"Here we are. We'll get off the highway immediately." Lin Xuemei recognizes Lin Wanjiang's exhaustion. "Dad, if you're tired, you can take another day! Have a good rest at noon "

" it's OK, it's OK. "Lin Wanjiang's voice was hoarse." I've got time at noon. I don't know when it's going to take another day. I'm very busy recently. You and Wenlong have a good time together at noon. You can get together at noon. You can just get a little call. "

hang up the phone, Lin Xuemei is sad. She knows what her father means Li Wenlong can't come to his side during the Spring Festival. He must go to Baodong county to spend time with Kong Jiayi. This time, in a sense, is a visit to his father-in-law before his son-in-law's day. Although he has no real reputation, Lin Wanjiang still wants to enjoy this rare warmth. Of course, in a sense, it is also for Lin Xuemei, although he is a big boss, he is also a father. As a father, he is going to save face for his daughter. You said that the daughter brought her man back. Can you be a father? What would the daughter think if you didn't show up?

So, even though he knew that there would be a meeting in the afternoon, and even though he knew he needed to have a rest at noon, Lin Wanjiang still held on.

"Boss Lin, I'll give you a little relaxation. You can have a simple rest." seeing Lin Wanjiang's constant frown and rubbing his temple, the secretary took the initiative to gently press Lin Wanjiang up. This massage relaxation technique was learned by him from the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine. Although it is not very exquisite at present, it is already very good. Under his gentle kneading, Lin Wanjiang closes his eyes I fell asleep for a while.

When he woke up again, he found that Li Wenlong and Lin Xuemei were standing beside them, covered with a windbreaker.

"Are you here?" Lin Wanjiang sat up from the sofa.

"Uncle Lin, would you like to go to sleep?" Li Wenlong reached for Lin Wanjiang's arm.

"No, No." Lin Wanjiang waved his hand. "Have you been waiting for a while?"

"Just arrived, just arrived" Li Wenlong casually put on Lin Wanjiang's clothes. "Put them on for a while, just wake up and don't catch cold"

"Dad, would you like to try this dress to fit Lin Xuemei came to help Lin Wanjiang put on the dress.

"What are you buying me clothes for, son?" It is said that Lin Wanjiang is still very happy in his heart. The old man doesn't want anything, but the filial piety of the younger generation.

"This is what Wenlong bought for you." Lin Xuemei helped his father put on his clothes. "You have attended many occasions, and this formal dress is very suitable"

Lin Wanjiang's body is similar to that of Li Wenlong, but he is a little bit fat. When he bought clothes, Li Wenlong measured himself and got a bigger size. He didn't expect that it would really fit him, especially Lin Wan Jiang Ben has a dignified manner. Now when you put on this wool windbreaker, it's not just the temperature that comes up. The key is the demeanor. Some people think that as long as you have a good figure, you can wear the windbreaker to show your bearing. In fact, the key is your own temperament, which is not everyone can have. If you have temperament as a cushion, you can wear it with grace, but without temperament Mat, this dress can only be a warm keeping product on you, it can't show its charm at all. But if you have a certain foundation, it will be different. Just like Lin wanjiang, who is a boss who has been in high position for a long time, he has a kind of momentum that is not angry but powerful. This momentum and this kind of windbreaker are very imposing.

"Well, um, good." although Lin Wanjiang is a man, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know about the clothing market. You know, he didn't find another half these years. He usually takes care of himself. He also has a lot of research on clothes. He can know the value of this dress by touching it. Especially when he touches the collar, he can see that it should be at least Rex rabbit Mao's, touch the inner lining again, and sum it up secretly. This dress is definitely in five figures.

Lin Wanjiang has no shortage of clothes. As long as he says casually, there will be people in any style of clothes: "well, I will pay attention to it." Li Wenlong nods. At this moment, he is a little relaxed, which makes him very depressed. It is not once or twice that he talks with Lin Wanjiang alone. Besides, Lin Xuemei's relationship should not be nervous any more Dan really face-to-face sitting, the heart rate will suddenly accelerate, even he himself can not say why.

"Grassroots work is not easy to do. You had a lot of courage when you could choose there." Lin Wanjiang looked at Li Wenlong with approval. "We should know that the grass-roots level is the foothold of all work. Whether our various policies and measures have been implemented and whether they are well implemented or not, the grassroots people have the most practical feelings. If the implementation is good and fast, the masses will support it; if the implementation is not good or slow, the masses will have a response.

Understanding the actual situation at the grass-roots level, listening to the opinions of the masses, solving problems for the grassroots and doing good things for the masses are the top priority of the grass-roots staff. As a boss and staff member at the grass-roots level, we must step down to investigate the people's situation and solve the people's worries, which is not only conducive to grasping the real situation at the grass-roots level,

making scientific decisions and avoiding detours and wrong paths; at the same time, it is also conducive to grasping the real situation at the grass-roots level We have established relations with the masses, strengthened communication and coordination, and promoted the smooth development and comprehensive implementation of the work. ""Well, I must follow uncle Lin's instruction." Li Wenlong was in front of Lin Wanjiang and continued to serve tea in the water cup. He thought in his heart what way to ask for something for each other? This is thinking. There is a class on the side of linwanjiang.

"Now, there are many boss staff at the lower grass-roots level to take the work, no purpose, walk around the edge, to the grass-roots do not know what to do, how to do; when investigating, only listen to good,

do not listen to the bad, ignore the real situation, deaf; there are only listen to not do, for the actual problems and contradictions, we take a long way away attitude, If they avoid them with various excuses, they can not only understand the real situation of the grass-roots level, solve the actual problems, but also encourage the false and formalism, and damage their image, but affect the normal development of work. So, your primary task is not to think about how to make the knife rich, but to establish your working attitude. Since you go deep into the grass-roots level, you should not only ask for the "body" to go on, but also "psychological" to go on, and really reach the grass-roots level, integrate into the grass-roots level and close to the grass-roots level.

touch the hot, difficult and focal points of the grass-roots level We should be clear, accurate and thorough, and have a good conversation with the grass-roots masses, find out what the grass-roots masses are thinking, looking forward to, what they are anxious for and what they want, reflect the expectations of the masses, and constantly enhance the pertinence of service work.

Of course, the key moment also came to the true move, to the grass-roots most important is to do, the most useful is the actual move. For the situation

we should make accurate analysis and scientific judgment, and put forward reasonable suggestions, be good staff for the grass-roots level and be good assistants. We should think more about ways to adjust industry, build, maintain stability and promote harmony, think more ideas and run more ways, and make the masses get more jobs, make families with difficulties rich and make the living environment beautiful. One thing to remember is that whatever you do, you must take the actual effect as the priority, take the actual effect as the key, do not exaggerate the wind, and take the facts as the priority. Can you understand what I mean by saying these words? " After that, Lin Wanjiang looked at some dazed Li Wenlong.

"Uncle Lin, I......" Li Wenlong was a bit of a bit smug at the moment. He regretted not bringing a recorder. Because what Lin Wanjiang said was too profound. Originally, liwenlong thought that he knew the circle well enough. But today, he found that all the things he knew were children's family. Compared with Lin wanjiang, it was really a witch who saw the great witch, especially just now Lin Wanjiang In the past, liwenlong thought that it would appear on the documents. Unexpectedly, the boss's words in real life were really quite meaningful. It wasn't like what some novels said. The boss's shelf was supported by the full screen secretary. You should know that, to a certain level, the boss has reached the level of "no draft" and "no draft" is reached. Within his own jurisdiction, it is absolutely absolutely necessary to have no draft It is easy to come. Of course, bosses have a very important feature. That is, when facing special professional matters, they will never express their opinions or opinions at will, because they are afraid to be foreign. However, for those under their jurisdiction, it is absolutely possible to make a statement.

But, Lin Wanjiang's statement made liwenlong very difficult: what does the other party want to express? People of his rank, shouldn't just want to give themselves a political lesson, right? That must be profound. The most feared thing to talk to the boss is not to fully understand the boss. So, liwenlong is very confused. What kind of deep meaning does Lin Wanjiang want to express?

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