The battle of domination transcends everything.

The momentum between the two sides, condensing and strengthening each other, blew up the space barrier on the whole dominating temple!

The following countless top experts, are unbearable!

This lasted for dozens of seconds, and finally, huntianxing started to move first!

He can't help but kill Xiao Chen!

This is his biggest long cherished wish in more than five years!

Now, he can't wait!

"Xiao Chen! Die to me

Roar a sound, soul sky star under the foot of a heavy step, the body instantly disappeared in place, again appeared, he has come to the front of Xiao dust!

Two people a punch, a row of ten spherical light waves, one after another quickly spread out, the space barrier, all to live tear!

That kind of peak level of strength, far from those God Emperor, even the God Emperor peak, can match!

When they fight, the purple sky thunder burst out. Compared with the normal thunder and lightning, its power is more than 100 times more powerful!

The fist lasted for more than five seconds. Then, Xiao Chen snorted coldly, and his strength spread along his arm until his fist broke out. He flew the soul star out of the sky!


Just after the huntianxing was shaken out, Xiao Chen also disappeared in place!

Two people are like the evaporation of the world, no one can see where they are!

"What about them?"

"Why are they missing? Where have they been? "

On the field, only a few masters are looking up at the sky!

Ten seconds after people began to panic, the whole sky, suddenly burst out hundreds of millions of light!

Every brilliance is comparable to the level of planet destruction!

This kind of terror, has reached the peak limit!

In ten seconds, the two have broken a hundred million moves, and each of them is at the peak level, surpassing everything!

The vast power even inspires the whole defensive array that dominates the temple!

If the hundreds of millions of defense array that dominates the temple is not inspired at this moment, I am afraid that countless disciples below will be directly and vividly shocked to death!

All of Xiao Chen's men had already fallen down. With all the people present, they all watched this scene!

Everyone's eyes are wide, eyes, full of unbelievable!

In the sky, it seems that there are hundreds of millions of small suns flashing out!

These little suns, too bright!

Not to mention the shock waves they produce, just take the light of the hundreds of millions of small suns. If it was not for the array protection, all the people present would be directly burned by the blazing light!

Even so, the surrounding planets can't bear the wave.

They are pushed by the vast Reiki wave to hundreds of millions of kilometers!

On the other side facing Vega, it's all burned into a piece of coke!

Life above, even no chance to escape!

However, Xiao Chen and huntianxing don't care about writing!

The winner is the king, the loser is the enemy!

In this case, you have to live! Or die!

Anyone who is soft hearted may be harmed by himself!

And once he was fatally injured, his subordinates and others, later, all will die with him!

It's not just a fight between two people!

This is a battle between two factions!

This war, bet on, can not only be two people's future!

Therefore, no one will, not to shrink back half point!

At this time, the space barrier has been broken alive, and they are already in the space of different dimensions.


The battlefield still can't satisfy two people's strength display easily!

The two-dimensional space barrier of different dimensional space is also broken up again!

People can't see the battle between Xiao Chen and huntianxing. They can only see that in the dark world of different dimensions, there are two dazzling spheres of light like the sun, constantly impacting and separating each other!

Every time, the light released can be easily transmitted to the world! Even the space of different dimensions cannot bear the overflow of energy!

Every time, when fighting, the shock wave of energy will make the world of different dimensions expand by one point!!

In the world of different dimensions, it seems that it is constantly experiencing the explosion again and again!

This kind of energy, already strong and disgusting, simply can't imagine!

"Xiao Chen! Let's break out a little bit more! Take out all your strength! Let the elder martial brother have a good look at your ability


"ha ha ha! Five years! I've been waiting for this moment for five years


"over the past five years, I've watched you grow up, I've watched that old thing take care of you more and more! It hurts you more and more! "


"every time, my heart breaks like a knife and I want to tear you alive!"


"but I always hide it! Today, I can finally explode! Ha ha ha... Xiao Chen! This time, no one can save you! "


"I'm going to kill you! I want that old man to know that he shouldn't have brought you back! "


"I want everyone to know that Vega belongs to me! my Ha ha ha


while fighting madly, huntianxing constantly vent his inner anger and unwillingness!

He is the first emperor of the Vega Galaxy!

He is the strongest in the Vega Galaxy!

Is the first person under the old master!

We have worked hard for tens of thousands of years and worked hard for tens of thousands of years!

He, should be the existence that everyone should be proud of, should be the existence of succeeding master!

By what? Why should he be crushed by Xiao Chen?

So, he asked for someone to kill the old thing and put him close to the wormhole of time and space!

Now, finally, no one can pressure on his head again!

At this moment, all over the world, he has been completely free!

He has completely untied all the shackles!

He just needs to kill Xiao Chen, and then he can completely destroy the last trace of heart knot!

At that time, there will be no one else who can disobey him!

The stronger the Vietnam War, the more fierce the Vietnam War!

Although Hun Tianxing has made too much efforts, Xiao Chen is not a freeloader either!

He has walked on the edge of death countless times!

He has been in countless times of crisis, with the perseverance, never give up, overcome the difficulties again and again!

So, between two people, no one is right or wrong!

It's just a fight between two strong men!

The battle between two real strong!

The winner is the king, the loser is the enemy!

No complaints!!

After 120 seconds of fighting, with their fists hitting each other's chest again, they both spurt blood and go back out!

Until this time, two people's body, has appeared many scars!