the ground.

The movement was a little big. Zhou Yue looked back and saw Cheng Anyue holding her head in pain. Her face changed slightly. "Why, are you trying to plant me to harm you? Cheng Anyue, you have to die somewhere else. Don't die here. Bad luck. "

At this moment, Cheng Anyue's head is buzzing, her eyes are dazzled, and she can't tell the sky from the earth. But Zhou Yue's words are very clear, like a knife in her heart.

She bit her teeth and didn't let herself cry, but she still couldn't control it. She didn't know whether it was pain or sadness.

But Zhou Yue didn't pay any attention to her any more. He took Cheng yaoyang and left.

Cheng Anyue suddenly lost her strength. She was lying on the ground. If it wasn't for her body shaking, she would have thought she was out of breath.

What should she do? How can she make them like her and keep them from driving her away?

I don't know how long after that, the door of the Song family opened, and mother song came out. She was startled to see Cheng Anyue on the ground, and quickly helped her up.

"Anyue, what's the matter with you?"

When Cheng Anyue saw that it was mother song, she threw herself into her arms.

Mother song hugged her and comforted her and said, "good boy, don't cry. What's the matter with mother song?"

Cheng Anyue shakes her head and doesn't speak. She just cries louder and louder. The cry is very wronged, and the people who listen to it are pulling up.

Mother song patted her on the back and comforted her with a very gentle voice.

Cheng Anyue thought, why is her mother not like that of Song Dynasty? Is it because she is not as smart as Song Dynasty?

I don't know how long later, song's mother took Cheng Anyue into the room and made breakfast for her.

Seeing that Cheng Anyue's face was not good, Mother Song touched her head and her face changed slightly. "Anyue, why is your head so hot and feverish?"

Cheng Anyue shook her head. "I'm ok."

"This kid, it doesn't matter if it's so hot." Mother Song said angrily, "I'll get the medicine for you."

She walked into the room a few steps, suddenly realized a thing, "the fever medicine at home seems to have finished, I'll buy it for you, you stay at home obediently."

"No, auntie."

"Be obedient Song mother said.

Cheng Anyue reluctantly smiles, does not speak, looks at the song mother to go out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!