She got on the elevator and pressed her fingers on the elevator key.

People will not understand this feeling until today! At this time, she still has a whole eye, take care of her, care about her. Once what she fears most happens, if she is sure that warmth is the real successor, chijingshen, the princess of the Zhao family, may take everything from her and give it back to her. Is she greedy for money? No, what she was afraid of was that after that, she was in the south of the mountain, and the pool view was deep in the north of the mountain

She can't be so far away from him, she doesn't want to be so far away from him!

She stood in the elevator and cried again. The tears were more and more fierce. How to wipe them and how to pour them.

"Shhh..." Someone whistled.

She looked up and saw that there was still a person in the elevator, Liu Shaochen!

"Why are you here?" She asked in horror.

"Princess, how can you cry like this? Who bullied you?" Liu Shaochen came over and took out a handkerchief that was cooked in perfume, and rubbed it on her face and worried with a worried look. "Tell me quickly, though I am not as competent as pool depth, but I will do my best to help you!"

Of course, Zhao Jingfei doesn't believe him. Liu Shaochen is such a bad person. She has a breath all over her body. That's bad!

She pushed his hand away and said coldly, "go away."

"Tut, look at you Didn't you ask me to find you Joe? You see, I followed him all the way. He has gone upstairs to see your father. I can't get through to your mobile phone. I want to try my luck here and meet you. We are really predestined to let you meet me at such a sad time. " Liu Shaochen approached with a shy face.

The elevator stopped with a jingle.

Zhao Jingfei was startled. She opened his hand and hurried out of the elevator.

"Hello, what do you want to see the old man?" Liu Shaochen asked after her.

"Go away." Princess Zhao turned her head and glared.

"You see, people need friends. If you have more friends, you can help. I have been in Lishui for a long time, and people of all walks of life have known a lot, so I can find Qiao man's whereabouts the first time. What's more, I didn't offend Chi Jingshen before. How could he make the cold Ting half dead and not start with me? " Liu Shaochen squinted and asked her.

Zhao Jingfei's step slowed down and her eyebrows were locked.

"Think about it. Call me tomorrow." Liu Shaochen raised his lips and came to kiss her face.

Princess Zhao quickly stepped back and whispered, "let me think about it."

Liu Shao Chen raised his eyebrows, raised his right hand, waved to her, retreated in the direction of the elevator, tilted his mouth and laughed, "I'm waiting for your news."

Zhao Jingfei watched him get up the elevator and walk slowly to her ward.

It won't be good to cooperate with jackals, but she really needs a jackal to tear up her opponent for her.

She bit her lip, slowly closed the door, backed against the door, arms in her arms, and slowly squatted down.

Bursts of coolness rose from the heart and spread to the limbs and five skeletons.


The old man sat up and looked nervously at Joe.

"That's the result." Joe slowly handed the sealed document into his hand and said with a smile, "I haven't read it."

The old man took a deep breath, shaking his bag.

"I'll give it to you. I'll go first." Joe pressed his hand slowly and said in a low voice, "this is your family affair. I don't want to ask about it. You can see it after I leave."

"Thank you, Joe." The old man said sincerely.

"I'll do it." The housekeeper picked up the document bag and slowly opened the seal.

The old man pressed his reading glasses tightly and took over the document nervously. He went straight to the last page and got to the last line to read it.

"Yes..." He breathed deeply, put the document close to his chest and murmured, "it's her. This is fate. Before I die, I can still see my real granddaughter. Fate..."

"Let me see." The housekeeper took over the document, read it carefully, nodded and said, "master, you can rest assured this time. The real granddaughter married Chi Jingshen. He is the son-in-law of the Zhao family. "

"Ha ha..." The old man laughed excitedly, and then he fell back.

"Old man." The housekeeper was startled and quickly went to help him, "how are you doing?"

"I'm fine." The old man lay down for a while, gasped and waved his hand. "I'm ok. Let the doctor give me more cardiotonic injections. We'll go to see the warmth tomorrow It should be Zhao nuanna. "

"Everything is fine, but Do you want to tell Princess Jing now? In the afternoon, the doctor said her heart condition was not very good The housekeeper whispered to her.

The old man's hand was pressed on his chest. He was silent for a long time. He waved his hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Princess Jing has been with me for several years. If you tell her She didn't know if she could take it. She is filial to me, obedient and sensible. I always regard her as my granddaughter. My will doesn't treat her as an outsider, just like my granddaughter. You two, keep this from yourself, and when she's in better shape, you'll find a chance to tell her"Well, do you want to tell me the depth of field and the little warm first?" Asked the housekeeper again.

"Good." The old man grinned and touched his hand and said, "I see how this boy reacts. He still married my granddaughter, so he has to be my son-in-law all his life. Last time, he said that even if my granddaughter was a fairy, he would not like it. Let's see if my granddaughter is a fairy or not, and whether he has married a fairy or not

"Ha ha..." The housekeeper laughed, gave him the identification certificate, and said with a smile, "can you sleep now?"

"Don't sleep. Let's go to Chi Jingshen's house. Ha ha, he will be more happy." The old man got up with a big wheel, and his movements were very vigorous, which scared the housekeeper.

"What time is it, to go to his house at this time?" Asked the housekeeper in surprise.

"Let's go." The old man waved his hand and urged: "it's not you who are eighty-five years old. It's me! I have the strength to go, you don't mind me! If I open my eyes one more second, I will look at her one more time. This is my own granddaughter. You see, God is so kind to me. She was sent to me when she knew I was going to die! Otherwise, how could I have the face to see my son? "

"All right." The housekeeper had to push a wheelchair and help him sit on it.

"Let's go." The old man urged all the way, happy like an old child.

The master and servant got into the car, and the housekeeper stepped on the gas pedal and sped out of the city.

Most of the Li River is in a dream, and the colorful lights are scattered in the night. The long bridge in the distance is wrapped with colored lights, like stars hanging from the sky.

"Long bridge, closer." The old man pointed to the bridge and said happily.

"That's retrograde." The housekeeper shook his head and insisted on the road.

"Oh, I'm so old. Can you lock me in?" The old man muttered discontentedly.

"How can you be capricious like a child?" Said the housekeeper with a smile.

The old man grinned, took off the reading glasses, wiped his eyes, "I want to tell them quickly, I can't wait."

The housekeeper laughed, shook his head and said, "master, this is the first time I see you happy like this."

"You don't understand. It's called liuyinhuaming village..." The old man said, suddenly stopped, eyes wide, straight to look at the front.

Two dazzling headlights shine from the front. This is the most dangerous and immoral behavior of driving. Actually, we use high beam lights to illuminate each other!

The housekeeper slowed down the car and was just about to complain. The speed of the car lights suddenly accelerated. Like a runaway wild horse, it ran into it

"The old man..." Before the housekeeper could call out, the car had been hit hard.

Violent collision, harsh sound, all seem to come from hell

After a while, the fire was burning. The housekeeper opened his eyes and saw a dark shadow in front of him. He bent down to look into the car. He tried to open his eyes to see who was coming.