I don't know how it happened, but I was able to smash a good hand of cards to smithereens.

I managed to get a contact account number for the photos, but no one actually dared to expose Jiang Xue's scandal. Furthermore, if Huang Ming wants to find my boss, as long as my boss says the word, these photos will never appear in the public, she definitely has the ability to do so.

At the last moment I thought of Yao Ting, but the online insinuations had forced Qu Zhi and Jiang Xue to prepare for a public marriage. Yao Ting wouldn't help me, she would even hate me for forcing her lover to become someone else's husband.

Then what else can I do, tell the boss that I'm willing to pay the so-called price?

Actually, when I didn't have any money before, I had also thought about this kind of thing. If I could be raised by a wealthy woman, it would be a good thing.

However, when I really had to do this, I became timid. I could openly go to Maori's bed to collect Maori's money. Because Maori was beautiful, I wouldn't lose out by rolling around in bed with her, and my pride wouldn't suffer any harm.

However, if it's the old lady the boss introduced me to, I would hesitate, even if this time I have to deal with 2.5 million, I wouldn't be willing.

But what can you do if you don't want to? When you were young, you didn't want to eat vegetables, but you couldn't not eat them. Even if you didn't want to go to school, you couldn't not go to school.

This was life. No matter how much you didn't want to, you wouldn't be able to withstand the impact of reality.

I took a shower, cleaned myself up, dressed and went to the KTV my boss told me about.

There were four women in KTV's box. One of them was the boss's good sister, and there were two I had never seen before.

One of the two women was in her thirties. She was not very pretty, but overall, she was not bad. The other one was probably in her fifties. She had very thick makeup on her face, but one could still tell her age.

I wanted to run away on the spot. I didn't want to sleep with such an old woman. She was older than my mother, so how could I do anything to her?

The boss seemed to see through my thoughts and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry, it's not her. She likes to come out of the gym."

For the first time in my life, I was glad I didn't have eight abs.

Since she isn't an old woman, then she should be a woman in her thirties. Although she isn't pretty, she can still be considered young. I can still accept sleeping with her.

In order to curry favor with her, I didn't need my boss's instructions as I walked towards her. Just as I was about to sit next to her, the woman smiled and said, "Little handsome guy, I like big guys from overseas. Are you sure you have the qualifications to sit next to me?"

When these words were spoken, all the women burst into laughter. Even the boss who was usually swift and decisive was laughing so much that he swayed back and forth.

[What the heck! I can't just stand there and not leave either.] Sitting down seemed to be a bit too much, but not sitting down was also a bit too unconfident.

Just then the door opened and another woman came in.

This woman should be only twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, not much older than me. She has a popular oval face nowadays, and she's dressed quite young, and her figure is also very good. Although the curves can't be seen, her front and back are protruding, and her breasts are definitely larger than the average Chinese woman.

This kind of excellent woman wouldn't ask me to accompany her, so I smiled and nodded to her before turning to look at the boss.

But who knew that the boss would actually pull me in front of that woman and say, "This is Miss Xia, accompany her and drink some wine. As long as she's happy, then you don't have to worry about that trouble of yours."

I was a little stunned. I thought to myself that the boss shouldn't be so good to me. He actually introduced me to such a beautiful lady. If I had known about it earlier, I wouldn't have called Yao Ting.

Not to mention 2.5 million, even if I gave her 250 dollars, I wouldn't feel like losing it.

I sat beside that woman and politely said, "Hello, I'm Chen Yang."

Miss Xia smiled at me, then shifted her gaze to the TV.

The woman in her fifties picked up an old song and was immersed in it, singing as if she was drunk on it.

I waited there with my glass in my hand, and waited until the old woman had finished singing and the crowd had applauded, and then I toasted like Miss Xia.

Miss Xia said her first word to me.

"Do you often go out with clients?"

"No, today the boss thinks highly of me. That's why I have the chance to come out and experience the world."

"Oh, but you're quite tactful. Some men would rather have had three drinks first. They don't know how to read words at all."

"Miss Xia is so beautiful, it's normal for everyone to be confused. If I didn't find this song pleasant, I would have toasted to you already. "

In fact, I didn't listen to the song at all.

"You like Old Song too."

"When I was young, my family was poor and I heard very few songs. I only heard this one before, but I didn't know its name. Hearing about it again today makes me feel like I have returned to that era. "

In short, I could tell that Miss Xia likes Old Song, so I picked her up and said that her conditions weren't bad. If sleeping with her can help me settle the 2.5 million problem, then I naturally have to curry favor with her.

"This is where Old Song's charm resides. Listening to him makes me think back to my childhood. Other people would listen to nursery rhymes when they were young, and those are the old songs I listened to when I was young, so many of my peers don't understand why I like old songs so much. It's actually the same as listening to nursery rhymes. "

"Then Miss Xia's childhood must have been worth remembering, right?"

"Yeah, let's not talk about this anymore. Help me order a few songs."

"I'd be happy to."

After Miss Xia gave me the names of a few songs, I asked her to put the pieces on the top. Then I poured her a glass of water and said, "Let's drink a cup of water to moisten our throats first."

Miss Xia's singing was pretty good, and after she finished, everyone was also very supportive of her. Not a single one of the applause and cheers died down.

I poured her a few more glasses of wine while she was happy, and then we talked on and on about the old song.

When it was about to end, Miss Xia went to the washroom. The boss took the opportunity to sit beside me and said, "It seems that she's quite satisfied with you. If you can get her tonight, then you don't have to worry about the money."

"Thank you, boss."

I sincerely thank her. Even if she didn't have the money, I would still be very happy if she only introduced me to such a great beauty.

The boss smiled and said, "Don't thank her so quickly. Let's settle this first." Don't blame me for not reminding you to be careful at night. "

"Alright, I'm not a child anymore. I know about this sort of thing."

I thought the boss was talking about wearing a set, so I hastily nodded my head. I had already prepared this on the way here.

Miss Xia returned very quickly. After a short discussion, the ladies decided to disperse the event since it was getting late.

From the KTV, the women each took a car and left, while I was left behind to send Miss Xia back.

I asked Miss Xia where she lived. She looked at me and smiled. "Let's go to Yiye Lan Hotel."

I had never heard of Yilan Hotel before. At that time, I thought it was a star hotel far away, but when we got there, we found out that it was only a few floors of a certain building.

Logically speaking, with Miss Xia's identity, even if she was not a five-star hotel, she should still be a well-known hotel. It was really a wonder why she came here.