After Xia Ling's Micro blog, netizens no longer worry about the gift money between Qiao's big house and ER Fang, because Xia Ling's words are reasonable. The wedding gift she gave Lin Nan and Qiao Yu's gift money to Qiao Youtian are two different things. They spend their own money, and no one can interfere.

On the contrary, some people began to scold Qiao's two rooms for being insatiable, and one million is too little. Are you married for money?!

But more people wonder if Xia Ning is really so rich?

Looking back on Xia Ling's previous microblogs, Xia Ling said one day that she was rich and donated all her shares in Huaining group to charity.

But netizens searched all corners and found all the clues, but they didn't find out what Xia Ling's background was. A woman who was surrounded by diamonds since she was a child, how rich she should be. Not to say, she is richer than Qiao Yu's family property, but it's not much worse.

That night, a marketing number came out and said that Xia Ling's so-called wealth was deceptive. After her mother's death, her mother's family, the Shen family, ignored her, so she lived in an orphanage. Finally, she was adopted and went abroad. Later, she went back to China and entered the entertainment industry. She didn't know what means she used to take Huaining group into her hands and pay it back Donating all the shares is her way to get back at the Shen family. So she's an orphan girl. Why is she so rich? Even if the adopters are rich, they will give her all their property?! I think it's impossible!

There is only one possibility. Xia Ling lies. She always speaks sharp words. Many netizens worship her, so she pretends to clarify. In fact, she married Qiao Yu for her property. As for her collusion with Qiao Youtian, it's just because her private life is very open. After all, she herself admits that she was a bad girl, smoking, drinking and even taking drugs It's not surprising that she's cheating.

Then, the black materials before Xia Ling were fired again, including the scandal between Xia Ling and those rich businessmen.

Now the fans of Xia Ning quit.

"Which brain damage is in the black lemon? How many years ago the black material was stir fried? Don't you know that those who want to take advantage of my lemon don't know which dark corner they are hiding in now? Why do I always take a fancy to Qiao Youtian? Qiao Youtian's goods should be on the same level with her? Take a mirror and look at yourself. It must match Qiao Youtian. "

"Do they think it's not against the law to make rumors these days? As I said, I'm going to take the lawyer's letter to slander her. Great Xia, please pray that your forwarding volume is less than 500. "

"I used to smoke and drink. I used to smoke and drink. So what? Who didn't make any mistakes? Now I'm a reformed woman. She's very healthy and positive. Can you say she's perfect? Why should we put moral shackles on people? And before splashing dirty water, we should go to the microblog of "lemon under the bridge" and find out for ourselves how mentally handicapped we are to use these black materials to black our lemons. "

"Anyway, I think someone is going to be slapped in the face. Just wait to see the play, ha ha! Every time Xia Ning's black material is reversed, so although I'm not her powder, I never black her wit. "

When Qiao Manman saw the comments of netizens, she was very angry. She didn't expect that she believed in Xia Ling. She was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood. She wanted to call her friends to add some material.

But her eyes suddenly agglutinate in one point, the first popular microblog, "Xia Ning's life experience is very big!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!