"Do you really want to die?"

Looking back at the black man in the guard, Ling Chen's face didn't change, still as cold and hard as a rock.

Weiyi man also has some drumming in his heart. He's really not sure whether Ling Chen is hurt or not. The strength of his running back is that Ling Chen doesn't chase him.

"Don't pretend to me! Master Xie is a master of Huajin. His accomplishments are higher than you! I don't know what conspiracy you used to kill him, but I know that if you kill master Xie, you're not much better! "

They've all come back. The man in the guard is also cruel.

If Lingchen has the power to kill him, he will die. If Lingchen can't kill him, he doesn't have to pretend to be his grandson.

Now the situation is, he and Ling Chen, one of them must die!

Ling Chen sighs in the heart, as expected there are not so many silly dogs. The strength of the man in the guard is not so good, but his brain is more clever than that of the man in grey, and he is a difficult role.

Then kill it!

Seeing Ling Chen's silence, the man in the guard confirmed his guess and said with a grim smile: "dare to murder master Xie, I will kill you to avenge master Xie!"

Ling Chen doesn't care about the words of the man in Wei Yi. He knows that the man in Wei Yi is looking for a reason to make his own fighting spirit and momentum stronger.

In the case of discrimination, it seems that I am afraid of the other side.

"Since you want to die, master Chen will help you!"

Ling Chen took a step forward, his momentum broke out and his murderous spirit was awe inspiring.

At this time, we must not be afraid to fight. Once we show our fear, it will only encourage the other party's arrogance.


Wei Yi man's momentum is like a rainbow. He takes two steps and shoots at Ling Chen like an arrow.

There are still three meters away from Lingchen, his hands suddenly protrude, the dark force on the tiger claw points out and grabs Lingchen's chest.

Ling Chen does not retreat not to let, strides forward half step, a fist greets the tiger claw of Wei Yi man.

The sound of bone and flesh collision rings out, and the man in grey is kicked back.

Ling Chen is also shocked by the dark force on the guard man's claw.

The first time the two sides met each other was in the stone ladder corridor of the shixueshan scenic spot. At that time, Ling Chen beat the man in the guard down the stone ladder with one punch.

In the second match, no one took advantage.

After a move, their mentality is totally different.

Seeing that he had not been suppressed by the other party, the man in the guard was more confident and more powerful than just now.

And Ling Chen is black a face.

Originally, he still had a rag on his body, but now Nothing!

It's nothing to wear bare upper body, but if you go on fighting, your trousers will be as shattered as your clothes, and I can't keep my underpants!

The shock power of dark force is not so terrible as Zhenqi, but his clothes and trousers were rotten when he fought with the man in grey before. If Ling Chen was more careful, he could barely cover the key parts.

But once he fights, who cares about his pants? If he doesn't make three moves, he will run naked

Naked - run is not a big thing, the key is not far away there is a Shen Jingjing ah!

Although Lingchen told her not to watch, but Lingchen knew that it was impossible for the little girl not to watch.

However, Ling Chen has no other choice. After fighting a move, his confidence soars, and the man in Wei Yi takes the initiative to attack again.

Ling Chen didn't fight hard any more. If he could avoid it, he would parry.

To avoid rigidity, one can reduce the consumption of Qi and blood, and the other can properly protect the pants with holes everywhere.

In this way, from the scene, Ling Chen is in a passive situation, which makes Shen Jingjing worried.

However, Ling Chen soon found that passive defense is a wrong choice.

Only defending but not attacking can really reduce the consumption of Qi and blood, but the problem is that being beaten passively will also frustrate one's spirit and lead to stagnation of Qi and blood circulation.

On the other hand, the man in Wei Yi is more and more powerful. He is gradually playing his peak state, and his confidence is also completely out. The power of Qi and blood is getting stronger and stronger with each attack, and Ling Chen is beginning to be overwhelmed.

Moreover, the guard man's hand is faster and faster, and Ling Chen can hardly dodge.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid Ling Chen's life hasn't been exhausted, but he's killed by the man in the guard!

The fighting power of a warrior is not all about fighting for Qi and blood, but confidence, momentum, fighting spirit and killing spirit Can control the power of Qi and blood burst out.

We can't go back, fight!

Blow up the momentum of each other's indomitable!


Ling Chen from defense to attack, a punch to attack out!

But his blood pressure is too long, not to say that the outbreak can break out, fist claw collision, Ling Chen was repulsed Zhang Yu.

And Wei Yi man just body shape tiny Dun, immediately soar, double legs chain kick to Ling Chen head.

Ling Chen's eyes are dignified. He drinks violently. He jumps up in the air and kicks out his legs.

At this time, he can't care whether he will run naked or not. The momentum of the man in the guard is at the peak. If he lets the other side attack from a commanding position, the other side's momentum will break through a critical point.Break through this critical point, as long as the guard man does not die, the upper limit of life will be greatly increased!

Continuous several strong gas collision of explosion, Ling Chen body up and down no longer a wisp of shame cloth, underwear were shocked into pieces!

Shen Jingjing, hiding behind a big tree, sees that Ling Chen keeps flying out of cloth. In the end, she has nothing left. She finally understands why Ling Chen wants to tell her not to look.

However, at the moment, she has no intention to appreciate Ling Chen's figure. After several kicks from both sides, Ling Chen didn't carry the last foot of the man in Wei Yi and was kicked down!

After landing, Ling Chen was still unstable and staggered back.

But the man in the guard didn't give him a chance to breathe. He fell to the ground like a shadow, changed his claws into fists, and hit Ling Chen's chest!

Ling Chen's eyes flashed a touch of helplessness, forced to fight, almost no force of Qi and blood burst out.

Before the passive defense, Qi and blood flow is not smooth, until Ling Chen decided to counterattack, but was pressed by the man in the guard, so that the operation of Qi and blood is more difficult.

By Wei Yi male a boxing, Ling Chen directly flew up.

The man in Wei Yi laughs wildly, and the master of Hua Jin is just like that!

But then he stopped laughing and a little doubt flashed in his eyes.

Ling Chen was hit to fly, in his expectation, however, the trajectory of the flight seems to have something wrong, not according to the direction of his fist to fly past.

However, he didn't care too much. His opponent's Qi and blood were not as good as him. Tonight You can really kill a Huajin master!

See Ling Chen by guard clothes man a punch fly back before go out of place, Shen Jingjing eyes is full of fear, cover mouth dare not make a sound.

Fortunately, Ling Chen can still move, she seems to see Ling Chen under the tree to grab what, to the mouth.

"Huajin master?"

"So what?"

"I Pooh!"

The man in the guard came slowly towards Ling Chen. He knew that Ling Chen was not dead, but he was not in a hurry. Just with that punch, he tried out that Ling Chen didn't even have the power to fight.

"You beat me up, now I beat you up too!"

"You're not reconciled, are you?"

"If you're an overused Hua Jin master, I'll break it with one blow!"

The man in the guard's clothes scolds as he walks. He's extremely arrogant. The more arrogant he is at this time, the better his upper limit of life will be.

"Not convinced? If you are not convinced, fight me! "

Walk to Ling Chen in front of two Zhang, Wei Yi male stopped, disdain ground looking at a silk - don't hang Ling Chen.

Ling Chen stands up, light way: "Chen ye said, you are to die."

There was no roar, no anger, no emotion, but his indifference made the man's momentum fluctuate.

Wei Yi man's face changed slightly. He didn't understand why a dying man could shake the momentum he kept attacking, but he knew it was not a good omen.


In the eyes of the man in the guard's clothes, the murderer flashed violently, and a lunge rushed over. The tiger claws were like steel claws, and they were catching Ling Chen's throat.


Lingchen also roared, a punch.



Two consecutive sounds of bone fragmentation sound, Ling Chen Weiran does not move, but the man's arm is broken, chest concave, obviously the sternum is also broken.

A lot of blood gushed from his mouth and nose, even from his ears.

He didn't fly. The real power of dark force is not to fly people out.

If you fly out, you will be relieved. If you don't move, the lethality of dark force can be maximized.

"Why What But Can... "

Wei Yi man's eyes are dim, and his life disappears quickly. He doesn't understand that Ling Chenming can't do it. How can he suddenly return to the peak state.

Ling Chen's eyes were indifferent and said coldly: "Lao Tzu said you are here to die, you still don't believe it."

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