"Why, you still have a big girlfriend?" Warm to see that he is willing to help, did not roll his white eyes.

"Ha ha Warm, how can you be like a hedgehog Fu Ye picked the eyebrow, raised his eyes and gazed at her, "a beautiful little hedgehog."

Grinning in a warm, exaggerated way, looking back at the door. Several men dragged wenjingxiao over. He was beaten by some punches and bruises, and his mouth was still bleeding.

"Fu ye, how can you hit people casually?" Warm jump up, quickly past to hold wenjingxiao.

"This is your brother. If someone else, I'll take off both legs now." Fu Ye is still smiling. It seems that what he broke is chicken leg and duck leg, not human leg.

"This is you Or I'll call the police and get you. " Warm enough to go back.

Fu Ye laughs and turns to look at Wen Jingxiao. "Mr. Wen, I'm offended. Come and have a cup of tea."

Wen Jingxiao wiped the blood foam on his mouth and looked at the warmth with surprise.

"I know him. Let's go." Warm up wenjingxiao, whispered.

"Don't go back to your boss. Come and work with me. You're tough. I want a bodyguard. Pay, you make a price. " Fu Ye leaned back, looked at Wen Jingxiao calmly and said, "you know, you can't go back now."

Wen Jingxiao wiped his face again, glared at him, pulled the warmth, "let's go."

"Give him a business card and come to me when you think about it." Fu Ye gives his assistant a wink.

The assistant has not yet walked to Wen Jingxiao, he a stagger, fell down. It was a terrible beating. It was the limit to be able to walk such a few steps.

"Brother..." Warm quickly help him, but she did not have the strength to lift up the tall wenjingxiao, also followed a head down.

"Little warm..." Fu Ye jumps up, and with a few big strides, he reaches the warm side. He picks Wen Jingxiao aside and holds her up.

Looking at Wen Jingxiao, like a piece of wood, was lifted by him, warming fire, "that's my brother, how can you lift him with your feet?"

"I'm sorry." Fu Ye helps her to stand still, bends down, respectfully and seriously moves Wen Jingxiao back to his original place, takes out his handkerchief and dusts him. He says solemnly, "I'm sorry, uncle."

"Go away! Who is your brother-in-law? " Warmth was made by him, and pushed him away.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry..." Fu Ye holds her up and says in a loud voice, "take Mr. Wen to the room, let someone show him his injury and wash his body clean."

"I'll take him back and get in the car." Warm and angry said.

"Really angry?" Fu ye put his hands on his back, bent down his head and looked into her eyes. He said with a smile, "don't be angry. I apologize to you. I promise to ask you about the dove tomorrow. Listen to me and wait until he wakes up

Warm turned to see wenjingxiao. Several big men came and carried him to the room by the stairs. There were also people who went to get ice and medicinal wine to treat his wounds. She is not at ease, follow in and watch these people change dressing for Wen Jingxiao. After more than ten minutes, he didn't wake up, his eyes were closed, his mouth was still bleeding, and he didn't know whether he had hurt his internal organs.

"Fu ye, are you a underworld? How can you hit people casually? You are against the law Warm out of the room, more angry, staring at Fu Ye loudly scold.

Fu Ye looks at her and laughs, "OK, accept criticism Xiaonuan, this is really you. If you change to another woman, who dares to shout so loudly in front of me, I will pull out her teeth. "

"Then you pull it out!" Warm grin, angry way.

"Go, get the pliers, pull out the teeth." Fu Ye claps his hands and smiles.

"What's so funny! If you laugh again, I will call the police. " Warm and angry said.

"Little warm, don't be so simple, OK? I dare to call. I'm afraid you call the police? Look at the eagle tattooed on your brother's back. I said that he turned in to steal things. Some people believe it. "

Fu Ye held back his smile, shook his head and said in a low voice, "how could you have such a brother? He didn't get the most out of him. Your brother will die sooner or later if he follows such a person. The police want me to make an excuse and give your brother to them. They can dig it out as a clue. Of course, it depends on his own luck whether your brother can survive or not. The witnesses of the previous several times did not live to see the sun the next day. "

"Threaten me?" The little face flushed with warmth and asked angrily.

"If you think about it, I'm threatening you." Fu Ye patted the cushion beside him and said with a low smile, "OK, don't be angry. We are a family. I just suggested that he should be a bodyguard for me, for your sake. He was beaten and ruined. He must be punished when he goes back. According to their rules, three knives and six holes are not easy. If he can't get out of this environment, you can leave him as far as you can. Don't get close to him

"He's my brother..." Warm is not enough to say. Brother Yingge has been living in the society since he was 13-4 years old. In the past 10 years, he has done many immoral things. Who doesn't know in Baishan? However, Wen Jingxiao and he mingled together, which is really not an eye opener."Well, sit down. When he wakes up, ask him if he wants to leave Baishan. "

"How can I leave? My uncle is seriously ill. It's all up to him." Warm eyebrows twisted and sat down.

"Why the white pigeon pharmaceutical factory?" Fu Ye poured her a cup of hot tea again and asked her in a low voice.

Warm hesitated for a long time and told the whole story.

Fu Ye has been looking at her until she has finished. After waiting for a few minutes, he patted her on the shoulder and whispered, "I'll find it for you."

Warm pursed his lips and whispered, "thank you."

"Why didn't you tell Chi Jingshen?" He leaned over and caressed her eyes with his fingers. She has been trying not to cry, moist eyes, stained with small tears, stained with his fingertips.

Warm silence for a moment, whispered: "he did not ask where."

Fu Ye picked his eyebrows and asked, "do you really like him so much?"

Warm nod.

"He likes you?" Fu Ye's eyes brighten and asks.

"Why are you so gossipy?" A warm glance up at him.

"This you don't understand, you call me uncle, later he also has to call me uncle, this ns up and down, later have to call me uncle." Fu Ye sips his tea with a smile.

"How beautiful you think! He's more fierce than you. He dreams. He calls you uncle? He'll have your teeth pulled out. " He was hit with warmth and impoliteness.

Fu ye said with disapproval: "he is very powerful. However, no matter how powerful it is, I will never cover the sky with one hand and do everything. I've been careless this time. He won't be so good next time. "

"And threatening people? You're no match for him. Be careful your teeth will be pulled out Warm heart rise silk not happy, look at him discontentedly.

Fu Ye smiles and says seriously, "silly girl, he is not simple. Protect yourself."

Warm more unhappy, turned to look at once, did not accept her words.

Fu Ye slowly washes the tea and whispers, "I don't mean to slander him. I know that a man like him is the most attractive girl like you. Rich, good-looking, young, charismatic, courageous and intelligent. If he pursues a woman, it's a sure catch. "

"But, little warm, how much do you know about him? Don't fall in foolishly until you fully understand it. Before he was 17 years old, he was very good at fighting in the society. He had beaten six of them by one person and completely abolished others. After returning to Chi's home, he took all the means he had used before. Whoever dares to block his way will break his hand "

" that's true. How can you be blinded by others. "Warm grab the teacup, not light or heavy meal," even if it really hit, it is the other people should hit. "

"I'm good to remind you that it's all because of my sister-in-law."

"Why are you so nice to her?" She looked at him warmly and doubtfully.

"Everyone talks about feelings. If anyone really treats me well, I'll give it back ten times. Well, do you want to think about being nice to me? " Fu Ye asks her with a smile.

Warm to agree with his words, but now the society is impetuous, people are indifferent, and how many people can really do this?

"Mr. Fu, the people from Jiangting called and said that the factory would not sell any more tea and would offer you tea to make amends." The assistant comes over with the mobile phone, leans over to Fu Ye's ear and whispers.