Chapter 71

Name:Finally I Get You Author:Lan Bai Se
It's more than that to get married. Registration, house decoration, wedding dress selection, wedding photo taking, banquet booking, wedding message sending and honeymoon booking are absolutely unprecedented challenges for Gu Shengnan, especially in the case of the groom and his failure to cooperate.

"Bridegroom, please smile," the photographer called in the distance.

Lu Jin pulled the corner of his mouth.

Don't be so serious! Smile The photographer pulled out a big smile for demonstration.

It's time for the bridegroom to take a single photo. Gu Shengnan sits on the folding chair outside the lawn and is worried. He really wants to rush up to pull Lu Jin's arrogant and tightly pursed mouth with a smile. Wang Cai, sitting beside her, wearing a small dress and perfectly completing the group photo task proposed by the photographer, sees the photographer demonstrating to Lu Jin how to laugh, He jumped onto the armrest of Gu Shengnan's chair and grinned with grin. Seeing Wangcai's cooperation, the photographer with straight forehead who was tortured by the bridegroom who couldn't smile, sighed: "bridegroom, look, your pets are better than you!"

As if in order not to lose to the monkey, Lu Jin finally reluctantly and measured a smile. The photographer did not dare to expect how sweet his smile was, so he quickly pressed the shutter.

It was not until Gu Shengnan, who had mended his makeup and changed his wedding dress, came to Lu Jin's side and took his seat. Lu Jin was able to express his dissatisfaction: "why should I be at the mercy of these stupid human beings like Wangcai?"

Before Gu Shengnan had time to reply, the photographer had already started to guide them: "come on, come on, now let's have a look at the bride obsessed by the bridegroom, and the bride lowers her head in shame."

Lu Jin couldn't bear this time. He got close to Gu Shengnan's ear and gnawed his teeth: "which photographer is this from the urban-rural junction? It's all about the movements that were popular in the 1980s. "

"Well, my dad heard that we were going to take wedding photos. It happened that one of his acquaintances owned a film studio, and the price was half the price of other studios. Let's take care of our friends' business. "

Lu Jin took a look at his fiancee's cheek which was redder than the monkey's buttocks, and then looked down at his wrinkled dress provided by the studio. He could only sigh that it was really cheap and not good.

in this side room, Lu Jin secretly vowed that he would let his daughter wear his wedding dress from Paris and ask a real photographer to take a set of wedding photos again In the side room, the photographer saw that the two people were only talking quietly, but did not cooperate at all. After helping his forehead with headache, he had to change his mouth: "if the bride is too shy to come, let's change the posture. The bridegroom kisses the bride's side face, and the bride closes her eyes happily."

As soon as he heard that he was well-off and could get a kiss, Lu Jin's face was not so bad. For the first time, he cooperated with the photographer and gave Gu Shengnan a kiss on the cheek.

, this kiss, the makeup artist of the studio used the inferior Blush Powder to the bride's way.

Gu Shengnan's irritability is not less than he, "I will not let my father interfere in the next marriage. It's too unreliable."

"Do you want another time?" Lu Jin looked back at her, his eyes narrowed dangerously. Gu Shengnan realized that he had made a mistake, but she was about to speak when she was interrupted by the photographer again.

"Are you lovers? Can't even kiss? Oh, Hello, I'm so worried

The photographer couldn't bear to hold the camera hand suddenly droop, the other hand discontentedly on the waist.

Gu Shengnan watched Lu Jin's eyes suddenly rise a dark fire, which clearly means: this photographer in flowered underpants dare to question Mr. Lu!?

Gu Shengnan wanted to cry without tears. When he met a bad tempered husband and a self righteous photographer, it was a disaster.

When Gu Shengnan speculated that the next step would be whether the photographer would give up the job first, or Lu Jin would leave first, or she could not bear to give the two men a foot, and then she waved and turned away. Lu Jin suddenly asked her, "I remember you used lipstick when you just mended your makeup?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

As soon as she finished, Lu Jin took up her face and kissed her.

Mr. Lu proved that he not only can kiss, but also is an expert in kissing.

The kiss, the fire of the kiss was full of fire and sentimental. It seemed that there was a burst of "crackling" firewood on the grass. The photographer was stunned for five seconds, and finally woke up. He quickly raised the camera to record the moment when the light had already made people feel confused.

Finally, due to the lack of time, Mr. Lu failed to take the wedding photos again. They could only wash out the wedding photos with the obvious style of urban-rural joint, and use them as the back cover of wedding cards, hang them on the wall of their new home, and put them outside the restaurant where the wedding banquet is held.

However, it seems that the effect is not as bad as Lu Jin imagined: Although the photographer's shooting technology, action design, and makeup artist's makeup technology all failed, but fortunately, the late PS technology is good, their wedding photos can still be seen.

When Xu Zhaodi came to visit their new home, she happened to come across the photo frame and picture album from the studio staff. After witnessing their wedding photos first, Xu Zhaodi's eyes almost glared out: "are you too 19 forbidden to take wedding photos? Do you want to be so inseparable? And here. "Gu Shengnan was startled by her. She almost thought he had taken some erotic photos. When she came to see it, it was just a little bit forgetful to kiss. Who made her marry a man who knew how to dazzle women? Xu Zhaodi, like discovering the new world, almost pasted the photo under her eyelids and examined it carefully. Finally, she was sure that she saw someone in the photo You kiss in front of the camera

Gu Shengnan is embarrassed.

Fortunately, Lu Jin was not here today. Otherwise, he would definitely scoff at Xu Zhaodi's fuss. Gu Shengnan decided to change the topic: "by the way, you said you brought me a good thing. What is it?"

After she reminded her, Xu Zhaodi remembered the purpose of her trip and took a furtive glance at every corner of the house: "Lu Jin is not at home?"

"Yes, tomorrow is the wedding. He's setting up a friend from Melbourne with his mother."

Xu Zhaodi suddenly laughed and took out two tickets from her bag to show her solemnity. She also specially matched the sound for her actions: "Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang! Look

What the hell? Gu Shengnan took the ticket and was immediately frightened by the photo of the fierce man on the ticket.

"On the eve of the wedding, my dear sister, I specially made a single party for you," Xu Zhaodi winked at her vaguely. "No male guests, you know that!"

Gu Shengnan made a painful look: "if Lu Jin knows, I will be finished."

"Don't worry about it. You know, I know, heaven knows, earth knows, but Lu Jin never knows." Xu Zhaodi played her usual persuasion, "you know, I have hired a dancer who has performed in Las Vegas for you. For the rest of your life, you can only see Lu Jin naked. Don't you want to take this last opportunity to open your eyes?"

Gu Shengnan couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Gu Shengnan finally realized what it means to be a worthy trip.

The half naked half naked half blood male models at the swimming pool are all in good shape. On such a cold day, even if the air conditioner is on in the club room, these male models who only wear suits, trousers and black aprons and carry wine plates in the clubhouse are still very exciting. Even Wei Wei An left Liao Zenan for the time being and gave up her life to accompany Gu. It is enough to show that the male models have boundless charm.

Even if Gu Shengnan has been sitting there drinking drinks, he can still smell the strong smell of male hormones. Gu Shengnan can only distract his attention by Xu Zhaodi's tut sigh in her ears.

Wei Wei An wrung Gu Shengnan's red ear: "Sheng Nan, this is a single night specially held for you. How can you not see it?"

"What's good to see? Not half as good as Lu Jin's Gu Shengnan talks nonsense.

Unexpectedly, it aroused Xu Zhaodi's strong interest: "really? Lu Jin looks very thin when she is wearing clothes!"

"He's typically skinny in clothes and fleshy in strippers." On this point, Gu Shengnan is quite confident.

Her eyes are not tilted in a reserved manner. Li man in the side room and abdomen can be seen. But Li Man is completely like a fish in water. Xu Zhaodi has to pull Gu Shengnan's chin and let her see Li man who is chatting with the half blood male model: "look, she has robbed all the elegant demeanor of your protagonist, and you will know to guard your Lu Jin."

Talk about Cao Cao. Cao Cao will arrive. As soon as Xu Zhaodi finishes, Gu Shengnan's mobile phone rings. Gu Shengnan covers the receiver and answers: "hello?"

Gu Shengnan carefully "hello", but Lu Jin at that end still smelled a trace of something wrong: "are you not in Xu Zhaodi's house? Why does it sound so noisy. "

"Oh, we're out for supper, and I'll go home after that."

She's not lying, is she? In front of them, there were all kinds of snacks with wine in front of them. She just didn't tell Lu Jin that she was eating a snack in the club of full time male models.

Xu Zhaodi, on the other hand, sits on a male model's lap and eats a snack.

Speaking of what Lu Jin was interested in, Lu Jin forgot that there was something wrong with him. He changed his topic and said, "stay with me tonight? I've arranged for my mother to stay in a hotel

The implication is that they don't want to be disturbed by their world.

But at the wedding tomorrow, she will go back to her apartment tonight, and tomorrow morning Lu Jin will come with the motorcade to pick up the bride. She is free to move tonight, and only with the saying that "it's bad luck to meet this evening before marriage" can she persuade Lu Jin reluctantly.

"No, it's bad luck." Gu Shengnan insisted.

Lu Jin didn't mean anything about it: "we had bad luck all the way from knowing each other. What bad luck didn't happen? What are you afraid of? "

What is a prophecy? Gu Shengnan vomited after eating a snack.

Lu Jin received a phone call from Gu's father early in the morning. Wearing pajamas and pajamas, Lu Jin rushed to Gu's home.

Father Gu was very anxious. With Wangcai, he walked anxiously in the living room behind his buttocks. As soon as he heard the doorbell, he immediately went to open the door.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Maybe last night's snack was not fresh. Vivian, Zhaodi and Sheng Nan came back drunk last night. As a result, all three people vomited and diarrhea early in the morning. Three people are busy scrambling for the toilet As he spoke, Mr. Gu led the way into the house.As soon as Lu Jin got to the corridor, she found that Wei Wei An and Xu Zhaodi were busy snatching the toilet in the outer room. When they saw Lu Jin, they said hello and continued to rob. As for Gu Shengnan, she had successfully occupied the toilet in her bedroom. The door of the toilet was closed. Lu Jin knocked on the door: "how are you doing?"

Only the sound of flushing answered him.

Lu Jin had to knock again.

"Who made you eat the day before your wedding? We are going to have a wedding and dinner tonight. What are you going to do like this? "

"Who made you curse us last night? It's not about luck. "

And then there was no sound. Jinwei can only wait for her to open the door.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that the door opened.

Lu Jin immediately stepped forward. Gu Shengnan stood on the doorframe with a bright face.

He was immediately frightened by her appearance: "it seems that our honeymoon tomorrow morning is going to be canceled."

The exciting adventure honeymoon Lu Jin said half jokingly, but she looked at Lu Jin pitifully and said, "it's not an estimation. It's really necessary to cancel it."

"No?" Lu Jin immediately raised his forehead and looked at the sky... " Is it so serious? "

Gu Shengnan silently raised the hand that had been carried behind her back to Lu Jin in front of her. What she was holding in her hand at this moment was a pregnancy test stick.

Lu Jin suddenly was stunned, and his eyes widened. He looked carefully at the little pregnancy test stick in front of him.

The two red lines on the right of the pregnancy test stick mean Something in Lu Jin's head suddenly exploded. He looked up at Gu Shengnan in disbelief. Gu Shengnan's face didn't show any joy. He couldn't help getting up and vomiting in the early morning. It was really bad. Seeing his consulting like looking at himself, Gu Shengnan nodded heavily: "yes, I am pregnant."