"Well..." Lin Xuemei wanted to insist on it again. Seeing that Li Wenlong's mind was determined, she could only agree to come down and follow the people invited from the provincial hall to get on the bus and leave.

Dragging his exhausted body, Li Wenlong enters his car. At this time, the mess in the car has been cleaned up by an Baowei and the pillars. Although it is not neat, it is still clean.

"Manager, why don't you come to my house and eat something later?" Xu Fenglei pretended that "you can't do without eating. I'll ask the old lady to cook some noodles for you"

"no, you go back. I want to be quiet by myself." Li Wenlong leaned back on the sofa powerlessly, and his brain recalled the events of these days like a movie. First, Xu Bing brought people to clean up himself. Fortunately, he caught up with Mei Mei Mei's grandfather Come on, it can be regarded as a disaster. But then, the workers were injured and the workers made trouble. Finally, they calmed down that. The millions here were robbed again. They all said that misfortune never rains but blessings do not come together. What's the matter with you? Why such bad luck!

"Wenlong, why don't I go by train this evening and meet me in the provincial capital tomorrow?" When the mobile phone rings, Hanyu calls, all of which are concerned.

"No, we've invited people from the provincial government, and we'll have to solve the case tomorrow." Li Wenlong said weakly, "you're busy with your own business! I can handle it on my side. "

"I just called you 500000 on your card. I used it first in the project, and then told me if it was not enough." Han Yu's words made Li Wenlong feel sad. In times of crisis, these women of his own always help him without complaint or regret.

"Sister Hanyu, I..." Li Wenlong choked and didn't know what to say.

"Well, well, man, how can you still cry?" Hanyu is like her mother comforting her big boy.

"Sister Hanyu, I will call you back as soon as I get the money back," Li said in a hoarse voice.

"It's hundreds of thousands of yuan, what's the big deal," Han Yuman said indifferently. "If you don't like to hear it, even if the money can be recovered, it may not be the full amount. Those people will definitely spend a sum of money after they take it. This money, just plug the hole!"

Hanyu is right. Those who took away this money before are really squandering the money.

"Boss, are you happy?" In the steaming bathroom, one of them looked at the man next to him.

"Cool, I haven't been so cool for a long time." the man squinted contentedly. "It's really a kind of enjoyment. Damn, money is good." looking through the fog, he is a familiar face.

"Boss? Do you want a little bit of excitement? " The first one came up and said, "I heard that he has that kind of service here"

"Oh?" The man was itching, "can something happen?"

"Boss, don't worry. The boss here is very hard. Didn't you see it? This guy is on the opposite side of the police station. How many people have the courage to drive this place to the opposite side of the public security bureau? " "I heard that the boss here is the backstage of the provincial government"

"why don't you try it Obviously, men can't seem to resist the temptation.

They got up and walked out of the pool wrapped in bath towels.

"Is there anything else the two bosses need?" Just out of the door, immediately dressed in Tang Dynasty male waiter welcome, is absolutely a face of respect.

"The third floor" is very obvious, that thief is not the first time to come here, everything is very familiar.

They went up to the third floor and went into a large private room, which was similar to the house with two bedrooms and one living room. The decoration is very good, mainly made of pure natural wood.

"What type do you like, boss?" The peevish man looked to the side.

"That, that..." The people next to him don't often do this kind of thing. At present, they feel like the first one. After listening to his words, they directly say to the waiter, "I want the 18th"

the waiter is already familiar with this and agrees without any hesitation.

Both of them went to the dressing room. As they walked, the cheeky looking man whispered, "boss, our brothers are also very hard, and now there are two missing people. You have to add some, otherwise, I can't explain to the brothers below!"

"No problem, no problem. Isn't it money? The problem that money can solve is not a problem. "This man also knows that these people are not easy to deal with. Although they are respectful to you now, it is because they want to maintain their" perfect image ". Once their requirements are not met, it is time for them to turn their backs.

Entering the dressing room, the two began to dress.

Put on your clothes and grab the mobile phone in your pocket. However, you can't take out the mobile phone when you take it out. At the moment, you turn over the bag you carry with you all the time, or you don't have it. This is the real panic: "here, will the things you put here be stolen?"

"No way," said the cheeky fellow next to him. "People are all serious business. How can they use such a mean method. Besides, no one will pick up your broken cell phone when you throw it on the street. What's more, if you're still in a high-end place like others, it's hard to find such a broken thing. You probably lost it. ""Dropped, dropped." the man kept mumbling, mumbling for a while, cold sweat came down his back. "Will it fall there

"Well, how could there be such a coincidence in the world? I think it's the car. "The thief said casually." it's just a broken cell phone. You're so rich now. Go back to get a new one. I'll tell you, people outside like to use that smart machine. The most important thing is the kind of native gold. Do you know? "

"Don't know" the man shakes his head, the shadow of his mobile phone still lingers in his mind.

"The so-called local tyrants are rich people. After the launch of the 5S and 5C apples, sapphire is said to be on the top of the keys, and the golden yellow has become the most popular color. Of course, the price is also expensive. It is said that it has been fried to 10000 yuan per set. Of course, the local tyrants don't care about the money, so everyone pays attention to it This thing is called "local tyrant gold". To tell the difference between the local tyrant and the ordinary people, the "thievish" guy's eyes are full of endless yearning: "Damn, when can I buy a local tyrant gold?"

"What's the use of that crap, isn't it just making phone calls and texting?" Next to the man for this sniff, the heart is still unable to wave the shadow of his mobile phone, and has formed a shadow.

"That's not the same. Taking it out is a symbol of identity. I think a big boss like you should buy a mobile phone like that. It's so domineering. It's absolutely high-end and high-end. It's very fashionable. The guys who are" peevish "

all talk like this. I really don't know what's wrong with the Chinese people, from polite yamen people to current people The angry country bandits are all crazy about mobile phones. People say that a hundred years ago, Chinese people were lying down smoking opium, and after a hundred years, Chinese people were lying down playing with mobile phones. How similar are their postures? Unconsciously, we have become a terrible habit. The first thing we do in the morning is to touch where the mobile phone is. The last thing we do before going to bed is to play with the mobile phone. It seems that we are isolated from the world without the mobile phone! In fact, today's smart phones, like opium, are eating our passion and soul. The furthest distance in the world is I'm by your side and you're playing with your cell phone.

A hundred years ago, lying down smoking opium, a hundred years later lying down playing mobile phones - the posture is surprisingly similar! People have to ponder carefully whether this is another planned invasion by the great powers, or is it preparing to invade

Why are our people so easy to be shot? A hundred years ago, we are, a hundred years later, it seems that we are still like this. Our resistance is too low

Some time ago, the reports are still fresh in my memory. Foreign countries can detect where our people are and what they do every day, let alone what they read and say on the Internet The status of mobile phones is still gradually improving

Unknowingly, we have become a terrible habit. The first thing we do in the morning is to touch where the mobile phone is, and the last thing we do before going to bed is to play with it!

After all, the mobile phone is only a tool. If we rely too much on a certain tool, it can only show that we can't control our own soul.

If one day, we suddenly can not use the mobile phone, can not use the network, what can we be like? Some people have thought about this problem, but no one has ever paid attention to it. According to visual inspection, today's young children do not release their "mobile phone" or "EPAD"

If one day, we will still be like a hundred years ago, lying shot. Due to the lack of outdoor exercise, lack of basic self-care ability, lack of original blood

If one day, will we regret it?

Recently, I saw a sign in a cafe saying, "we don't have WiFi; talk to the people around you!" It's very emotional! In the future, most of the reasons for people's divorce are mobile phones rather than extramarital affairs Now I have dinner and chat with many friends. The other party is constantly using wechat, voice, screen swiping, absent-minded, and can't help but feel sad. If you watch others playing with your mobile phone, you have to play. Otherwise, the atmosphere is extremely embarrassing. It's the same scene when you come back home. Couples are lazy to communicate and lazy to listen. They are busy playing with their mobile phones. They may not have time for parents and children, or they may not have enough time Filial piety, however, spent a lot of time holding a mobile phone to meditate and giggle.

What's more, it's like a joke about someone playing with his cell phone at home. Suddenly, the doorbell rings. Looking through the cat's eye, he finds a young man who delivers express delivery outside. He even holds a lunch box in his hand. He says, he has not ordered a meal. How can anyone deliver food to himself?

"I didn't make a reservation?" Open the door, the man asked in surprise.

"I'm sorry, it's not your order. It's a blogger who tweets his food every day, knowing that you're a loyal fan. But he can't upload his food on Weibo because of special circumstances, so he specially let me show you the food he ate tonight. Now you see it, I'll take it back to him..." The courier's words made this guy a mess.

I'll show you the food. Then I'll take it back. I'll take it backLooking at the figure of the courier downstairs, the brother can not help feeling a faint sadness

"Or go and buy one?" The man was moved, and he couldn't help itching in his heart.

"That's right. You don't spend so much money, and the money you spend is your own," said the sly eyed man mysteriously. "I have a friend who specializes in flipping mobile phones, or I'll take you to have a look?"

"No, just look for a mall. Isn't it a mobile phone? Where can I buy it differently? " This man is not a fool. He seems to smell a trace of strange breath from the eyes of the thief. He always feels that the other party is setting a trap for himself. However, he is also a fool. His head melon seeds will not be so stupid that he can't be easily deceived by others.

The thief turned his eyes and tried to think of some more ways. But he thought that the big head of the money was not in the moment, but far away in Baodong county. So long as the other party had the handle in his own hands, would it not be like a joke to try to get him some money in the future? Why be in a hurry? In this way, he said, "it's OK. Just look for a mall. There's a big shopping mall not far ahead. There's a mobile phone counter there. Let's go there and have a look at it"

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