"It's a friend of Mommy's," she explained

"Did he bully Mommy?"

Lin Yi quickly shook his head, "no, it's not him, it's someone else." Then she winked at Lu Jueming.

Lu Jueming understood and said to Lucas, "Lucas, didn't you say you had a gift for your sister?"

"Lucas is giving a present to her sister?" Lin Yi looks at Lucas and says with a smile, "what is it?"

"Lucas, show the present to your aunt." Jiang Hui takes out Lucas's schoolbag. She looks at Angela and says, "Angela, guess what gift is in it?"

Angela looks at Lucas's schoolbag and shakes her head.

Lucas takes a gift box from the inside and presents it to Angela, saying, "sister, here you are."

Angela looked at Lucas and said, "thank you, brother."

Lin Yi took the gift. "OK, now let's see what your brother gave you." Then she opened the box and there was a beautiful Barbie doll lying in it.

"Wow, what a beautiful Barbie doll." Lin Yi takes out the doll and shakes it in front of Angela.

Angela's eyes are chasing Barbie. It seems that she can't remember what happened just now.

Jiang Hui takes a look at Angela and then looks at Lu Jueming. She is relieved.

After dinner, Lin Yi and Lu Jueming talked for a while before they left. Angela and Lucas were so tired after a day's class that they all fell asleep.

Lu Jueming picks up Lucas, Lin Yi holds Angela, and the group walks downstairs.

Put Angela in the car, and Lin Yi says goodbye to Lu Jueming.

"Brother Lu, don't mention Jingchuan in front of Angela in the future. She's very smart. I'm afraid she'll find something."

Lu Jueming nodded, "today is my negligence, but do you really intend to keep it from Jingchuan?"

"I don't want my daughter to be the illegitimate child that everyone notices."

Looking at Lin Yi's disapproval, Jiang Hui said, "but a child needs not only maternal love, but also paternal love. The two loves together can make up her whole childhood. Lin Yi, don't you think Angela is too sensible?"

Lin Yi said with a bitter smile, "I know, but I can only do my best to give her maternal love. As for other things, I dare not ask for it."

Seeing that Lin Yi was in a low mood, Lu Jueming said, "well, don't mention this. Take Angela back quickly. Be careful on the way."

"Well, you too!" With these words, Lin Yi turned and walked toward his car.

Jiang Hui and Lu Jueming look at each other and get on the bus.

In the car, Jiang Hui sat on the co driver. She looked at her husband and asked, "do you think Lin Yi really has no feelings for Jingchuan?"

"I don't know. At that time, she suddenly said that she wanted to leave, but she didn't say the reason." Lu Chaoqun replied, "I always think it was Jingchuan's scandal that made her angry and made her give up on him."

"If so, why did she give birth to Angela?" Jiang Hui asked, "and you also said that she was pregnant when she left. Even for the sake of children, this matter should be discussed, but she concealed her pregnancy."

"You mean..."

Jiang Hui looked forward, "I think there are other reasons, and she can't tell anyone about this reason."

"Maybe." Lu Jueming twisted his eyebrows. "Lin Yi is definitely not a person who wants to change his mind. I always feel that there is some misunderstanding between her and Jing Chuan."

"So do I. I think the key to this misunderstanding is Angela." But I don't think Angela likes Jingchuan very much. Do you think she already knows that Jingchuan is her father

Lu Jueming immediately denied, "it shouldn't be. Lin Yi's concealment is so strict."

"But Angela is smart." Jiang Hui's face was a little dignified, "I'm worried..."

Lu Jueming seized Jiang Hui's hand and comforted her: "don't think so much. It won't happen."

Looking at her husband's soft face, Jiang Hui answered, "well."

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