C76 Appointment

Name:Fleet of Time Author:
After Song Luxi bought the team uniform, he and I put on our matching clothes. I held Song Luxi's hand. Just like last time, Song Luxi didn't react and let me hold onto her hand as I pleased. Seriously, I don't know what to do with my date, even though I'm always so busy. On the other hand, it was Song Luxi who took me shopping, then went to a pet store to look at puppies.

Song Luxi said that her family also had a dog, it was Little Jindan [1]. She also said that she really liked small animals. After I said that, I asked, "Do you remember?" I nodded, not quite able to tell her that I didn't like small animals at all, and even had a little trouble with kittens and puppies. As expected, after looking for a while, Song Luxi fell in love with a little white dog.

When she said that she wanted to buy it for me to raise, I was shocked. I immediately asked the boss of the pet store, 'What kind of dog is this, will he grow up?' The owner of the pet store told me that the dog was called Samoyed and wouldn't grow too big. When I heard this, it was obvious that he would grow up. What do you mean he won't grow up? Is he deceiving us because we are children?

So I lied, "It seems that Murong Qingqing doesn't really like raising dogs, and my stepfather would act crazy after drinking every day, I'm afraid that this dog won't be able to live for more than a few days." Song Luxi sighed and said regretfully: "Alright, I really like this puppy, but it seems like the money I brought along isn't enough either."

I said to Song Luxi: "Then buy me a small snake." Song Luxi jumped in fright, I pointed at the few small cages at the entrance of the pet shop and laughed. As soon as I entered, I saw several small snakes, all between 15 and 30 centimeters long. At that time, there were many schools selling this kind of little snakes. I always wanted to buy one to have fun with.

Song Luxi exclaimed, saying why am I so abnormal, I like raising snakes. The boss quickly said that the snakes didn't bite anyone. They were extremely easy to raise and were very cheap. Song Luxi glared at me and said, "If you raise this, then don't talk to me anymore." I could tell that she was afraid of snakes, but was especially afraid of them.

Song Luxi and I left the pet shop empty-handed. After eating lunch outside, we went to the gym to watch the competition in Senior Brother Meng Zhu. Senior Brother's competition is a large scale competition, and there are banners hanging at the side of the field. I didn't remember anything else, but I saw the word 'country'. Of course, the contestants are all teenagers, but my senior belongs to the younger grades.

Murong Qingqing smiled and said, "I like them all." Song Luxi also said, "Me too." There are too many situations like Song Luxi's in our junior high school. As for the final solution, I won't say anything more. I'll just see who has the toughest fist and who will be the best!

Before his match began, the senior came over and gave us three drinks, saying he was very happy that we could come and cheer him on. Furthermore, I also saw that Senior Brother's parents were also here, so Meng Zhu even introduced us. One could tell from a glance that the parents of their senior brother were all cultured people, and they all had a lot of manners when it came to talking.

When Senior Brother went to prepare, we chatted with Senior Brother's parents about the final exam scores. When the three of us reported our scores, we saw that our senior's parents were frowning. Especially after they heard about Song Luxi's and Murong Qingqing's grades, they really did not expect that girls' grades in school would be so bad.

Who didn't know that Song Luxi had a bad temper? When she heard what her senior's parents said to her with an educational tone, learning and the like, she immediately didn't want to listen. What Song Luxi said at that time, made me especially shocked. She said, "Auntie, uncle, do you believe that I will get this grade? In the future, my high school will definitely be better than your son's."

Song Luxi spoke in a very domineering manner, becoming speechless for his Senior Brother's parents. Murong Qingqing hurriedly tried to smooth things over and pull the two of us to one side, not wanting to stand together with his senior brother's parents and watch the tournament. Although I have learned judo, this is the first time I have seen judo competition. I always thought that a normal judo match would be different from the one I saw on TV, but I was wrong. It was exactly the same as the one on TV.

Perhaps it was because the seniors were relatively young, but the victor was exceptionally quick. Soon, it was the turn of the seniors to go up on stage. The kid competing with my senior brother is half a head taller than my senior, and his body is also a bit stronger. My senior brother was pressed down by him as soon as he came up, but he didn't score. Murong Qingqing, Song Luxi and I will loudly cheer for Meng Zhu.

The senior brother also met his expectations, and when he stood up to fight again, he started reading one book after another. After winning, senior brother even waved at us, his expression was indescribably proud. In the end, this competition's senior took a 7th place, which was definitely the highest ranking among his peers. After the competition, the Senior Martial Brother talked to his parents for a while before running over to say that his parents would invite us to dinner that night.

Song Luxi said that she didn't want to go, so she let us go, and I directly handed Murong Qingqing over to Senior Brother, telling him that she must send my sister home when it's too late. Thus, Song Luxi and I did not go to eat with them. Honestly speaking, I also do not like elders who like to lecture. No wonder his Senior Brother was so silly in the past, his studies were so good, and all of them were raised by his parents.

Coming out of the gymnasium, Song Luxi said that she wanted to go to Stalin Square to take a look. At that time, the Stalin Square in the Dalian had long been renamed the People's Square. As more and more people came to call it the People's Square, I also changed my name to the People's Square. For example, the Beidanzi I mentioned, many people do not know where the Beidanzi is, because the Beidanzi has been changed into the current Orchid Jade Street.

I heard that the bronze statue in the middle of the square was taken away while I was at school. It's not that the Dalian might not know the feelings the Dalian has for the bronze statue, it's what I heard from my mother. In the past, when Dalian went out on a date, he would always say to the other party, "Let's meet at the big bronze man." As such, this bronze statue had unknowingly witnessed countless young men and women's love for each other.

Later, around the bronze statue, someone raised a pigeon and added a bit of scenery. Every time a pigeon whistle sounded, a rapid formation of pigeons would appear in the air, circling the great bronze man under the leadership of the pigeon king. Many parents would bring their children to see the pigeons and tell their children that the original name of the Bronze Man was Ivan, a brave "Katyusa" artillery soldier.

Song Luxi wanted to see what the Stalin Square looked like without the bronze statue, so I accompanied her on a stroll. At that time, the feeling she gave us were extremely empty. Song Luxi asked me if, after we grew up, the entire Dalian would change into a completely different state. I didn't think much of it at the time. I just said I'd know when I grew up.

Song Luxi said that she might not be able to see it, so I didn't understand what she meant. Behind the square was a bar street and many small restaurants. At that time, the Dalian was especially bustling and lively, there was even a western restaurant. I've never eaten Western food, but I've watched it on TV. At that time, Song Luxi said that he would take me to eat western cuisine, and she really made me extremely happy.

It was also the first time I had seen a steak of eight and Sarah. Don't laugh at me, at our time, basically you ask 100 people in the street, have you ever eaten Sarah, the possible answer is 100 people ask you what Sarah is?

After dinner, I sent Song Luxi home. This was also the first time I saw her home. Song Luxi's family lived in a place not too far away from our school. The place they lived in wasn't very special, even if it was a normal residential building. I wouldn't miss such a good opportunity to take her downstairs. I had to kiss her. The Unique Address of this Book My microblog pigeon only loves Jin Taiyan

Before we kiss, I first hugged Song Luxi in front of me. Only then did Song Luxi look a little shy at me. At that time, I asked her in a huff: "Did Long Er send you back as well? Did he kiss me?" Song Luxi's answer was very different from the other girls'. She said, "If you want to know, won't you send me home everyday?"

I angrily said, "I'll send you home. How could he have the chance to kiss you? I must kiss you every day." I kissed him. The first time was when I kissed her on my bed, the second time was when she sat down at the foot of the stairs at Huo Fan's house, and the third time was when she stood up and kissed Song Luxi's house. There were three different locations and different positions, so of course, the feeling was also different.

The first time was excitement, the second was flirtation, and the third was heartiness. After one day, I discovered that I had completely fallen for Song Luxi. Not only was she rich, beautiful, and good at messing around, I also liked her personality. It was obvious that a little girl had to pretend to be mature. Song Luxi's kind of cute feeling could only be experienced after coming into contact with her.

After I kissed her, on my way home by myself, my pager rang. It was a message from Song Luxi: "Do you like me?" I was ready to call her back when I got home, but a second message came: "I'm beginning to like you a little." Seeing this, I walked home basically all the way mouth to smile, really happy always smile.

However, when I went back home and left a message for Song Luxi, I asked her, "Then let's talk about the target." However, Song Luxi replied: "I'll test you again." Murong Qingqing came back a little later than me. As soon as she arrived home, before she could even change her clothes, I ran over to her room and asked her, "How does Song Luxi feel about me?"

It was so hot that it was almost August. Murong Qingqing talked to me while she changed her clothes. We were both analyzing me and Song Luxi, and she had accidentally taken off her upper body, then put on the small vest she wore at home. She didn't know about the whole process. Although I saw it, I pretended as if nothing had happened.

When Murong Qingqing was about to go wash her face, she asked me in realization: "Brother, did I change my clothes in front of you?" I smiled and said, "You just realized that I wanted to remind you, but you took off your clothes too quickly. Don't worry. I just read it and then forgot about it." Murong Qingqing let out a soft scream, afraid that my stepfather and mother would hear and then walk over to give me a beating. Murong Qingqing warned me that I am not allowed to enter her house the next time she goes home without changing her clothes.

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