Chapter 1074: Never suddenly lucky

Bai Liyue's smile stiffened.

After being silent for a while, he said insincerely: "It will definitely happen."

She looked at Yahan in front of her, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

Before meeting Mu Yebai, Yahan was extremely cheerful and confident.

After meeting him, she gradually became more sentimental and less confident.

However, she is obviously such an outstanding and beautiful girl!

Qin Yahan didn't notice Bai Liyue's face. After taking a few minutes in front of the mirror, he smiled with satisfaction: "Liyue, that's it. I like it very much."

"nice! You love it."

Bai Liyue didn't hesitate to take out the gold card from her bag and handed it to the clerk on the side: "Hello, that's it."

The clerk did not take it, and smiled: "Miss, you don't have to pay for this dress."

Bai Liyue and Qin Yahan were taken aback, and both looked at her suspiciously.

The clerk looked at Qin Yahan and explained: "Miss, this is the case. Our store is doing an event today. The first customer will get the chance to get a free order. Congratulations."

Qin Yahan came here early in the morning. Few people came to the dress shop at this point. She was indeed the first.

"Really? I'm so lucky, too!"

She smiled like a child, holding Bai Liyue's arm excitedly: "Liyue, I have never won a prize before. I didn't expect that before I got engaged, I won such a big prize!

You said, is this a gift from heaven to show me that my marriage will be happy and everything will go well in the future? "

Bai Liyue had a look, and after inadvertently swiping her eyes around the store, she silently put away the card and echoed her with a smile: "Of course, this is a good sign. You will be very happy in the future."

Qin Yahan smiled extremely happily.

This was the most sincere and happy smile Bai Liyue had seen during this period of time.

She is a simple person, she will feel happy and happy because of some sudden "lucky", and has nothing to do with money.

This is the Qin Yahan she knows.

"Okay, Riyue, I will change my dress first and wait for me!"

"Okay, go quickly."

Bai Liyue smiled and nodded, and watched her into the changing room.

After Qin Yahan entered the fitting room, Bai Liyue raised her head and suddenly glanced at the second floor. A figure disappeared from the corner.

Although she only saw the profile of this person, it was not difficult for her to guess who it was.

She knew how a luxury dress shop could do free activities.

Besides, the dress is worth seven figures.

Sure enough, someone did it intentionally.

Bai Liyue didn't know whether he should be happy for Yahan or a pity for Yahan.

When Qin Yahan came out of the changing room, the clerk packed her dress, and the two left here together.

In the car.

Bai Liyue drove the car, and Qin Yahan was still happily telling her about the lucky waiver just now.

Bai Liyue also agreed with a smile, trying not to let her notice the problem.

After the two chatted for a while, it was noon.

Qin Yahan looked at the scenery outside the window and suggested, "Liyue, I'm hungry. I know there is a delicious western food in front of me, shall we go together?"


Bai Liyue drove to the western restaurant designated by Qin Yahan.

After parking the car, the two entered the restaurant arm in arm.

Qin Yahan joked as he walked: "By the way, Liyue, you have to remember that you and Mu Jingchen will come to my engagement tomorrow, remember to wear a low-key dress, don't steal the limelight from the protagonist."

Bai Liyue repeatedly promised: "I know, Miss Qin's order, I will definitely obey. Tomorrow, I will go there in a pajamas, okay?"

"Hahaha, then you can't even enter the hotel door..."

The two of them were amused, and did not notice the two women approaching oncoming them at all, and accidentally ran into them full of emotions.


One of the women couldn't stand firm and was knocked back several steps. Fortunately, she held a dining table and didn't fall.

She raised her head so angrily. Before she could see the person clearly, she cursed in a very bad tone: "Are you blind, can't you see such a wide road?"

The other woman hurriedly stepped forward to support her and asked, "Is it all right?"

Bai Liyue knew that she was wrong, and stepped forward to apologize.

"Sorry, we didn't look at the road, did you hurt it?"

It was two young women who were bumped into. Look at the clothes, they should be the daughter of a wealthy family.

The woman who had been knocked back several steps just now wore a pink knee-length skirt.

After Bai Liyue apologized, she was about to explode again.

But when she saw Bai Liyue's suffocating face, she suddenly got stuck in her throat when she wanted to blurt it out, turning into a very surprised question: "Aren't you the wife of the president of the Dihua Group!"

The Dihua Group occupies a large position in the Jiangcheng business community, and everyone with a little bit of shame knows Mu Jingchen.

Before Mu Jingchen took over the Dihua Group, the entire Jiangcheng was in turmoil.

As for Mu Jingchen and his wife, almost everyone in the Jiangcheng business community knows.

Coupled with the superb appearance and recognition of the two, it is not surprising that this woman can recognize Bai Liyue at a glance.

Bai Liyue didn't conceal it, smiling and replied: "It's me, I was so embarrassed just now, did you hurt anything?"

Hearing her confession that it was Bai Liyue, the woman in the pink skirt frowned immediately, with repulsion and contempt on her face.

"The Dihua Group is about to close down, you still have the thought to hang out, your heart is really big!"

Qin Yahan listened to what she said, dissatisfied: "What are you talking about?"

The pink skirt woman raised her head and retorted: "Who is talking nonsense, Dihua Group’s partners have all run away, and news about bankruptcy is flying all over the sky. As Mu Jingchen’s wife, she still has the heart to go out for a stroll. Isn’t her heart big? !"

Qin Yahan was angry and was about to refute her again, but Bai Liyue raised her hand to stop it.

Bai Liyue looked at the woman in the pink dress.

"Miss, if you are injured, I will take you to the hospital. If you are not injured, please don't disturb our dining mood."

The pink skirt woman snorted coldly and said with disdain: "Come on, I'm just injured, and you don't need to take me to the hospital. Keep your money and eat more. When the Dihua Group goes bankrupt, it's such a luxurious place. , You’re afraid it’s too late a few times!"

After speaking, she raised her head arrogantly and walked out with another woman.

Before leaving, she deliberately bumped Bai Liyue's arm.

Qin Yahan didn't get angry, staring at their backs and said angrily: "It's too disgusting, I have to teach her today!"

Bai Liyue grabbed her wrist and stopped saying: "Don't worry about this kind of person. We bumped her into her just now, and now she bumps me into it. It's fair."

"Liyue! But..."

Qin Yahan was still angry, but Bai Liyue shook her head at her.

"Yahan, don't be arrogant. This is a public place. As the wife of the president of Dihua Group, if I care about this kind of people at this time, it will be even more detrimental to our company."